"Is there actually a reason these people are trying to kill you, or does some basic human instinct just take over whenever you're around?" asked Elizabeth Turner, ducking a wild sword cut that would have taken her head off. Sliding her sword over that of her opponent's, she disarmed him in an instant before catching him with a swift kick in the groin. Jack Sparrow winced in sympathy as he clashed swords with an opponent of his own.

"Does it really matter?" asked Jack, offering her a smile before forcing his adversary back with a series of aggressive thrusts.

"Well, it might help me decide whether I should be helping you or helping them," said Liz, groaning as reinforcements appeared from an alleyway. What the guards lacked in skill they were in danger of making up in enthusiasm.

"Back to back," said Jack quickly, swinging his elbow wildly and knocking a random guard's teeth out. "Whatever you do, stay with me."

Placing her back against Jack's, they edged around slowly as the guards advanced. Typical of Jack to land her in this mess. Since they'd met last, her life had been blessedly peaceful. At times, a little dull perhaps, but she had her son, and that was all she needed. That and the fact that each passing day brought her closer to being reunited with her husband.

Always assuming, of course, Jack Sparrow wasn't about to get her killed. Blocking a cut, she immediately countered with a riposte, resisting the urge to move her feet. Footwork was an important part of swordsmanship, as Will had taught her, but Jack had told her to stay with him.

Except she couldn't feel Jack against her anymore. After disarming her opponent she risked looking around and saw Jack retreating off into the night. Typical! Blocking strikes left and right she spun on her heel and followed.

"What happened to staying together?" she asked as she caught up. Jack's unique running style did little to actually improve his speed.

"I had to improvise," said Jack, steering them down an alley. His keen eyes, alert for a means of escape, caught sight of a rope hanging from a nearby building. "To the rooftops!"

Leaping dramatically, he caught the end of the rope and awkwardly climbed up, reaching down to help Elizabeth. Once that was done, he neatly snipped the rope with the tip of his sword, waving cheerfully at the guards below.

"How do you plan to catch me now, eh?"

After only a moment's pause, the captain of the guard stepped forward, neatly drew his pistol, and proceeded to blow a hole in Jack's hat.

"Bugger!" said Jack, catching his hat and charging across the rooftops. Liz sprinted past him and leapt across to a building on the other side.

"This way!" she ordered, not caring if Jack followed. Her son was in this direction, and there was no way she was leaving him behind. She'd have to lose the guards before she got to him though. Diving to the ground, she rolled as she landed, picking a direction to run in at random before ducking into the shadows. From the corner of her eye, she could see the guards running past in pursuit of Jack 'Stealth is not my specialty' Sparrow. Well, whatever was going on was his own fault, and he'd just have to deal with it on his own. She was just going to get her son and get out of here.

The tavern she'd left him at was one of the less seedy in town, and she trusted the owner enough that she'd left her son in his care. Young William Turner the Third hugged her as she arrived back. She felt a little guilty about Jack, but knew he could handle himself. She had responsibilities now; she was all Will had in the world, since his father was Captain of the Dutchman. Will was seven now, almost eight, and already looking forward to the day he would meet his father for the first time.

"Come on, Will, we have to get out of town for awhile."

"Leaving already? And 'ere was I hoping we could catch up a little."

Grimacing, she turned to see Captain Jack Sparrow propped up against the wall, arms folded, composed as if he hadn't been running for his life mere moments ago.

"You haven't changed, Jack. Although the grey in your hair tells me you never found the fountain of youth."

"Heard about that, did you? It's not a very good story. At least, not the way Hector tells it. My version's a bit better," said Jack, pulling his long hair up to his eyes and inspecting it closely for signs of grey.

"Does yours have sea turtles?" asked Liz, sitting down and hoisting Will onto her knee.

"Terrapins specifically," said Jack, signalling the barman.

"Well, the only story I'm interested right now is the one where you explain why those guards were after you."

"Oh, I wouldn't want to concern you with my trifling worries," said Jack, looking content as the barman passed him a mug. "Besides, you're not the only one going to be leaving town. I must make, if not actual haste, then something at least approaching a…"

"Yes, you seem to be rather good at running away," snapped Elizabeth. Jack could have gotten her killed leaving her back exposed like that.

"I'm a merciful man," said Jack cheerfully. "Wouldn't want all those poor men getting hurt just because they have misguided orders to catch Wicked Jack. Aren't you going to introduce me to the little one?"

"Captain Jack Sparrow, meet William Turner the Third. William, meet Captain Jack."

"Are you drunk?" asked Will, looking at Jack keenly.

"Stupid question," said Elizabeth, touching Will's nose with her finger affectionately.

"Has his father's eyes. Cute kid, but he'll never make a mark on the world with a name like Will. Jack, now that's a good piratey name…" Jack trailed off as he noticed a guard entering the establishment. Liz almost laughed as Jack's head tried to retreat into his body. "And now, if we're all done here, I think I shall graciously escort the two of you to the town gates."

"Town gates?" asked Liz, placing Will down on the floor. "Aren't you leaving by ship?"

"Ultimately, but I have some pressing business on land 'fore I take my leave," said Jack, holding his hat in front of his face. He used the hole the pistol had made to try to peek through at the guard.

"Does this have to do with why you were being chased?" asked Liz, tiptoeing after Jack. She placed her hands on Will's shoulders to steer him in the direction she wanted, using the crowd to slip past the guard.

"Yup," said Jack, sidestepping in a manner he probably thought was inconspicuous, but was actually drawing more attention to himself. Just as the guard turned, Jack snuck out the door with Liz and Will close behind. Liz sighed. Her curiosity was getting the better of her.

"Alright, how about you tell me what's going on here?" she asked through the corner of her mouth.

"Ah," said Jack, beaming and putting his arm around her shoulders. "Now therein lies a tale."