Me:well here's the epilogue.and i say it has a very good ending.

Disclaimer:i do not own yugioh

After about three and a half years later, Yami and Bakura lived a perfect and happy life. But it wasn't always perfect when taking care of three little ones who get themselves into trouble every second of the day. The worst of the three is the one who lives up to his name; Chaos.

He may be blind, but sometimes that wasn't exactly the excuse. Like when he's in the baby crib and he has a pacifier in his mouth, he would spit it out and then cry for it, when it was put back in he spits it out again and repeats it over for hours. Other times he would miraculously find the sugar and spill it all over not just himself but the floor.

Yami thinks that maybe they should've named him something that does not mean anything about chaos, destruction, and dangerous. Bakura says he disagrees, because he was the same as Chaos when he was his age, the oldest child was going to have the same skills as his father. Another thing is that Bakura is called father or dad, Yami is called tata. How that came around no one knows, for it was Chaos who started calling Yami tata.

Yuki likes to get herself into trouble, she likes to steal things and then she would either hide them, throw them in the garbage, or if it's small enough then she'll send it down the toilet. She learned the hard way what's too big to put down the drain and the toilet over flooded, getting her little feet wet.

Akiyoshi is the best behaved one; he's quiet and never moves from the spot when told not to move. But there will be times the littlest child will let curiosity get the better of him. There was a time he got lost and he was in the attic, he would then try to find a way back but he ends up knocking things over and he got stuck between two overturned chairs. Despite their trouble making children, both Yami and Bakura couldn't help but love them.

"You know, I'm glad you accepted the offer from my friends, you know the bet." Yami said, staring at the stars outside the window. Bakura wraps an arm lovingly around Yami's waist, and stares at the stars with him.

"Well it wouldn't have actually started if you haven't forgiven me koi." Bakura said.

"Well that's me, I always forgive, unless if it's someone who hurt my friends or myself." Yami explained.

"But I hurt your friends, and actually tried to kill you many times."

"That was before we got our own bodies, I watched you. I saw that you changed, and as I watched you I found myself loving you." Yami explained.

"You watched me? Now when was that?" Bakura was shocked indeed.

"Whenever I saw you, I even asked Ryou if you've really changed or not. And he says you changed into a person anyone could barely recognize; only your craziness is what hasn't changed." Yami smiled as he heard Bakura whimper.

"I'm not that crazy am I?" Bakura asked, frowning a little bit.

Yami turned over, "No, but I still love you." and then Yami leaned over and kissed his husband, who kissed back. Bakura deepened the kiss, receiving a few moans from his koi. When they pulled away, they looked at each other's eyes, chocolate brown with crimson.

"I love you." Yami whispered, putting his head against Bakura's chest to listen to the other's soft heart beating.

Bakura pulled the other closer, as if protecting him from anything that will cause harm to his koi.

"I love you too."

Me:hehe,i love this story,and im happy to say before this epilogue this story ended with 22 reviews,much more than A Bet For Love,and more than i expected.thank u all who reviewed.

The End

TT (aka Takabi Tenshi)