I was bored and had writers block for my other stories and the best way to sove wroters block is to let your mind wander. And while I was wondering i cae up with this!! Hope you like!!

"Fang, I'm cold." Angel said through chattering teeth. I looked at her blond hair matted do to the rain that soaked her 10 year old form through her raincoat.

I looked around at Nudge and Gasman, who all looked the same way. Even Total

We were walking through New York to Iggy's house. He had gotten himself an apartment here after we all had found our parents. Well all of us minus Max.

Oh God, Max.

We hadn't seen her in three years, and I was pretty sure that she was dead. But I would never tell the rest of the flock that. They needed hope.

I was so stupid to leave her. It's all my fault.


"No, it's okay go." She said. I could see the tears in her eyes as we stood on my "parents" porch.

"You could stay with me Max. I'm sure Kimberly and James won't mind." I said putting my hand on her cheek to stroke her jawbone as stray tears fell down her soft cheeks.

"You deserve to be with your parents. And I've already found a house down in Florida. It's really great. I'll visit you every chance I get, the rest of the flock too. Trust me, I'll be okay."

I nodded and kissed her one last time and watch her jump off my porch and into the night sky.


If only I knew that that would be the last time I saw, Max. My Max. I had gone to the house , the one she said she had bought in Florida, to find that it was completely destroyed. There was evidence of Erasers all over the place.

"Okay, Ange, we're almost there." I told her taking her hand. When I told the flock about what I saw, they all broke down.

All of us thought it was our fault. We had left her alone. All she did was care about us, keep us alive and we deserted her. Nudge barely spoke anymore, Angel was a little quieter too. Gazzy and Iggy didn't make bombs anymore.

Anyway, we were waiting at a crosswalk to get to Iggy's house, which was right across the street. When I saw this woman.

She had dirty blond hair that surrounded her round face and fell slightly past her shoulders. Her brown eyes hypnotizing beautiful. Her tall figure shivered slightly as the rain soaked through her jacket, as she held text books in her hands, one of which I saw had "Property of NYU" stamped across it. She looked almost exactly likeā€¦..

Angel gasped. She saw her too "Max!"

Nudge's and Gasman's face immediately snapped up and they gasped too.

The woman looked up, and recognition crossed her face. And then the strangest thing happened.

She turned and walked away

Read and Review Loves!!!! And there is more to come!!! By the way before anyone asks, it is indeed Max.