Warning: There WILL be slash! Just not quite yet…
Disclaimer: It's been decided that I don't own anything, except the idea. Justn however… well let's just say that she has no legal rights over it and be done with that.
Authors: Justn and PigWhisk
Beta: Me, 'cause I hate it when a beta has worse grammar and spelling than the writer.
A/N: Justn didn't realise chapter 6 had been uploaded 'til I told her so she sent it late. And then when she did send it (yesterday) I couldn't be assed to put it up so did it today instead. So we're both to blame XD
You may notice the rating slowly creeping up as we go further into the slash and bad language…
Remember – each chapter is from an alternating viewpoint. This one is from the Doctor's, as it was written by Justn.
The Beaches of Wales
He was getting there, at least.
"Well, it's quiet old weeeell, I say old; it's ancient really and you know how it is with chargers - the older a thing gets the harder it is find one."
This was Jack to the core; lightening fast or surprisingly slow.
"That and it's been a while since did charge it so the battery is rather low weeeell, flat actually. In fact I may need to tow it to Cardiff. You wouldn't happen to know anyone one who could help with that would you? It's not too big or anything, weeeell it really depends how you look at it. It's one of those that looks small but really it's rather spacious."
He grinned at Jack knowing he'd realise any second.
A/N: Oh wow reviews! Thank you so much and more would be appreciated ;D. And go see Justn's other stories 'cause they're awesome /gigglesnort/.
barbequed hamster: The reason the chapters are short is because Justn and I are supposed to be writing roughly a paragraph for each chapter. Nice name, by the way :).
X-Let-it-Rain-X: I'm glad you like it! Though sorry about the late update. And I know what you mean about long chapters XD.
Justn: Pfft you only know it 'cause I told you /gigglesnort/.