Disclaimer: I own only what my mind allows me to own, anything unowned by me was owned by anything other than my owned mind. Never mind. I don't own Twilight.
A/N: So, here's the next chapter and what not. I don't think I'll take it past 15 chapters before I start a sequel. I'm not sure how to end this one though. Ideas??? Anyone? lol
Chapter 13:
My lungs were burning, but I couldn't stop. I had no clue where I was going, and I knew that there really no use in running. They could track me easily. My determination and focus helped to keep me from falling too many times. I kept running.
After what seemed like hours, I finally had to stop. I had begun to get light headed and the trees seemed to spin. I leaned against a nearby trunk and focused on inhaling. I glanced around and searched the woods for any sign of which direction I should take. There was no indication of the right path.
Then there was a rustling noise to my left. I jumped and hid behind my support tree. I stood there, waiting. But there was silence again. Then it sounded like someone was struggling to breath.
I figured it couldn't be a vampire, because vampires wouldn't be so noisy in their attempt to kill me. I left my tree of sanctuary and slowly went in search for the injured stranger, hoping with all my might it wouldn't be who I thought it might be.
But it was.
I knelt down next to the brown skinned friend who'd tried his hardest to protect me. Embry was lying on his back on the forest floor, trying his hardest to breathe calmly.
"Bella," he whispered. His entire body relaxed when he saw me. There were long, deep gashes running across his chest and blood was steadily flowing from them.
"Embry," I whispered back. Tears were forming in my eyes and I knew my face was turning green. I gripped his wet hand in between both of mine. "What can I do? How can I help you?"
"Stand back," he stuttered. I didn't understand why, but I did what I was told never the less. I didn't want to make anything more difficult for him.
In seconds there was a loud ripping sound and there was no longer a teenager lying in front of me, but a wolf. From the ground, he let out a loud, strangled howl and then started whimpering.
"What can I do?" I repeated, closing the gap I had created and stroking the wolf's fur. He didn't respond, only continued to whimper. I continued to gently pet his fur, trying my hardest not to pass. Soon I heard howls in the distance.
Three wolves appeared from three different directions of the trees, they were followed closely by Jacob, wearing only a cutoff pair of sweatpants.
"Bella," he ran up to me and gathered me into a giant bear hug. "What happened?"
"Ow, Jacob. Can't breathe." He released his grip on me, but didn't let go. "I think I have a broken rip."
"Bells," he kissed the top of my forehead then looked me straight in the eye. "I need to know exactly what happened."
"Can't we do this later? They're still here!" I almost yelled.
"Who is still here?" he asked, clearly confused.
"Victoria, she's here in the woods. We have to get out of here now!"
In one swift movement, I was being cradled in Jacob's strong arms and he was running through the woods. I closed my eyes and let the wing was over me. I knew I was safe, Jacob was here. And I was sure Edward was nearby, there was nothing to worry about.
We stopped in front of the Black's house. I heard Billy's wheelchair pass over the front doorway and looked up. Jacob carried me through the door and set me on the couch.
"Stay here."
"Where's Embry?" I asked, afraid of the answer.
"Sam and Quil got him and they're almost here. We'll put him in my room for now. In wolf form he'll heal faster." He replied, but saw my nervous expression. "Don't worry, he'll be fine. We're tough."
His warm smile didn't ease my nerves.
"Don't worry, you're safe here. And he's on his way." With that he left the room and went outside to help get the injured wolf into the house.
By the time they had carried Embry into Jacob's tiny room, Edward was at the door. I jumped up and ran to him in spite of the searing pain in my chest.
"I'm never leaving your side again," he whispered into my hair. I knew that if he could, tears would be flowing down his cheeks. They were flowing down mine. Carlisle rushed past us and headed strait for Jacob's room, his medical bag in tow.
"I'm sorry," I mumbled.
"What do you have to be sorry for?" he asked, not letting go of me.
"Almost dieing."
"Well, I forgive you. But can you ever forgive me?" His voice was laced with torture.
"I think I can find a way." He picked me up and carried me back to the couch. He sat down with me in his lap and gently hummed in my ear. It was a familiar tune that I'd learned by heart.
"Carlisle says that your wolf friend should be fine, his wounds are already beginning to heal. Slowly, but in soon he will be good as new." I smiled at this news. "Now, are you alright?"
"I'm not sure. I think so. So far the only thing that serious at all is my ribs, I'm pretty sure I broke a few," I attempted to breathe in very deeply, but gasped at the sharp pain.
"I never should have left you," he said quietly. "What happened out there?"
"Well, I'm not entirely sure," I started. "I remember Embry running through the woods, but then he was gone. It was like I collided with an invisible wall. I was thrown into a tree and I guess that's when I busted up my ribs. I'm not sure what happened to Embry after we were separated because I didn't see who attacked us. I wondered around for a while, I don't know how long, until she found me."
He looked at me as if he were trying to figure things out. "Who found you?"
There was a sharp intake of breath and I looked over at Edward. He looked astounded. "I never thought…"
"Do you know her?" I asked, feeling a ridiculous twinge of jealousy.
"I know of her. She was a good person when she was younger, newer. I knew that she had spent some time with the Volturi, that's when I stopped associating with them. I never thought she'd come here."
"She was here for the same reason as Victoria, that's how I got away."
His face gave away his confusion.
"She was going to kill me. She said that she and James were in love or something. She wanted you to feel the hurt she feels."
Sadness flashed across his eyes before I continued.
"That's when Victoria showed up, right before Kendra was going to kill me. They started arguing over who would do it, it turned pretty ugly. I ran and found Embry." I inhaled and grabbed my side, wincing.
Edward's cool hands replaced mine and he felt where the bones were sore.
"Two of them are broken."
"Its fine," I said, hugging him around the neck, not ever wanting to let go.
"No, Bella, it's far from fine," he pulled back so he could look me in the eye. "I promise you, there will never be another broken bone in your body as long as you live."
I had to laugh at that. "That should be a pretty tuff job, seeing as I ten to break bones when I walk. Tripping isn't the easiest thing to prevent."
My attempt to lighten his spirit worked, he laughed a quiet musical laugh.
"That's true. I love you, Bella, so much." He gripped the sides of my face with both hands and gently kissed my lips. Just then Jacob walked in followed by Carlisle.
"Bella," Carlisle said. "I'm so happy you're okay."
"I'm happy all of you are okay." I replied. Then I remember I didn't know if everyone was accounted for or not. "Everyone is okay, right?"
"Yes, Bella," Edward said, sensing my tension. "Everyone is intact."
Carlisle sighed. "We had no clue what was going on. Victoria sent a small group to the south so we decided to investigate; we thought she might attack from there. It was a trap, while we were there, she attacked from the north. By the time we got back here it was over, Jacob had you."
"So was there a fight?" I asked.
"No," Edward whispered.
"If you are alright, Bella," Jacob said viciously. "I'd appreciate you taking them back to there side of the line as soon as possible."
I glared at him.
"Please?" he spat.
"Fine," I stood up and walked towards the door. "Tell Embry I'll come see him soon."
I left the small house and stood in the front yard with Edward by my side, waiting for Carlisle who stayed behind for a moment.
"I'll carry you," Edward whispered. I looked around and realized they must have ran here because there was no vehicle.
"Okay, I don't think I can hang on to your shoulders though."
"It's okay," he said, a wicked smile playing on his lips.
"Let's go home," I said and kissed his cheek. He lifted me off of the ground into his arms and after Carlisle appeared, took off running.