Me: Well. It seems that this is the last chapter. Heh. Don't worry. By now, I'll probably come up with another sequel, right? I mean…we can't leave everyone hanging. Don't own Yugioh

You Will Fly

2 years passed

Megan ran along the roadside, smiling as she jumped up and down, happily. She was supposed to meet Haku at the dock. She grinned. Yep. They were back together.

It had felt like eternity since Jon's death. There had been a funeral for him, but not many attended. In fact, it was but Megan and Minami. The others were just the helpers for the preparations. When Jon's body was put into the ground, Megan stood by the grave, a flower in hand.

"Jon…" She swallowed. "Before, you had a pure heart. Things… such as evil tainted it. You had a choice: Change, or fail. You have failed Jon. But…" She looked into the sky. "I…don't think it was all your fault. Wherever you are…" Megan gave a deep sigh. "Well…Goodbye, Jon." And with that, she had placed the flower on the grave. Clouds thundered quietly, rain droplets pouring from the skies.

Megan sighed, now walking. It…really didn't seem fair. All because of Keith…his son turned out bad. But all that would pass. She had to look forward and to the future. She laughed happily as she saw Haku standing on the dock. He smiled warmly. He had gotten taller and was beating Megan by five inches. She smiled, walking up to him.

"So, you wanted to meet me here?"

"Yeah," Haku sighed happily. "This is the place where we always meet to talk, right?" Megan nodded. Sighing, Haku looked towards the sea. "Megan. We'll be going off to college soon, huh?"

Megan nodded. "Yeah. I'll miss you a lot."

Haku nodded also. "It's ok. Knowing you, you'll be contacting me everyday."

Megan giggled. Haku's smile slowly turned to a frown. "I saw you at…Jon's grave." He shook his head. "It's all my fault…"

"Haku-kun. No it's not. Jon brought it upon himself. You are not to blame yourself." Haku swallowed, nodding.

"I guess." He smiled warmly, kissing Megan's cheek. They both grinned as they watched the ocean peacefully rise and fall, the sun meeting it on the other side.


Marik yawned lazily as he watched TV. He sighed, there was nothing on. Standing up, he stretched, and was about to walk out when he noticed something. The picture of Megan, Anzu and himself was on top of the TV. He smiled warmly, picking up the picture.

"You're really going to miss her, huh?" Anzu said as she walked up behind Marik.


"Well, you won't be too lonely now."

Marik raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

Anzu giggled. "Let's say… a replacement is on the way, huh?"

Marik's eyes widened and he looked to Anzu. She laughed at his expression, nodding. "That's right, I'm pregnant again. You got a problem with that, Mr. Sex Machine?"

Marik sighed, rubbing his head. "I guess that's partially my fault…"

Anzu wrapped her arms around Marik's neck lightly, smiling. "Gee, I wonder." She giggled as Marik kissed her on her cheek. "We've been through a lot, you know. I hope the next one will be just as fun."

Marik laughed. "Heh. We'll just have to wait and see."


Me: Hm. Might make a sequel…might not. I don't know. Don't have many ideas. I shall consult the voice in my head tonight and we shall see.