Chapter 2

Syaoran displayed his first sign of vulnerability through his amber brown eyes for a nanosecond. His face hardened completely casting a murderous look upon his handsome jagged features. Sakura shuddered from his intense stare. She studied his features closely. He probably had the body of a roman god under the thick royal robe that slithered across his body like a magnificent snake. She gulped as she tentatively licked her dry crackled lips. Why did he have to pick on her kingdom? Her father was gone and she had been living quite happily with her people.

As her thoughts further developed her anger also resurfaced. Whipping her head to meet his daggering stare she narrowed her beautiful emerald eyes and challenged the disgusting, vulgar and crude man before her.

"How did you acquire my name?" Syaoran spat out almost gracefully before Sakura had a chance to open her mouth, "I don't remember ever giving you my name when you first asked. For, if you knew of what status I was, then why ask?"

Syaoran had cursed silently to himself when he had carelessly corrected the bitch in front of him. 'Li... Ha. King Li for that matter was out of the question for me to say… What was I thinking, letting a woman, no a girl of such level to converse with me at such a manner?!'

He tightened his grip on her arm and gripped her hair tightly in his free hand. He treated her like a cat, an animal that he would amuse with when he was bored and an animal of which he can abuse when he was angered, and right now, he was exasperated by her. Everything she did and said made his anger rise to an even higher level.

Just the sight of her and her actions seem to cast a spell on him, making him have unusual images in his head. He wanted to make her cry, make her beg for mercy. Her strong willed spirit was annoying him to no end. For that sake he wanted to crush it and make her a servant of his own, physically and mentally.

"Why does it matter?" Sakura answered carefully. "How I came across your name is none of your concern."

With the raise of an eyebrow, Syaoran continued, "Oh, surely you must know me, especially my legend and milestones in the history of this world. I am the ruler."

Suddenly, he released his grip on her. As much as he had wanted to have his way with her, he was a king, a king raised with dignity and pride. He would not resort to such insignificantly base level as to merely force what he wanted upon someone so meager and weak. He would make her into his servant but not forcefully. He would make her come to his every command; he would manipulate her for his intellectual would not be brought down so lowly as to using force. His eyes narrowed as he studied her.

Sakura winced as her legs gave out on her at the release of Li's strong grip. Her whole body had weakened and her vision blurred for a minute as she fell effortlessly onto the floor in a pile.

"Just give up, dirt," Syaoran spat out not even looking in Sakura's direction. "In this world, you're no longer a princess or anyone for that matter. You're simply a doll that belongs to the most powerful man in the world." Syaoran turned and leered at her, "You… should be very proud."

Sakura tired to keep her tears from showering down her face nevertheless it poured. It fell like no tomorrow. Her anger quickly diminished and was replaced by fear. She was afraid. She was only a young woman of 24. She was never exposed to anything close to how she was being treated by the six ft two alpha male standing before her. Now that she looks up at him with his straightened back she noticed that he was taller by at least two more inches. He was big.

Syaoran continued to look at her in her most hideous state yet found her intriguing and beautiful as her emerald eyes wavered from the liquidy substance appearing in her eyes.

"Maids," Syaoran boomed.

"Yes, King Li," Two young maids appeared from the side of the room with bowed heads.

"Have her cleaned and ready for the men that invaded the kingdom today," Syaoran said without a glance at the girl but a gasp was all he needed.

Sakura took a sharp intake of breath. 'No!' She thought. 'He wouldn't! I am a princess!'

"Yes, King Li." The maids echoed once more.

Sakura's eyes shifted quickly. She couldn't let him do this to her. She had to do something.

"P-please," Sakura stuttered softly. "Please, King Li. I-I—"

"Miss Kinomoto. I understand you have yet to wed," Syaoran's grin turned into a nasty smile, "And I'm sure you and I both know that at your age, which I'm guessing is past 20, a woman… no, a REGULAR woman should have been wedded by now."

Sakura looked up at him frightened. In all her life she has never been treated so roughly and rudely as she had today. Growing up without a proper male figure had been a disadvantage for her. She was deprived of the knowledge on how really powerful men truly were.

"I'm simply doing you a favor," Syaoran continued. "There are many men under my power that has not been back to their wives and would love to be 'relieved' with you."

Raising an eyebrow Syaoran continued. "Now, what I had in mind was reward you to my men for they have been very loyal to me and I being such a generous leader think that it's only fair that they deserve a little entertainment."

Syaoran squatted down to Sakura and lifted her chin before continuing, "Don't you think?"

Sakura breathed heavily, 'What should I say? I don't want to be with his soldiers. Who knows what they'll do to me after raping me. But I no longer have anything left. Everyone's either gone or dead.'

"Is… isn't there another choice?" Sakura's voice rang out surprising both Syaoran and herself for she sounded strong and unafraid.

Syaoran's lips lifted, he had been waiting for her to speak and now she has.

"Of course, if you don't want to serve my top 20 men then I guess you'll have to answer to me." Syaoran smiled an icy smile at her.

Sakura stared at him, 'Answer to him? That would be a step up to 20 men. I would have to be careful, extra careful.'

"I accept." Sakura said.

Sakura sat in the pearly white tub as the maids scrubbed her thoroughly. She didn't know what she was getting herself into.

Coming out of the bathroom she watched as the maids pulled out a deep forest colored night gown. The pattern was powerful and it made her shiver. Near the lacing at V-neck there had been a stitched design of a wolf's head with dark silvery eyes. The image continued as the strong and slick body was embroidered around the night gown. The wolf was obviously a female even though there had not been any distinctive signs to show it was nevertheless it gave off an essence of elegance and beauty but at the same time fierce and strong.

Without the wolf image the night gown would've been just a see through dress but with the curve of the wolf it was able to cover the most important parts of her body.

As the maids zipped her up Sakura's heart began to beat faster and faster. Soon he would be in this room with her and if she did not please him, she would be finished.

"Please wait here, Lady Kinomoto. King Li would be with you in a moment." One of the maids said before exiting the room.

The door closed shut and Sakura sighed loudly and shakily. She had not believed any of this was happening to her. She kept replaying the scene back in the study room with Li and shuddered. 'How could I have acted such a way? I don't cry. I vowed to be strong yet how can I be when I was never exposed to such force and rawness from one man alone.'

Sakura buried her face in her palms. 'Why? I hate him.'

Sakura lay down under the covers and closed her eyes. Soon he would be here and she would be over.









Author's Comment:

Thanks so much for your comments and it's always going to be welcomed by yours truly. Of course teh story line is STILL shakey since I don't know where I want to take it. It'll just have to roll wherever I push it. This of course is going to be the rough draft therefore there will be a definite revising after i finish the shakey story and i promise it'll be better! thnx so much for everyone's support. :)