Short, Riff/Cain fluff. No, no, nothing physical, sorry. It's all the emotional connection, haha. Hope you enjoy!

It wasn't that he couldn't manage and order the hundred servants in his employ, because he obviously had the rightful authority and supremacy over the Hargreaves's household.

But Riff had more patience and integrity to for the supervision.

It wasn't that he didn't have the smarts and organization skills to take care and pay for his bills concerning the household and the contents within (especially his… shall we say, collection).

But Riff had the tolerance and tidiness to keep the charges in line, no matter how much is tossed around for reasonable and unreasonable purchases.

It wasn't that he couldn't make his own tea, for he did have a maid show him how to do so when he was younger (ignoring the idea that a small fire the followed after).

But when Riff makes it, there's just the right strength followed by a pleasant scent which can't come from any other servant that, for once, does not make him ill.

It wasn't that he couldn't tie his own shoes or dress himself because during his troubled childhood, he had to learn how to tend himself.

But there's a certain comfort that surrounds him when Riff buttons up his shirt, flattening it around his slim body, and as he tightened his laces, making sure his shoes stayed on until Riff untied them at the end of the day.

Simply put, it wasn't that Cain C. Hargreaves could not learn how to care for himself.

But with Riff at his side, Cain had the confidence of being able to rely on someone not just for physical work, but also to keep him in check and understand him in a way that nobody else could.

Because, in the end of it, Riff wouldn't do all of this for anyone, but Master Cain.