Warning: …Actually I'm not sure what the warning is yet. I'm pretty sure though, that based on previous works this will contain some quite err… 'dubious' scenes. And likely slash. Which means that if you don't like male/male pairings, I advise that you don't read, just in case!
Disclaimer: Totally doesn't belong to me. Don't think it belongs to Justn either. I'll have to ask her about that…
Authors: Justn and PigWhisk
Beta: Me, 'cause I'm the one writing it up.
A/N: Basically, my friend, Justn, and I were bored. We had pen, paper and a bit of free time. So what better to do than write a joint story? Being the completely hyper geniuses that we are, I expect this to be most odd, and hopefully entertaining.
The format is one in which we each write about a paragraph at a time as our respective characters, her as the Doctor and me as Jack Harkness. Each paragraph is a different chapter. It's mostly set in the Whoverse, which is why it's not under Crossovers. Rating will likely change, but for the moment there's nothing particularly 'dirty' in it. Anyway, I think I've rambled too much now, so let's proceed to the story!
The Beaches of Wales
Chapter 1: Sand
"SAND! WHAT IS IT WITH SAND?! IT'S AS IF EVERY OTHER PLANET I LAND ON IS COVERED IN SAND! Minus the last forty-one, of course." The Doctor was staring out over a vast landscape of, that's right, sand.
He went back into the TARDIS and looked up his location.
"What? That's impossible!" He ran outside again, ran right round the TARDIS and then went back in.
"No, this can't be… Wales?!"
A/N: Reviews would be appreciated though I know I'm unlikely to get any yet. Check out Justn's stories on ffn. 'Cause I said so. If you want more weirdness like this one then read "Once there were three horny rhinos in a radiator". As you've likely guessed from the title, we write that one together as well XD.
(Sorry, I ramble quite a lot.)