Alrighty people. I'm sorry I've added this extra chapter so late. School started and I needed something happy to do instead of boring homework, so I wrote this. I may do the M rated scene-I have it all pictured, but I just need the time to do it. Maybe I'll do it in the next couple weeks!!!
Disclaimer:I do not own Twilight or anything else that is copyrighted.
This is when the Cullen's left and Bella was left alone and….you'll see.
I was doing my regular chores, going through the everyday routine I did after school. I didn't actually have to do it, especially since the house was clean enough, but it did give me something to do. I tried to keep busy and to stay in the house as much as I could. Too much time I had spent outside with him. So, I tended to inside doing the dishes or laundry and dusting-everything I could do to keep my mind off of him. But today was a Sunday and I had done everything I could think of doing in the house. Plus, I was so far ahead in homework that I couldn't remember what to study for the tests.
I took a deep breath and let it out. Maybe I could go for a quick ride. The workers had Sunday's off, so I wouldn't be bothered and Charlie was gone to Billy's. He usually goes there on these days. He just can't stand seeing me so restless and never stopping. But he knows the real reason, because my Edward and his family didn't remember me. Jacob must have told Billy who must've told Charlie about the Cullen's. I threw down the towel I was using and headed out the door to my horse. I saddled up a new horse we got instead of riding Blackie-the first horse Edward rode or--- memories. Great, perfect, painful, memories. I took off down the fields, not caring where I went, just going. The ride was the best thing I had since…
I didn't realize where I was until I got off the horse. It was the pond that Edward and I had gone to-the pond where my mom and I always went to. I gave a small laugh-they were both gone and both dead. Although Edward was still alive, but he was just considered dead because he was a vampire. I didn't care what he was, I just wanted him back.
I sat down at the edge and stayed there for an hour or two, staring out into nothing, just listening to nature. And that's when I realized that all the noise had stopped. I looked around to see if I could spot the disturbance but I was hit by something that would certainly leave a bruise. I looked up to see what hit me, and he was the only thing that wasn't a blur. It just took a second for me to remember him. It was the one in the Cullen's house-the one who caused all this. Aro. That's what he said his name was.
My anger took hold of me, "LET ME GO! YOU FRIGGIN BAS---"
His hand was placed smoothly over my mouth. I struggled against his hold, but it was no use. After a minute, I just sulked, thinking about Jake saying they were invincible. To humans like me, not him. After a few more minutes, he spoke low to me, "What's the matter? Don't you want to see Edward?"
I immediately perked up, "What? Really?"
"Yes." He said slowly, looking at me now with a look of curiousness on his face. "You do know what he is now, right?"
I nodded, "Yes, a vampire. Just like you."
"Yes, well, not just like me." He said, pursing his lips.
"What do you mean? Is something wrong with him? What happened?" I asked worriedly.
"Nothing's wrong with him, except that he and his family are trying not to be vampires. Or at least not regular ones." He said disapprovingly.
"Okay…Explain." I said when he didn't go on.
He sighed then replied fast, almost too fast for me to comprehend. "The Cullen's won't drink humans. They decided to drink animals."
"THAT'S GREAT!!" I said loudly, thinking how proud I was of them. Of Edward.
He looked disgustedly at me. "No, its not." He looked back behind him. "We better hurry. Those mutts are pretty fast."
"What?" I asked, trying to see around him.
"Their not there yet, but I bet their tracking us."
"So…" I said after another silence. "How long will it be till I see Edward?"
"Just a couple more hours." He said dismissing me.
"Can we get a car or something? My back is hurting. Plus I think you gave me more than a few bruises." I said, glaring at him for the last part.
"Sorry." Aro looked non-repentant. "But yes, to the cars. It'll help lose the dogs."
"Hello. Wolves." I said, sticking up for Jake.
"That looks like a fast car." Aro said. So I looked ahead, but saw nothing. After another mile, we were in a car driving speedily through the city. I was so bored on the way but all I could think about was I was actually going to see Edward! When we finally stopped, I only had a second to see the scenery before I was whisked off. The car was parked on the side of the road which had forests on both sides. But as soon as I was outside, I felt the cold. All I had on was a tank-top and jeans along with my boots. I was grateful for choosing riding gloves today for they offered a little warmth. The words 'I'm going to see Edward' was like a mantra that I kept repeating over and over.
Even though he wouldn't remember me, I was just happy to see him.
I didn't have any time to see a blur coming towards me. But in that split second afterwards, I saw my Edward. He was an angel. He was sparking, along with the rest of his family. They were all angels. Maybe I would be one too. Maybe.