Negi's Mother-Chapter 11
By NegimaFan
A/N: Sorry it's been so long, this semester has been killer, I barely have any time to myself anymore, but at long last here it is, the latest chapter, I hope you enjoy it. Also, I had to look after my brother over the summer because he had to have a cyst lanced.
Disclaimer: I, in no way, own Mahou Sensei Negima
Alastor, Takahata, Evangeline, and Anya stood paralyzed in front of the Headmaster, who was pacing around them, a rather calm demeanor on his face.
"Headmaster," Alastor pleaded, "I understand your concern, but there are things going on that you do not understand."
"Oh you would be surprised at what I know. For example, I know all about the incident that occurred sometime ago that involved one Count Wilhelm."
Alastor paused and looked at Takahata and Evangeline questioningly, "Who?"
Evangeline answered, "A demon who came to challenge Negi."
"Incorrect," Headmaster responded, and the group turned to stare at him, "Negi was the test subject, his true target was, in fact, Asuna. He wished to know how potent Asuna's powers were, and if they could be controlled. Somehow, he knew of Asuna's powers. I am curious as to how he could know such a thing, and I believe the key can be found in Asuna's past, so once again, I ask you, what are you hiding from me about Asuna?"
"I-I'm sorry Headmaster-sama, I'm afraid that I cannot tell you," Alastor said.
He sighed, "Very well then, I was hoping that it would not come to this, but, I do have one other way to learn of what you are hiding from me," He pulled out a small bottle.
Takahata's eyes widened, "Th-that's…"
"Wh-What?" Negi stammered as Asuna glared at him.
"You look ridiculous," Negi was currently in a mesh shirt and a pair of shorts that were obviously tight on Negi's body, and left little to the imagination, "where did you get that outfit?"
"I-It was in the pile you gave me," Negi replied.
Asuna turned and glared at Ayaka, "I see," she then turned back to Negi, "go back to the dressing room and get out of that stupid outfit."
"Um, well, there's a slight problem…I…well…" Negi blushed slightly.
"You can't get out of it can you?" Asuna deadpanned.
Negi nodded his head slightly. "Setsuna," she turned to the swordswoman, "help Negi out of it, would you?"
"I'd do it myself, but I have to make sure that someone," she glared, once again, at Ayaka, "doesn't sneak anymore idiotic clothes to Negi."
Setsuna blushed slightly, "Very well, then." She then began to follow Negi back to the dressing room.
Asuna and Ayaka then went back to searching through the clothes, "You know," Ayaka said, "I could help Negi-sensei out of those clothes,"
Asuna rolled her eyes, "Look, shouta-con, leave my little brother alone, he already has a girlfriend, and even if he didn't, I wouldn't trust you to be alone with him."
Ayaka glared at her, "Look, monkey-girl,"
"Monkey-girl?" Asuna did a double-take, and then began to laugh.
"What's so funny?"
"It's been so long since I remember you calling me that, I was wondering when the old Ayaka would return."
"Old? What are you talking about!?"
Asuna smirked, "I'm just saying, it's nice to see you not trying to suck up to me in order to get closer to Negi."
Ayaka's eye twitched at that comment, 'Suck up? When have I ever sucked up to her?' "Look, I don't need your help, I'll get Negi to see me as a potential girlfriend, you'll see."
Asuna smirked, "Sure, shoutacon, sure."
Setsuna kept averting her eyes, having a great deal of trouble looking at Negi while she was helping him undress.
"Setsuna-san," Negi asked, "is there something wrong?"
"W-What makes you think that there's something wrong?"
"Well, for one thing, your eyes keep wandering. You seem to be having trouble concentrating."
"It's…It's nothing…" she tugged the mesh shirt over Negi's head, "there we go, now, why don't I give you some privacy while you put on the next outfit?"
Setsuna waited patiently outside the changing room, her thoughts swirling, 'Why? Why couldn't I tell him? I had an excellent opportunity to tell him, and he looked so cute in that…ahh, Stop! Stop!! Bad Setsuna, I shouldn't be thinking such naughty thoughts about Negi-sensei.'
"Setsuna," Setsuna turned to see Negi in a black tux with a silver vest instead of a cummerbund, "how do I look?"
Setsuna smiled warmly, "You look very handsome, Ojou-sama will enjoy seeing you in that outfit."
"You really think so?"
"Why not? I am." She giggled, then froze in horror as she realized what she had just said.
"I didn't mean…well…what I mean to say is…" she sighed, then leaned in towards Negi until they were nose to nose, "Negi, I…"
"HEY!! SETSUNA!!" Setsuna jumped at the loud voice, "Has Negi tried on the next outfit?"
"Yes," Setsuna shouted back.
"Perfect! Bring him out so I can see how he looks!"
Setsuna groaned, "Come on, Negi-sensei."
"Setsuna," Negi tugged on her sleeve, "what did you want to…?"
"It's not that important, We'll talk about it later?"
"Are you sure?"
She paused, "Yes, I'm sure."
Takahata, Alastor stood frozen by the Headmaster, staring at the three slime girls that had been freed, Ameko, Suramui, and Pudding (these are the names from the site). "So you freed us?" Ameko asked the Headmaster.
He nodded, "I need to ask you something about your objective when you came here with Wilhelm."
Ameko grinned, "Well, gee, I'd love too, but we really need to get going," she then proceeded to leave, only to realize that she was unable to move, "What the?"
"I am afraid that you three have been immobilized, now you may either choose to cooperate, or…" he proceeded to hold up the bottle.
Pudding panicked, "We were sent here to capture Asuna-sama and immobilize Negi-bozu. When we were freed from our prison last time we were ordered to do these things as payment for our services."
"Who freed you?"
"We don't know," replied Suramui, "they were cloaked. Dog boy was supposed to help us, but he refused, stole bottle, and fled to warn Negi. But not before he was hit with a memory charm?"
"Dog Boy?" Alastor asked.
"Kotaro," Takahata realized.
Pudding nodded, "In exchange for his services, he was promised the full restoration of his powers, but he refused, we are not sure why."
"What did Wilhelm know of Asuna-san?" the Headmaster asked.
"Everything," stated Ameko. At this statement the entire room went dead silent, "Wilhelm had spies, learned about Asuna, not sure how spies did it, but they learned much, and with all of the information found, Asuna's deepest secrets were unearthed. He learned of Asuna's heritage, of her true age, of her husband, and her son."
The Headmaster was dumbstruck, he had a number of theories regarding Asuna's past, but they weren't even close to what he was hearing, "Heritage? True age?"
"Husband?" Tōko shrieked.
"SON?" Shizuna screamed.
Ameko was surprised, "You not know?"
Everyone shook their heads, with the exception of Takahata and Alastor, who simply stood in shock.
Ameko smirked, "Fine I'll tell you, It's fun seeing you this way.
Asuna Kagurazaka:
True name: Asuna Vesperina Theotanasia Entheofushia, first princess of the royal family of the dusk kingdom.
True age: estimated around 30 years.
Husband: Nagi Springfield
Son: Negi Springfield."
Again there was stunned silence, broken by Shizuna stammering "Wha-? Bu-? How?"
Alastor was surprised by one of the statements made, "First princess?"
Suramui nodded, "a few years after the family gave Asuna up they had a second daughter, who is the current ruler of what remains of the dusk kingdom, Aneeda Vestavia Theotanasia Entheofushia."
Bet you didn't see that last part coming. I have plans for this character but they won't be occurring until the gang heads to the magical world. Once again, I'm sorry that I've been gone for so long, but it has been a long summer for me. The point is, I'm back!! See you soon.