The Epilogue. I couldn't help myself, I had to see the renewing of the vows. This is the end for this story, but I'd like to take the characters further witha jump in time. Let me know what you thought of this story and if you'd be interested in seeing the other. Enjoy and Review!!

Lydia looked at herself in the mirror and ran her hands down the icy white satin of the gown. It was the first time she'd worn white and even though it technically didn't count, she felt innocent in it. It wasn't her first choice really, but Delia and Barbara had wanted her to wear white so much that she eventually gave in. Even though the gown was white she still had a large beaded black band that ran across the top of the sleeveless gown and straight down the back flaring out and pooling at the bottom. She had pulled her raven black hair up into a simple twist and curled a few strands around her face. She insisted on doing her makeup herself, against Delia's wishes. She just knew that Delia would want her in something more festive, but Lydia wanted to look like herself. She wore black and gunmetal grey on her eyes and a deep red wine stain on her lips.

"You look beautiful." Barbara said. Lydia turned and smiled to see her standing in the doorway.

"Thank you. I really feel like a bride now." She said and ran her hands nervously down her dress again. Barbara smiled and walked into the room.

"You look like one, except for a few things."

"What's that?" She asked raising an eyebrow. Barbara sat down on the bed and patted the bed. Lydia walked over and sat down next to her. Barbara pulled out two boxes from her the pocket from her dress. She held up a small box in the palm of her hand.

"This was my mother's and I would be honored if you would wear them. I wore them at my wedding." Barbara said. She opened the box and Lydia saw the most beautiful pair of sapphire earrings she'd ever seen in her life.

"Oh Barbara, they're gorgeous." She said and gingerly lifted them out. The sapphires were pear shaped and dropped down from a small silver stud. Barbara smiled as Lydia put them on and turned to look in the mirror. "Thank you so much Barbara."

"Now that you have something borrowed, which also happens to be something blue and something old. You just need something new." Barbara said and gave Lydia the other box. "Beetlejuice wanted me to give this to you." Lydia smiled as she opened the box.

"Oh, it's beautiful." Lydia said as she lifted out a silver chain that held a silver lightening bolt with three perfect diamonds in the center. Barbara took the necklace from her and put it around Lydia's neck.

"Now you're perfect." Barbara said.

"You know it's funny," Lydia said looking in the mirror again.

"I've been married to Beetlejuice for five years and I'm actually nervous and excited at the same time."

"It's understandable. Even though you have been married for that long, you've only been together for mere months." Barbara said. Lydia just nodded and smiled. Barbara placed her hand on Lydia's bare shoulder and gave her a small squeeze. "It's quite a crowd outside." Barbara wished that she and Adam could venture out on the grounds for just the wedding, but they couldn't, not even for a special occasion like this.

"I know. Delia wanted everyone that she'd ever met to be there. You will be able to see from the window right?" Lydia asked turning to look at her. Barbara smiled and nodded.

"We'll be watching every second."


"I better go now, it's almost time." Barbara got up from the bed and gave Lydia one more delicate hug, not wanting to wrinkle the dress.

"We'll see you after the reception has died down." Lydia turned back to the mirror and felt her stomach flutter with butterflies again. She'd been pregnant for almost two months now. She had insisted that they be remarried before she couldn't walk down the aisle. She was amazed at what Delia had been able to pull off. Even though Lydia had fought with Delia over creative control it ended up being a nice mix between tastes. The flowers were dark and rich mixing traditional and exotic. Lydia's bouquet was mixture of Black Jack and Blood Tiger lilies with Black Magic roses.

"Are you ready pumpkin?" Charles asked peaking in the door. Lydia looked over at her father and smiled.

"I'm ready Dad." She said and got up reaching for her bouquet. He proffered his arm for her and she accepted it.

"You look beautiful Pumpkin." He said as the descended down the stairs.

"Thank you Dad, you look very handsome." Delia and Beetlejuice argued over the tuxedos. He wanted at least some pinstriping, but Delia had insisted that they should be plain black. Lydia threw her hands up and refused to get involved. In the end they decided that a shadow stripe would be fine. Charles was dressed almost head to toe in black, the shadow stripe on the jacket and pants and the herringbone design on the vest gave a hint of texture to the suit. A Black Jack lily sitting elegantly on his lapel. He blushed and patted her hand.

Lydia took a deep breath and held it when the walked outside. It was twilight, the sky blending pinks, purples and blues reaching up, the stars beginning to show. Lydia spotted Beetlejuice at the end of aisle and focused. There were hundreds of people crowded into the yard, most of whom Lydia had never seen before. When the music started Lydia braced herself and squeezed her father's arm.

"It's all right Pumpkin, just ignore everyone." He whispered to her. She nodded and they began to walk down the aisle. Lydia spotted Delia holding Kiera in the front and smiled. Kiera giggled and waved to her mother. She was dressed in a tiny white dress with black trim that mimicked Lydia's own gown.

When Beetlejuice saw Lydia walking down the aisle and didn't see anything else. She was radiant as she walked down with her father. He realized that these months with Lydia had been some of the best he'd ever had. He'd changed so much and didn't really realize it until he was shopping and arguing with Delia over what color looked the best. He'd had a slight panic attack after that and wondered if he was doing the right thing, then he looked over at Lydia who had been playing with Kiera outside of the store and knew he was. Lydia told him she loved him as he was, scary ghost and all.

It all seemed to happen so fast, but not fast enough as Lydia reached him and they began the ceremony. It was really just for Lydia, he really didn't care that much. He wanted to see Lydia in a real wedding dress, holding flowers. He wanted her to know that she was important enough to have a day just for her and he wanted to be the one to give it to her.

"Do you take this woman to be your lawful wife? To have and to hold? For richer or poorer? In sickness and in health? Till death do you part?" The minister asked Beetlejuice forcing him away from his thoughts. He smiled and gave a wink at Lydia.

"Yeah, I do." He said more relaxed than he felt. He slid the ring on her finger, against the ring he'd given her five years before. The minister nodded and turned to Lydia asking the same question. She smiled and looked at Beetlejuice.

"Until death and beyond." She said and Beetlejuice found himself relaxing not even realizing that he'd tensed up. He felt the cold metal slide on his finger, but continued to stare at Lydia.

"By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss your bride." He said. There was a roar from the crowd, but neither of them heard it. Beetlejuice put his hands gently around her waist and pulled her into a soft kiss.

Lydia felt wonderful when she was in Beetlejuice's arms. She tugged on his sleeve and pointed up. When he turned he saw Adam and Barbara looking out through the window and they waved before the crowd came upon them to offer their congratulations and they were swept away.

Lydia held a drowsy Kiera on her hip as she walked around thanking everyone. Charles came up and held out his hands.

"It's time for you to dance with your husband Pumpkin, let me take Kiera up to Adam and Barbara to watch her or she's going to start drooling on your shoulder." He said. Lydia laughed and handed her daughter over to him. Beetlejuice took her hand and lead her out to the dance floor. Lydia heard the first few bars of the song and smiled.

"That's fitting I think." She said leaning against his chest. Beetlejuice chuckled.

"I thought so, I'm not very up to date on music, but the words fit us perfectly." He said holding her.

"Crash into me? Yeah you did more than that, you crashed so hard you knocked me off my feet."

"Yeah, but then I swept you off them didn't I?" He said raising an eyebrow. Lydia laughed softly.

"Yes, you did." Time seemed to slow as they danced and Lydia never wanted the song to end. Soon she heard everyone clapping and moved her head away from Beetlejuice's shoulder to see everyone had moved away from the floor and had just been watching them. She blushed and gave a slight wave.

"All right, now that we've gotten some romantic music out of the way." Beetlejuice said and Lydia smiled as she heard the embarrassment in his voice. He snapped his fingers and Lydia nearly fell on the floor laughing when she heard Day-O start up. Delia and Charles both turned bright red when Lydia and Beetlejuice pulled them out to the dance floor and soon everyone was doing the Calypso.

"That was quite a day." Beetlejuice said as they made their way to their new townhouse. Kiera was spending the night with Charles and Delia while Lydia and Beetlejuice spent their "official" wedding night together.

"Yes it was, but it was perfect." Lydia said. She didn't know she'd be so tired after everyone finally left. Beetlejuice reached out and held her hand as they drove to their new home. Whenever Lydia wasn't helping Delia plan the wedding she was redecorating the townhouse to suit her and Beetlejuice's taste.

When they got there Beetlejuice lifted Lydia up into his arms and she laughed.

"Isn't this a bit traditional for us?" She asked not wanting him to put her down.

"Nah Babes, it is us." He said and kissed her nose. He brought her into the townhouse and didn't put her down until he reached the bedroom. She reached up and bit his ear and he ran the rest of the stairs as she laughed at him. He dropped her on the bed and she just laughed at the lust that was clear on his face.

"You think that's funny you little minx?" He asked. Lydia just giggled more and nodded her head. With a snap of his fingers Lydia was naked and she squeaked and dove under the covers. It was Beetlejuice's turn to laugh as Lydia came up beet red.

"That's not fair, you have a clear advantage over me." She said trying to be angry, but when she saw him leaning against the doorframe smiling at her he just looked too sexy.

"You got it Babes and I'm not above using it." He said easily. She just shook her head and smiled.

"Then use it on yourself and get in bed." She said. It wasn't a full second before he was with her.

"How you feel Mrs. Juice?" Beetlejuice asked some hours later. Lydia laid her head on his cool shoulder and felt her heartbeat gradually slow down.

"I'm perfect Mr. Juice and you?" She asked. He smiled and kissed her temple. Lydia fell asleep sometime after that with a smile on her lips. Beetlejuice looked down at his wife. He felt like this was a clean slate, a fresh start for his family. Family, that was a word that he wasn't used to hearing, but he liked it. He closed his eyes and fell asleep next to his wife, his hand lightly on her stomach feeling his child grow in her.