IM BACK!!!!! sorry i took hmmm about a year to update sorry its not easy being me sometime ha wow that was concited. Well i ohpe you enjoy this chapter and since iv been gone so long i mande this one juicy for Sakura neji fans


Three days later (Neji's Hospital Room)

"Ha ha, your funny" Sakura laughed sarcastically

"I don't see the humor in it Haruno San"

"Oh come on you can't actually expect me to allow you to start training again " The look on his face made it clear that he did expect her to. "Neji!" She shouted. "I just declared you medically able to leave the hospital, You can't train its unsafe you could stress your body out and pass out."

"I appreciate the fact that you saved my life so don't take me wrong when I say 'I will do whatever I want' " He said sternly

"Ok" a joyous smile spread across her face "Then you won't 'take it wrong' when I say I'm not going to discharge you from the hospital for another week." The feeling of victory was evident as the look in her face emanated pride in her victory.

"You know holding a person against their will is wrong."

"Not when the doctor wills you to stay, Your my patient and what I say goes." Sure Sakura was tough and many people respected and feared her, she had a lot of power, and she did love how powerful she felt but the fact that she was able to tell Hyuuga Neji what he could and couldn't do was far more satisfying.

"Sakura" She turned to him. He had a very sly look on his face. "Yes?" she answered hesitantly. "Do you will me to stay for my own supposed safety, or is it that you just have a thing for and can't bear the thought of my leaving." Now he had turned the tables and just to insure his victory. " Mind you Sakura all the other doctors including Tsunade have deemed me more than ready to be discharged."

"Uh uh well" She couldn't even formulate an answer to that. This fact made him very proud. He allowed a smirk to caress his face as Sakura began to walk towards the door. " I have other patients to see" She said mater of factly , as she turned away from him reached for the door.

Then it happened

He wasn't sure what possessed him to say it but whatever it was it clearly wanted to stir up trouble. " You know the view from here is great." She froze dead in her tracks. He couldn't mean the window view because the window was covered with blinds and far enough away that even if the blinds were open he still wouldn't be able to see out the window.

"What did you say Hyuuga San?" She asked hesitantly.

"Nothing" He wasn't sure whether he regretted saying that or not. For the first time in his entire life he actually enjoyed the presences of an annoying female.

"No" She whipped her head around to glare at him. "I heard you, Now tell me why you said that!"

"Sakura, I think you hit your head pretty hard the other day" he said in the most concerned but fake voice. "You're probably hearing things now, So what is it that you claim I said"

Crap! She had two choices and neither were any good. She either agreed she was mental and hearing things or she had to repeat what she heard him say, which also sucked because what if she heard him wrong and then said that. oh it would be disastrous. Then an idea came to her...

She walked over to his bed side and she just stared at him, but not in an annoying sense she stared at him with loving eyes and a great big smile and she continued this for a minute or two until Neji finally spoke up. "Why are you staring at me like that?"

"What" She said trying to pretend to be shocked "Oh sorry I guess I was complete enchanted by you" She had him now.

She was up to something he knew it. He could just end this now by not caring or he could play along. However by playing along he would be 'Flirting' with her. He was Hyuuga Neji He didn't flirt. But once again the unseen force overtook him.

He sat up on his knees and leaned over to her gently took her hand in his and with ease pulled her on to his bed with her. He looked directly into her eyes "I'm sorry I didn't hear you, could you please repeat that."

"Uh Uh" her heart was pounding. Surely he knew that. Why was he doing this. Did he like her? Wait did her like him. She then did all she could do. "I said nothing" she quietly replied. "Oh come on now , I know you said something." He slyly replied, as he started playing with her hair.

What was he doing. What had overcome him, this was so out of character for him. He should be pushing her away like every other stupid girl. By this point Sakura also very out of character looked to him. "Neji? do you like me?"


Neji came back to his 'senses'. "What are you kidding." he snipped at her as he pushed her to the ground. "You're a foolish girl Sakura, I was merely exhibiting side effects to the medication I have been on, but it has worn off, you should know better than to take advantage of a drugged up patient like that."

She wasn't sure whether she should cry or come up with a witty come back.

Tears? No she hadn't cried in years, she wouldn't now especially when Hyuuga was nothing to her. However another witty come back and she would seem like she actually cared so instead she did her job. "Hyuuga-San I have reviewed your chart and I will sign the discharge papers."

What had he done? He regretted it. He finally met the one women he actually liked and he hurt her more than he had ever hurt anyone else. For years Hinata had been shyly telling him not to be rude to every girl because one day he would fall for one. She was right. He finally found the one girl he liked the one girl who had the potential of being his future bride and he lashed out at her. Sure he always had Tenten, but he didn't like her like that.

"Thank you, Haruno-San" he felt dumb saying that. He just yelled at her and she was continually being kind to him. She really was a good person. "Ay your welcome Hyuuga-san, just remember no training for at least another week"

She then walked out of the room went to the front desk and got his discharge papers filed. Her eyes felt like they were burning. She wouldn't cry, she couldn't. She glanced up at the clock he shift was over in 20 minutes. Tsunade told her once that if she really needed and her remaining shift was short, she could leave early. So that's what she did .

The rain outside was pouring. The wind was howling and there wasn't a single person outside. The only light came from a nearby ramen shack. She went in hoping to find her good friend Naruto. Disappointment must be the theme of the day she thought as she walked into to find it empty with the exception of the owner.

"Oh Hello Doctor Haruno! Naruto's not here today, we recently started delivery service and he's taken full advantage of it, he's our best customer." Said the owner.

"Yes" she smiled. "Yes I'm sure he is. Actually I'm pretty hungry myself" She said sweetly.

"Oh, yes of course miss Haruno, for you it's on the house."


She sat quietly and ate her ramen, as recalled the events of her day. Still her heart felt strange, She hadn't felt like this since...since Sasuke. Sasuke broke her heart many times over and over and strangely this felt worse. It made no sense she hardly even knew Neji, and yet she felt as though she loved him. Maybe this is what they mean when they say love at first sight.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sudden appearance of an Anbu. "Haruno San"

"Ay" she looked to him. "The Hokage requests your presents at an emergency meeting."

"Thank you, You're dismissed."

She finished her ramen and with lightening speed ran to Hokage tower.

'Bang bang'

Sakura Knocked on the door to the Hokage's office, on any other circumstances she would have just walked in but she had this sickly feeling that something was wrong, something was different.

"Enter please" She heard the Hokage's voice boom through the door.

Upon entering the first thing she noticed was not the 8 other ninja gathered in the room but it was the look on her sensei's face. She hadn't seen that look since Sasuke betrayed them to join with Orochimaru. The room was filled with tension and also much confusion. She was quickly able to deduce that nobody else knew why they were there but they knew something was seriously wrong.

Slowly Tsunade stood to look toward the Ninja encircling the room. she sighed then began telling them that in which they'd soon wish was just a really bad nightmare from which they would soon awake from.

"As you all well know no so long ago our last and final attempt at bring Sasuke Uchiha back failed. Several of our finest were severely injured. We had assumed that after this attempt he would flee from us. We were horribly mistaken. Now what many of you may not know is that here in Konaha at our humble burial ground we stored a very dangerous scroll. Only the leaders of our most noble families knew of this and they were sworn to secrecy. This scroll however is useless to most because of its unique nature. This scroll is designed to do a few things. The most pressing of its effects are that one it summons a meteor large enough to obliterate all of mankind and two it gives the wielder the power to protect themselves and anyone they choose from the destruction. Ultimately who ever wields the power of this scroll wields the power to rule us or destroy us. "

The room remained silent as they could all tell that this fascinating story was leading to a very bad ending, an ending in which they would wish was a mere lie.

She closed her eyes and began to tell the terrible news. "Unfortunately one of our team members on the mission for Sasuke knew of this scroll. With Sasuke's new powers he was able to tap into the mind of this individual and learn of the scroll. We have no exact time but the time frame was deduced to be between 2 am and 4 am yesterday, during this time Sasuke claimed the scroll."

"Sensei! Why was the scroll not just destroyed?" Sakura shouted with fury lacing every word spilled from her mouth.

"If it was possible we would have done it many years ago. however as I mentioned earlier the scroll is useless except by a select few . This I am sure he has figured out by now, or greatest advantage is that he has no way of knowing who is capable of activating the scroll."

"Tsunade Sama Why was the scroll even created" Everyone turned to lee as they were all wondering the same they just didn't dare ask.

"It was initially created as a good thing. Hundreds of years ago when it was created the greatest of ninja had a dream to created a better world. They wanted to clear the world of all evil. Many years passed and they found the way they learned how to create' The scroll of power' It took the sacrifices of ten of the most powerful ninja. They had hoped that using it they could protect all good and destroy all evil. However with any Great good must also come a great evil. They leader of the project knew this, she knew that the greatest of the dark ninja would come and try to take the scroll for their own purposes. So she enchanted the scroll with a few precautions. One only a pure sole with the power to heal could activate it, and two like in the story of Pandora's box at the end of the destruction an terror there was a hope left in the box. The creator Sakumira Thaisharuno never explained what that meant only that no matter what there was hope in the end, it was as though she knew something bad would come of her creation. We could only assume that the scroll cannot be destroyed because it was created by the sacrifice of the living. The scroll was lost, traded, stolen, and bought by many for many years and nobody could wield it. After time a counsel was created to decide the fate of the scroll as it had come upon us. We decided that is was ultimately no harm for the time being but to be safe I was entrusted with its care. I Knew of Konoha as a very calm city and I figured with the Hokage being here and also a strong Anbu Squad it would be safe so I took it to the crypts of the Hokage's past and it was sealed there . Only a Ninja of great power was supposed to be able to free it from is Chakra infused bindings . Clearly Sasuke was able to do so."

"So If this scroll is so useless to Sasuke then why does this concern us." Naruto...of course

"Because he will eventually find the one he needs and when he does it WILL be the end of us all!" Tsunade looked as though she would kill Naruto for Such an arrogant question. "Do you all understand what I am asking of you?"

They all nodded

"I will not send any of you out for this mission for a few weeks though, we need time to prepare all the supplies you will need, this could after all be a long mission. Also a few of you have just finished healing from the last injuries you have sustained from Sasuke last time we want you fully healed before the next mission."

No one said a word, there were no words to be said. They all knew That this was the most important mission they would ever receive.

It was late that night when Neji finally had cracked. He understood this importance of this mission and although Sakura had forbidden him from training he refused to be cold from lack of training when the mission began.

He trained for what seemed like hours, and every time he felt a twang of pain from his prior injuries he was reminded of Sakura. She put her own health on the line for him and here he was blatantly disregarding her advice.

'Damn it' the though aloud to himself. He could no longer focus on training. The image of her smiling and laughing filled his mind, and then the image of her heart broken face when he wrongly lashed out at her for nothing. If it were not for his insane hearing he would not have heard her over his own raging thoughts.

"Training is against medical advice(AMA) you know ." He looked up to see her she looked completely destroyed. The glow that usually graced her eyes was replaced by a glassy look probably due to the tears she had probably been recently shedding. Her arms were covered in several slight cuts and bruises as were her legs. Either she had been attacked 'not likely' or she had been so upset and training so hard it was causing her great harm.

The storm clouds looming not so high above them finally broke and the blood from Sakura's arms and legs and who know where else began to wash off her body like a flood of blood.

He could tell she didn't mean to come across him she was probably just wandering the woods to find solace and peace, a place to cry alone where no one would see maybe.

"Sakura" he began. He had to Apologize to her even if it made no difference. She and enchanted him body and soul and he needed her like the air he breathed. So even if she would not have him he would at least make things right with her.

"I..I Have to go." she quickly stuttered as she began to turn and walk away.

"Wait." He shouted after her as he reached his hand out to her. "Please wait."

She turned and saw him not any less than two steps behind her. "Yes" she replied as she dropped her head.

She didn't want him to see her so defeated but it was just the worst day ever, and for whatever reason she felt as though she could share everything with him like she didn't need to hide. It was then that she first cried in front of him. It was then that she had let another person see her pain for the first time in so long, and it was then that she knew she needed him like the air she breathed.

He felt his heart shatter when she looked to the ground and began to shed tears. Without any hesitation he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. "It's okay Sakura, everything will be okay I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere" he whispered gently.

She lifted her head and stared into his beautiful steel glowing eyes, as she felt his arm move and his hand gently be placed behind her head.

With touch of their lips the warmth of their kiss melted away all their pain, misery, and all the things that would normally cause great stress. For them right now here in this moment they were the only people in existence.

Ooooooo what will happen next ha sorry for leaving you hanging but there would be no excitment if i just kept going and what would be your insentive to review. ha ha k so this chapter is unbeta'ed because im trying to beta for myself so ya. pretty please review