
Summary: After his final shadow game with the pharaoh Yami (Bakura) is somehow changed into an infant. Bakura refuses to let them do away with Yami and declares himself the babies guardian.

Right. Um… I use different names for the characters so here's a list

Yami Bakura-Yami

Ryo Bakura-Well, Erika calls him Ryou, Yami calls him 'Wyou' (story name) amd everyone else calls him 'Bakura'

Yami Yugi-Atem (normally I use pharaoh but this time Its Atem)

Marik Ishtar-Marik Ishtar

The crazier Marik(--)-Malik

Yugi's grandpa-Yugi and Atem call him 'Grandpa' Yami calls him 'Gwampa' and everyone else calls him Mr. Motou

I know it would be easier if I used the names everyone else uses but to bad. Anyone else has the English names cuzz those are easier to spell.

Chapter 1

Everyone stared in awe at the little baby asleep on the floor. Shadi walked up and inspected it "I do not think this was a planed part of his penalty game" He said finally "The rules were the spirit who lost the game would die. It must be because of the fraction of Zorc inside of him, it is no longer there so it obviously protected him, but it had an unforeseen effect as well"

He formed a ball of energy in his hand. The baby woke up and started crying. Bakura watched from the small crowd, amazed that the small fragile infant that was about to be killed had once struck so much fear in him. Killed…

Shadi took several steps back and pointed the energy at the baby "He must be eliminated before he can grow older and once again reek havoc"

"STOP!" Bakura ran in-between Shadi and the small child "please… stop…"

The energy in Shadi's hand vanished and he stared at Bakura in confusion. "This is the demon that harmed all your friends" Bakura bent over and picked the small baby up, the crying stopped as the baby snuggled into Bakura's soft cradle "The demon that tormented you" Bakura tickled the baby and it giggled and opened it's eyes "The demon that-"

"Hey Yami" Bakura cooed. The baby reached up and grabbed a lock of Bakura's hair

Bakura looked up at Shadi and glared "He's a baby, you can't kill him!" He looked back down at Yami "Are you okay?"

"He's the spirit of the millennium ring. He will reek havoc on the world once again if-"

"No he wont" Bakura smiled as Yami snuggled into his chest "I know he won't"

"He must be destroyed" Shadi insisted

Bakura shook his head, making Yami clap in excitement "NO! He won't be hurt!" Bakura help Yami close to him. The baby giggled and grabbed onto Bakura's shirt "I won't let you hurt him…" Bakura whispered in a dangerously low voice then looked down at Yami

"Are you okay?" That baby put its head against Bakura's chest "Stay with me, all right? I'll keep you safe"


Bakura climbed into the boat with Yami rapped up in a blanket in his arms. The baby was sleeping now. It drew a smile to Bakura's face to see Yami's content expression.

He went to his own room on the boat where Ishizu had been kind enough to supply him with everything he'd need to take care of the baby during their trip in spite of her obvious disagreement in saving Yami's life.

Bakura took a look at all of the different things. Wondering what he'd just gotten himself into. After several minutes of reading the labels of different things to see what they were for Yami woke up


Bakura bolted over to Yami and picked him up "There, there. It's okay. Don't cry now" almost instantly Yami stopped crying.

After a few minutes of holding the baby Bakura set him back down to get some formula prepared for when Yami got hungry. Yam began to cry again

"Oh, do you want to be held? Is that it?" Bakura picked Yami up and, once again, the baby stopped crying. "Okay then, I'll make you some dinner while holding you"

Yami giggled and snuggled up in Bakura's chest, blowing a raspberry as he did so. Bakura smiled, and got to work.


Atem peeked in on Bakura "Bakura, are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well…" Pharaoh stepped into the room "You've been alone with Yami for several hours, I was getting worried…" he trailed of as he saw that Bakura was feeding Yami out of a bottle

"So far the worst thing he's done is cried" Bakura said softly, more focused on Yami. "He hasn't done anything yet to suggest he's trying to take over the world as a baby"

"I bet he knows a spell to reverse the effects of the penalty game. It's a good thing he doesn't have the ring right now" Bakura rolled his eyes

Yami finished drinking the formula Bakura had fed him with small burp.


Tea watched Yugi's trap card decrease Obelisk's attack points "That was really brilliant affecting the field instead"

"I think it's still just using a trap on Obelisk…" Bakura muttered, most of his attention on the sleeping infant bundled up in his arms.

"Oh, Bakura" Tea looked over at him "You do know that Yami doesn't have a family to go to or anything, right? You've saved an evil baby from death so it can slowly starve after being rejected by the world"

"What are you talking about?" Bakura ran his hand over Yami's small cheek "Of course he has a family. He has me, I'm going to care for him"

"You have school, still"

"I'll manage"

"You're sixteen, what do you know about taking care of a life?"

"I take care of myself just fine"

"What about your dad? How will he react?"

"He's never even around"

"I'm not going to be able to talk you out of this am I?"



Atem walked toward the open door leading to the afterlife. "Wait, you can't go" Tea called "We need you…"

Atem looked back at his friends "…"

"Fine" Joey muttered "Go ahead, go change all our lives then just walk out like that"

Atem looked down at the floor

"Joey it's not like that" Yugi said, standing up for Atem

"Yes it is" Atem said coming back over to the group "I'll stay"

Everyone cheered in excitement, and huddled around Atem, with the exception of Bakura who was trying to keep Yami from being smushed

"Uwa… WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" everybody stopped cheering and looked over at Bakura, who was trying to calm Yami down

"Remind me never to have kids…" Atem whispered to Tea "They kill the moment"

Isaya831: Aw… I hate that last scene…

Bakura: rolls eyes you used me to express your opinion of a move made in Yugi and Atem's final duel…

Isaya831: Yeah, but I should have used you to express my opinion of the way all of the characters who were watching the duel kept moving to new places each time it showed them, or that really lame dance you did with Yugi's grandpa…

Yami: O.o I'm a baby?!

Isaya831: Don't change the subject

Yami: You… are going to die… slowly… and painfully…

Isaya831: Big words from someone who doesn't exist

Bakura: Draws tally mark on chalk board One point for Isaya831

Yami: Don't help her! She's the devil incarnation!

Bakura: I don't think she's that bad

Akefia: You obviously haven't seen what she's doing to me in her other fanfic.

Atem: rolls over and dies of laughter

Bakura: What other fanfic?

Isaya831: 'Angel Wings: Ultimate Irony' I'm trying to see how far I can get into this story before I post that one. Hands Bakura a sheet of paper Here's the plot

Bakura: reads paper and looks up at Akefia Have you ever heard of karma? This is one of those examples of you having a lot of it.

Akefia: sets paper on fire

Isaya831: NUTS! That was the plans for everything I was planning to torture you with! I'll have to come up with a new list now!

Atem: Don't worry, I made a copy

Isaya831: YAY! You're my hero! Wait… you're my hero? That can't be right…

Yami: rolls eyes Can I cut off the rest of this author's note thing? It's taking to long

Isaya831: shrugs why not

Yami: to readers review or I'll send you to the shadow realm! (insert evil laughter)