A collection of short stories about L, Mello and Near when they were younger.


Memory 01: Brilliant Deduction

"Oni-san!" Lawliet was half way walking to the mail box when Mello started calling him. "Oni-san, I want chocolate!"

"Just let me get the mail and I'll give you some chocolate." There were many children there but the two kids known as Mello and Near were special to L, they were like his little brothers.

"Oni-san, I want chocolate!" Little Mello insisted because, according to him, L was taking way too long.

"Just a minute" L sorted through the mail as if searching for a specific letter.

"Oni-san!" Little Mello pulled on L's pants trying to get his big brother's attention. At that moment a few girls walked by in front of the building. "Oni-san, I want choco-oops"

Taking into account Mello's sudden 'oops', the cold breeze on his legs and the fact that the girls who walked by were now screaming "pervert!", L concluded that Mello must have pulled his pants down.

He looked down to find his jeans around his ankles. His brilliant deduction had been correct.

End of Memory 01

Disclaimer, I do not own Death Note. Oni-san means brother in Japanese.

xoxox xox xoxox

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