
The final battle between the Supreme Firelord and The legendary Avatar had loomed over everybody's mind as the time grew closer. The fate of the world rested in the hands of a 12 year old boy. But fate had been kind to him. He was lucky to have the guidance of his best friends. Katara, his waterbending master. She was the very heart of their group. Without her, they probably would never have gotten this far. Toph was his earthbending master. She was the muscle of the team. Although she could be very lazy at times, but when a crisis presented itself, she was the first one ready to fight and defend her friends. Sokka, the very definition of amusing. Sometimes his jokes were at the wrong time, and sometimes they were totally inappropriate, but his sarcasm made you smile, especially when he was the unsuspecting victim. And when Toph joined their group, sarcasm was second nature to her, and Sokka seemed to always be her target. It made travelling the globe interesting.

Iroh had chosen to go against his nation, to betray all he had once held dear, to help the Avatar. He helped Aang learn the basic forms all the way through the advanced ones with incredible patience. He was even able to help Aang overcame his fear of firebending and to forgive himself for things he had done before with fire. His wisdom was invaluable. His nephew, however, was harder to come around. He was always very troubled. It was difficult for him to accept that the young boy he was travelling with was going to be the end of his father. It wasn't until the end of their journey that he started to come around. But Sokka did not trust him. It wasn't until Sokka had almost been burnt to a crisp, and it was Zuko that saved him, did he actually trust him.

Two weeks before the eclipse, the band of heroes went to every available Earth Kingdom town to gather its warriors for the invasion. It was to their great surprise to meet up with Haru and his group of rebels trying to reclaim Ba Sing Se, and even more stunning when they found none other than Mai and Ty Lee with them. Appearently Azula had no use for them after she took Ba Sing Se, and thought that she had killed the Avatar. When she had found Mai and Zuko flirting, She had Mai and Ty Lee, for suspected contribution, arrested under treason. That night, Zuko busted Iroh out of prison and they ran. Mai and Ty Lee were being transported across the earth kingdom when they managed their escape. They ran until they found the first settlement-Haru's hometown. At first everyone was suspicious of their every action, but they soon began to trust them. And, appearently, Haru and Ty Lee had fallen for each other. When Aang and his group met up with him, they were practically inseparable. It was then that Aang, Katara, Sokka, and Toph were able to see these girls for the women they really were, not Azula's cronies. Ty Lee was just a happy-go-lucky kind of person. She found joy in every little thing possible. And in this village she was able to be herself, and not have to worry about what nation she was affiliated with. It was just the way things should be.

There was also a change in Mai, too, but you had to really know her to be able to detect it. There seemed to be a huge burden lifted from her shoulders, the pressure of not having to worry about the war, or Azula. She could be at some kind of peace. And when she was with Zuko, she was a totally different person. No, she didn't suddenly turn into a giggly gossip, but she talked with more freedom. There was no depressing tone when she was with Zuko. She actually seemed happy with him.

On the day of the invasion, they had assembled a decent sized army. With troops and boats from the Water Tribes, and 200 soldiers from Earth Kingdom towns, they were ready. At least, that's what they thought. Everything had been prepared and calculated. Everyone knew what they had to do. Everyone was ready. But it seemed that Fate did not favor the prepared this day. Many had wondered why and how Fate could be so cruel, but anybody who would have paid attention to the detail of the date would have realized the connection that seemed to spell out doom. But, many weren't that lucky in connection. And many wondered how Fate could be so cruel on this day, the day of Black Sun.

A/N: This is my first attempt ever at putting up a fanfic, so please, bear with me. This idea popped into my head a while a go, so I have decided to act upon it. As you may see, I am going to recap the final batlle before I get into the story, so you won't be lost: ) Reviews are HIGHLY appreciated!