A red kitten Part 1.
Tala groans. He turns around and sways his tail angrily. It has bin two months since Kai's children where born and so it has bin seven months, SEVEN, that he is already walking this earth like a cute KITTEN. A red, extremely cute kitten that gets every body's attention and likes it that way, but still… HE IS A KITTEN.
He sighs, as far as a kitten can do that, and he jumps of the couch. They are still staying in Japan, because Kai was claiming he, Tala, had to take care of him, Kai. How on earth Tala is going to do that while he is a kitten, A KITTEN HE IS TELLING YOU, he doesn't know.
"Bryan." This red and extremely cute kitten yells. Bryan looks up from the table, towards the kitten. "What do you want Red?" He says, chuckling when Tala doesn't react so well on his new nickname.
"Don't mock me Bryan!" Tala hisses, running as fast as his little legs would carry him, towards Bryan and setting his nails in Bryan's skin. His legs are bare, and now they are covert in scratches. Bryan hisses and grabs Tala by his neck. He lifts the kitten up on the table and glares at him.
"Was that really necessary?" He asks with a growl. Tala glares back and then he smack, or tries to smack, Bryan with his small paw. Bryan grabs the paw in midair and shakes his head. "Tala, if you want something, you can also ask you know?" He says, earning another glare from Tala.
"I want milk." Tala says, pouting suddenly. Bryan sighs and makes a move to get up. But Tala's yelp stops him. Bryan turns his head towards Tala again and cocks an eyebrow. "What's wrong Tala?"
Tala is staring at something with his eyes as big as saucers. If he was still human, he would've pointed at the very thing he was staring at. But now he can't point, for he has no fingers to point with.
Bryan follows Tala's gaze and find out that Tala is looking straight at…a smirking Kai.
Bryan rolls his eyes and nods friendly towards Kai. Kai nods back and walks into the room.
"What are you doing here?" Tala asks, his mock-shock-state leaving him immediately. "I thought you would never leave your house again, because you want to spend every moment with you kids and your beloved husband!" He says yells almost.
Kai rolls his eyes at the rambling from the red kitten. "I came here because Tyson and I are planning out wedding. We finally decided the right date, and all that's left to do it plan the party." Kai says. "And you're helping me with planning." He adds, smirking again.
Tala gulps and back away. "So that's what you meant when you said I had to take care of you." Kai nods and sits down, his eyes directly focused on Tala.
Bryan walks back from the fridge and puts a saucer down in front of Tala. It's filled with precious white milk. Tala looks to Kai, then to Bryan and finally towards the saucer. He leans down and stars to leap up the milk.
Kai chuckles and shakes his head. "Do you even know how cute you look right now Tala?" Kai asks. Tala looks up, his fur around his mouth dropping with milk. Bryan grins and grabs a tissue to clean Tala up.
Tala growls a little and shakes his head in an attempt to free himself. Bryan lifts Tala up and puts him on his lap. He looks at Kai and winks. "Kai, Tala is always cute. Did you know that already?" He says.
Kai smirks back and plays along. "Of course I knew. I just didn't think he could be any cuter, you know?" He then places a finger underneath Tala's chin and he pets Tala. Tala starts to purr loudly, totally forgetting that this is Kai we are talking about.
Bryan starts to get jealous. 'He never lets me pet him there!' He thinks with a frowns on his face. Kai notices this and removers his finger, gesturing to Bryan that he should place his finger there. (Does this sound naughty to you? Anybody?)
Bryan pets Tala on the same spot Kai had been petting the kitten and soon the kitten is purring even louder. Kai cocks and eye brow and gets up, he tells Bryan quietly that he is coming back tomorrow and then he takes his leave.
Bryan continues to pet Tala.
Tala is now comfortably sleeping on the couch again. Since he is a kitten, he does nothing more then lazing around and eating sometimes. It's almost like he is a real cat! (And I can know it, I have one at home!)
Bryan, Ian and Spencer look at him and sigh together. "You know. I want him to turn normal again." Ian says. The other two boys look at him. "And why is that?" Spencer asks.
"Well…We could use some good training, and we need him in our next tournament. And… well…I miss the way he normally was. Now he's all grudge and moody but at the same time he is just so cute… I don't have any ideas what to think of him." Ian sighs and yawns. Spencer nods.
"If somebody would hurry up and tell Tala that he loves him or something." The big blonde says. Bryan immediately freezes. 'He isn't talking about me right? Does he know that I love Tala? No he can't know…He can't!' he yells to himself in his head. 'There is no way that Spencer can know.'
But Spencer knows. And so does Ian. They both know. And they want Bryan to hurry up. 'Bryan, don't be a chicken who is too much of a goose and doesn't know the right time to duck.' Ian thinks. 'Hurry up already Bryan.' Spencer thinks, getting annoyed with the time it takes the lilac to confess.
(About the: Bryan don't be a chicken who is to much of a goose and doesn't know the right time to duck...I was trying to put as much animal in one sentence...)
(No...I'm not on crack)
Ian and Spencer both turn around at the same time, both thinking the same and the same time and both walking away to their room, at the same time.
'We've got to help them.'
Bryan is left standing in the room, having an inner conflict with himself. 'Tell Tale.' Is one of his inner sides telling him. 'Tell him and everything will be alright.' He shakes his head. 'But if I tell him and he doesn't like me back… what can happed!' Then he starts to think of the worse scenarios.
Like he tells Tala and Tala turns into a crazy- I-will-kill-you-and-everyone-who-ever-dares-to-love-me-cat.
Bryan shudders and looks at his bare legs, where you still can see the scratches a certain kitten, a KITTEN, made.
He sighs and looks over to the kitten he was thinking about. 'I can't help myself. I just love you Tala.' He shakes his head. 'If I ever find the courage to speak those words out loud.' He smiles sadly and sits down next to Tala, who continues sleeping.
He reaches out and pets Tala's small head with his, now seems extremely, big hand. Tala purrs in his sleep and then he wakes up, lazingly opening one eye. He stretches and yawns. Then he looks up to Bryan, who is lost in thoughts.
"Bryan?" Tala asks, frowning a little. Bryan looks down and smiles, trying to tell Tala know the he is alright. Tala gets up and jumps right onto Bryan's lap. Bryan blinks as Tala puts his paws onto his chest and looks up.
"Bryan? Is something wrong?" He asks, looking even cuter than ever. Bryan swallows nervously and shakes his head. "I'm okay Tala, go back to sleep." He says. "But Bryan… I want to make you feel better." Tala says with a pout. Bryan grins and pets Tala's head.
"I…I'm just not in a good mood I think." Bryan says with a sigh. Tala cocks his head to one side. "And you are sure I can't do anything to make you feel better?" He asks with an innocent face. Bryan frowns and shakes his head. "No you can't." He says.
"Oh…" Tala nods and then he puts his paws on Bryan's crotch. Bryan gasps and glares down at the kitten. Tala turns his 'innocent' face towards Bryan and smiles. (Ever imagined how a cat can smile?)
"You're right Bryan. I'm not a human now. I can't smack your butt and tell you how nice and firm it is. But it is nice and firm by the way." Tala sighs. Bryan blinks and glances down over his shoulder to his butt. He feels his face heath up and he quickly looks back at Tala again.
"And I can't even sucks you of or give you a hand job." Tala sighs again and shakes his head. "So… you're right…I can't make you feel better." Tala hops of Bryan's lap, onto the ground. Bryan blinks at Tala's wagging tail.
"But I can sleep with you." Tala suddenly says and Bryan's heart misses a few beats. "I can sleep on the pillow." Tala says, turning towards the bedroom doors. Bryan releases the breath he was holding and nods. "Fine Tala, you can do that." He says, making Tala extremely happy, and extremely cute.
"Let's go then. I like you pillow, it's nice and fluffy. Why don't I have a pillow like that?"
"I bought it myself. It isn't from this hotel…Wait, how do you know that my pillow is nice and fluffy?"
"Let's just say I slept on it when you were training with Spencer."
Akaatje: Aaah, A fresh chapter of a fresh story that's a fresh sequel to (gets smacks by Kai for saying so many times 'fresh)
(Kai runs away)
(Akaatje follows him)
Tala: Maw?
Tala: MAW!
Akaatje (while running after Kai) READ, REVIEW AND WAIT FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER!