The Two

Mikan is a young princess who was betrothed to Natsume, the prince of Fire, at a young age. Now, aged 16, they have to start preparing for their wedding and to live together by 18. Can two of the most royal people learn to get along?

Me: DISCLAIMED! (weeps)

Growing Up

Ever since Princess Mikan was born, she had been set an arranged marriage with a an infant prince named Natsume who was the prince of Fire in the Alice kingdom. Mikan was the princess of the whole of Alice, but they were to wed at the age of 18 and live together in Mikan's palace by 16.

But no one would know how much the two would disagree to like each other. They would soon start a fued, for the first time they met when they turned 5, for that was then they would meet, and hate each other...

When they had both turned 5, they were told by their parents the plan for the two to marry each other. Mikan was the most shocked and locked herself in her room for 2 days, no food, no water, and then she came out because she was hungry and needed a bath. Natsume went and threw darts at pictures of his parents, saying they ruined his life, then, they had to meet for sure.

"Natsume, darling, it's time to go and meet Princess Mikan." his mother explained as he stuck his tongue out rudely and folded his arms. He then walked away with his mother who was sighing, whilst in another part of the kingdom, Queen Yuka Sakura was having problems with his daughter, who had yet again baracaded herself in to stop herself from meeting the young prince.

"Mikan! You have to come out soemtime soon. If you don't, then I'll give the nice prince all your chocolate cake and then he will be happy, and you won't!" her mother cried, black mailing her daughter as Mikan gasped out loud, and ran to her door. She needed to save her precious cake before the stupid prince got to it! Mikan opened her door, and her mother, as quick as lightning, grabbed her arm and pulled her out of her room, and walked with her down the stairs, dragging her daughter down the large staircase as Mikan gasped and struggled, realizing her mother had tricked her.

"No! No! I would rather eat cabbage and your cooking!" Mikan screamed, holding onto the banister as her mother turned, giving her a deathly glare as Mikan paled.

"WHAT!?" she yelled as Mikan shivered, her mom could be so scary... Scarier than her cooking! Her mother couldn't cook for beans! She could even burn salad she was that bad!

"N-Nothing... I just don't wanna see the bratty prince, mommy!" she cried as her mother dragged her by the arm until they were outside, and Mikan had to stand there, clutching her mothers dress skirts as she sniffled and tried not to cry, when a carriage came that contained Queen Hyuuga and Prince Natsume. They came out, and Queen Hyuuga and Yuka curtseyed as Mikan stood behind her mothers dress skirts. Natsume stood there, looking bored.

"Yuka... I missed you! I can't believe this is the day they finally meet, now, where is the pretty little thing?" the woman asked as Yuka smiled and brought Mikan out to show her daughter off. Even as a 5 year old, she was pretty and elegant. She sighed, and curtseyted towards Natsume, her head bowed.

"Hello, your highness." she said, trying to be polite and nice, but Natsume noticed she had a bitter tone in her voice. It wasn't like he wanted to visit, either.

"Whatever, ugly!" he snapped as she stood straight and gasped, glaring at him then running behidn her mother, and huffing. She didn't like Natsume at all, she didn't want to marry the pompous boy! Not at all!

"Mommy!" she cried, but her mother just put a hand to Mikan's head, then smiled towards Natsume who folded his arms grumpily, and turned away. He hated the plan his parents had for him to marry the princess.

"Prince Natsume, we welcome you into our palace! From now on, every summer until you two are 16, you will spend your summers here or my daughter Mikan will go to your palace and spend time there with you so you two can finally get aquainted." Yuka explaiend as Mikan and Natsume stared at her in horror, shaking their heads as Mikan ran to the front and clutched her mothers dress skirts.

"MOM!!! That will ruin everything! He will make sure to be mean!!!" Mikan yelled persistantly as she cried big tears and Natsume went to his mother, glaring at her, folded arms.

"I don't want her touching my stuff!!! She will infect it with idiot germs! And me!" snapped Natsume angrily as the mothers tried to calm their children down and they both sighed, looking at each other while holding their children, because Mikan and Natsume were trying to have a kick fight to see who was best. Yuka stared apologetically like Mrs. Hyuuga did.

"Natsume, this summer you will spend time here with Princess Mikan, then, next summer, Mikan will spend time in our palace and so on... Capiche?" his mother asked, and he pulled away from her roughly, glaring as Mikan stuck her tongue out at him, and he growled, curling his hand into a fist.

He then turned to his mother, who was staring at him curiously.

"Fine... But don't expect me to like her! Now... Where is my room, little brat!?" he snapped as Mikan growled and went to punch him, but she missed and tripped as her eyes widened, and he smirked as she fell and her long skirts flipped up.

"Nice underwear... But I don't go for babyish little girls!" he snapped, "Now, where is my room!?" he yelled, ready to walk away as Mikan screamed and ran after him, jumping on his back and slapping him as he tried to get her off and he punched her arms as she cried and bit his shoulders.

"I am not your maid and I am 5!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAH MOMMY!!!" she screamed as he bit her hand and then they rolled around, getting covered in dirt as Yuka and Nina both sighed, hands in their heads. Their children would make a handsome couple and have beautiful children, but... They would never get along. Was their arranged marriage right?

"I HATE YOU, UGLY!!" Natsume yelled as Mikan screamed when he pulled her pigtails. They hoped they would get along... One day. But... When would that be?...

That summer, Natsume stayed at Mikan's palace and they fought like cat and dog. As they sat at the dinner table, Mikan threw peas at him and he growled, throwing his mashed potato as she gasped when it fell from her chestnut locks, and she whined.

"M-Mommy!!!" she wailed, and her mother looked up, and sighed, not again. Natsume kicked her under the table, and Mikan squealed, what a baby, he thought to himself. He really hated her. Then Mikan threw her whole plate of food towards him, but he ducked, and the plate smashed against the wall.

"Mikan!!! How dare you! Go to your room!" she snapped, and Mikan gasped, mashed potato still dripping from her hair as Natsume smirked and pulled a face.

"B-But... He was being mean!" she cried, and her mother glared at her as Natsume grinned, and Mikan was sent to her room, her mother pointing, so she walked away. But as she was walking past, Natsume threw his water over her and she screamed because she was all wet and he was beaming like the devil.

"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" she screamed loudly, and ran to her room, holding her skirts in her hands as Natsume watched her. Yuka sighed. Why were they playing up all the time? She shrugged, and started to eat again. Natsume did the same, smug because he had succeeded. But Mikan would get him back...

A few years later, when they were both 10 years old, Mikan went over to his for the summer, yet again like the other years before, she dreaded it more than anything. He dreaded it, also, and they wanted to just spend their summers alone, but they had no choice in the matter. Once Mikan was off the boat, though, Natsume threw a rotten Tomatoe her way and she gasped, wiping it off her face and growling as he laughed along with his friend, Ruka, the stable boy.

"Eurgh... Pigs." she whispered to herself as she walked away from the laughing boys, while she held her skirts, trying to look graceful as tomatoe stained her face and clothes and bits were still in her hair. She thought it was disgusting. He was supposed to be a gentleman!

When she stayed there, Mikan had trouble co-operating with the two mischevious boys. Ruka was alot nicer than Natsume by far, but she still didn't like him. They wouldn't let her play their games with them or let her in their dens. They were stubborn and she would huff.

"Hey! Let me in!" she cried as she tried to climb the tree into their secret tree house, and they grinned, blowing large raspberries as she glared at them both, and folded her arms.

"This isn't fair,
They kick and pull at my hair!
Why is he so conceited!?" -

"Why is she so outrageus!?
I can't stand her, she's a pain!
Can't she leave me alone!?" -

"I wanna go... Home!
I think he's annoying.
So weird and so mean!
I wanna play their games, they leave me out.
I wanna beat him in his little games!"
- Mikan

"She's so weird and loud,
She acts quite proud!
I threw a tomatoe, that was so fun!
It hit her in the face!
She is such a loser, bleurgh!" -

"I hate that thing!" - Both

Mikan then huffed and walked off as Natsume and Ruka laughed harshly, only to realize Mikan had come back with a fotball and aimed it at the tree house, and it fell down as they cried and she smirked, leaving them with broken arms and legs, and she was unharmed. Natsume growled as he glared at her whilst she walked away.

" This is so fun!" - Mikan

More years passed, and they were both 15 years old and Natsume was coming to visit Mikan, this time, again, and he was dreading it more. He had a picture of Mikan on his wall which he threw darts and arrows at whenever he felt angry or miserable. It always seemed to ease him.

"I have to go back to ugly's castle!?" he snapped as his mother sighed and shoved him inside the carriage, which took them to Mikan's castle as she sat in her room, rolling her eyes. Yret again, the door was locked and her mother threatened to bomb the door down. Mikan was unfazed.

"I don't want to meet him!" she yelled as her mother huffed, and walked away. She knew her mother would be back, so, Mikan walked towards the window and went down it, forgetting to make an escape rope and she slipped from her balcony. It was the second day Natsume had been there, and he saw her falling. He knew she was struggling and she was gasping as she tried not to fall.

She didn't really want to die, she had forgotten the escape rope again, she thought, and mentally hit herself, when... She slipped.

"AAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEE!" she yelled, falling, waiting for the ground to get her and kill her, but she landed on something soft, and she opened her toghtly closed eyes, and gasped, to see she was in the arms of Natsume, her enemy, who was smirking.

"You should really try an escape rope... Polka-Dots!" he teased, and let her down as she screamed, yet again, he saw her underwear! She yelled and blushed red, running after him with a stick and trying to hit him as he laughed whilst her mother watched, smiling. They were getting along fine...

"You're a pain! I can't wait until you leave and never return!" Mikan snapped angrily as Natsume growled and was ready to throw an arrow at her because he was practicing his archery, whilst she was pestering and annoying him.

"Neither can I... But you do know our parents want us to live together by next year after we turn 16? And then they'll be preparing for a wedding I won't be attending!" he snapped as Mikan folded her arms, angrily as she sat on a bench.

"How dreadful! Well, I'll play the runaway bride and stand you up!" she snapped as he glared at her, and his bow hit a tree by accident, missing the target completely. She distracted him with her irritating voice and horrible clumsyness.

"No, you'll be the one to be stood up! It would be hilarious! A handsome prince jilting the ugly toad bride on her wedding day!" he grinned as she glared at him, and kicked a bucket of water that was nearby into the rose bushes, and stomped towards him.

"How dare you! I am the princess of Alice and I will NOT tolerate your disgusting attitude!" she snapped as he smirked, and stepped closer to her, he was by half taller than she was, and he towered the petite princess.

"Your not the only one, polka-dots." he hissed, and left as she glared after him, then picked up the bucket, and threw it at his head.

She hit him in the back, and he turned, to glare at her as her eyes widened and she started to run as fast as she could while he ran after her, angrily as she screamed and lifted her skirts to run faster, leaving her heels on the ground because they stopped her from running fast.

Mikan ran into the woods and tried to hide, but he caught her and put a hand over her mouth as he stood behind the princess and she shivered at bhis touch. Her heart though, seemed to be beating fast.

"Remember, little girl... I can hurt you. You're lucky today I will let you off... But I hate you. I despise your guts!" he hissed, then pushed her onto the ground, and walked off as she watched him, and sniffed. Her feet were bleeding because she had been running on sharp stones, which she had payed no attention to, and she whimpered as she clutched her feet.

Natsume, from a small distance, heard her whimper. He felt a flutter in his heart. He had been feeling that for a while, now, as they had grown up. Whenever he was around Mikan, he felt that, and he hated seeing her flirting with other guys at dinner parties. He sometimes wanted to burn them. He walked back to her.

"You baby..." he whispered, because she was crying, and he picked her up swiftly, bridal style as she gasped, and he carried her out of the dark woods as she had her arms wrapped around his neck.

"You know... I don't despise you, polka-dots... But don't think I like you, okay! I don't like you, and never will. You're too annoying." he said quickly as she stared up at him, nodding, then wiping her eyes and giving him her smallest smile.

"I hate you too, but... You can be sweet, sometimes... You always seem to save me when I'm falling." she said, referring to times when he stopped her from danger, like when she had fallen, and in the past, he helped her to keep away from dangerous horses and other things. He thought she hadn't noticed.

She had.

"I guess a pompous prat like you has a few good qualities." she whispered gently as he glared at her, then smirked.

"I'm a prince, Prince Natsume... All my qualities are good. You have a few yourself... And your taste in underwear isn't one of them!" he grinned as she gasped, but didn't feel like hitting him. She just smiled, and sighed.

"Okay, mr. Prat... You perv." she mumbled...


Finished! Please, hope you enjoyed! I tried to make it as long as possible! Plus, I was watching too much Swan Princess mwahahahahaha PLEASE REVIEW IF YOU WANT TO!!!

Love Kelly!