Prologue- 16 years earlier

"Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Brown. They're both girls!" Dr. Irena Jacobsen said, as the girls were taken off to get cleaned up.

"Oh, Ephram! Girls! Twin girls!" Amy said, tears spilling down her face.

"I know! I know!" Ephram said, tears streaming down his face as well.

Just then, two nurses walked over to Amy's bed; each one of them holding a baby wrapped in a pink blanket. One of the nurses handed a baby to Amy, and the other nurse handed the the other baby to Ephram, who was sitting on the bed next to Amy.

"Oh, Ephram, they're so beautiful," Amy said, looking at her fraternal twin girls.

"I know. And they're so small," Ephram whispered, staring at his daughters. He instantly fell in love with them, and he didn't know he could love someone (or two someones, in this case) this fast and this much. The one he was holding had his soft blue eyes and blonde hair. The daughter Amy was holding had the same eyes but light brown hair.

"Ephram, this one looks like you," Amy said.

"And this one looks like you," Ephram said.

"Gosh, for fratenal twins they look so alike," Amy said.

"Yeah, the only difference is the hair color," Ephram said.

"Your middle name is Rose, missy," Amy said to the bundle in her arms.

"And your middle name is Julia," Ephram said to the bundle in his arms.

Then, Amy turned to Ephram and said, "I've been thinking about the names a lot..." Amy started.

"What? Didn't we already agree on Kristin and Kaitlyn for girls?" Ephram asked.

"Well, I was pretty hesitant on them, and theyr'e not as unique as I'd like them to be," Amy said.

Ephram raised an eyebrow, "Unique? How come the names have to be unique?" Ephram said.

"Because," Amy started, "I want my girls to be their own person and not follow somebody else. Also, I don't want them to think that they have to be the same since they're twins, but I would really like it if their names had some sort of connection," Amy said.

Ephram didn't like the sound of this, "Connection? What do you mean by connection? Oh no, Amy, you don't want to name them June and May, do you?" he asked.

"No," Amy said, rolling her eyes, "I want to name them Summer and Autumn," she said simply.

"Summer and Autumn? Are you serious?" Ephram asked her questioningly.

"Yes, Ephram, I am very serious. They're such beautiful names, Ephram!" Amy said.

"I dunno..." Ephram said hesitantly.

"They even look like a Summer and Autumn. See, the blonde hair and the brown hair?" Amy said.

"But Amy, Summer and Autumn? They're so...different," Ephram said, not being able to find a fit word.

"So? Don't you like different? My name is so common. Do you know how many other Amy's I've met? You've probably never met any other Ephram's, have you?" Amy asked, annoyed.

"Well no but-"

"But nothing, Ephram. Summer and Autumn are beautiful names, and did you forget that I was the one who was in labor for thirteen hours?! I think I should have some say in what we name our daughters," Amy said.

Ephram sighed, "Well, Summer and Autumn are pretty, and they do look like a Summer and Autumn, so I guess it'll just take some time getting used to," he said.

Amy smiled wide and kissed him, "Thank you, Ephram," she said. Then, she looked down at the bundle in her arms, "You, are Autumn Rose Brown, little girl," Amy said, kissing the top of the brunette head.

Ephram looked down at the bundle in his arms, "And you are Summer Julia Brown," he said, kissing the top of the blonde head. He looked at Summer and Autumn, and realized that the names were perfect for his girls. He already loved the names.

"I love you, Ephram," Amy said, smiling.

Ephram leaned in and kissed her, "I love you too, Amy," Ephram said. Amy smiled and cuddled closer to him, as they stared at their beautiful children, who were perfect in every way and would now be the center of their lives.

so...u like it so far? The rest of the story will be told from Summer and Autumn's point of views. thanx, and please review!