Here is chapter seven, version two! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Batman, Wonder Woman, or any other recognizable characters. I am not making a profit; this is purely for entertainment purposes only.

NOTE: The first part of the story is directly from the season two episode "Hereafter", with minor changes, such as lines originally associated with another character. I am only using these lines as a starting point in my story.

This chapter contains mature subject matter and is not suitable for all audiences. There, I've warned you.

Forever Changed

by RogueLeBeau

Chapter VII

If It Makes You Happy, Why the Hell Are You So Sad? / Good Is Good

He cast his eyes down and said nothing. How could he?

"I see..." she said sadly, and turned away.

"Diana…" he said as he reached for her.

"No, you have said nothing, and that's enough," she said, not wanting him to see her cry.

"Diana, please look at me," he said in a pleading tone, "I haven't been able to let myself love in so many years for fear of what it could do to me. To have you swoop down out of the sky, and to love me with all my faults, is hard for me to understand," he said earnestly.

"Why? Why is it so hard for you to believe that you deserve to be loved?" she turned and questioned, "You, more than anyone, should be granted the joys of love. You risk your life every night, protecting those in need," she cupped his muscular jaw with both her hands and looked him square in his eyes, "You say you don't know how to love, yet you show Gotham and her children your love every night by what you do and what you have sacrificed to keep them safe," she paused, giving him a moment to silently mull over her words, and then spoke again: "Bruce, listen to me. You are the most stubborn, pig-headed, caring, passionate, honourable, courageous, considerate and [i]loving[/i] person I have ever met, and because you are the man you are, I love you so much it hurts."

"What do you think it means?" Superman inquired.

Nightwing sighed, "It could mean everything; it could mean nothing. The one thing I know for sure is something's definitely up. Gotham's too quiet. It's making me uncomfortable."

"So, what? Are we just gonna sit around here waiting for them to find us, or are we gonna go out and bash some bad guys?" Flash asked.

Just then, the alarms starting ringing.

She barely had time to breath before he wrapped his muscular arms around her, pulled her tightly against him and devoured her lips with his. He reacted so fast, he nearly lost what little balance he had. They stood in the water for what seemed like hours, discovering one another's mouths.

After several moments, Diana reluctantly broke away, "That's not really an answer, Mr. Wayne," she smirked.

"Really?" he asked, feigning hurt, "I thought actions spoke louder than words," he leered, "If you want," he said as he nibbled on her ear, "We can get out of the water and I can show you how much I love you," he pressed her fiercely against his rock hard member with one hand and thumbed her right nipple with the other, eliciting moans of pleasure from her.

"So, you admit that you love me," she said between ragged breathes.

"Yes, I love you, Diana," he said earnestly, "I love you more than anything else in this world, and it scares me to think I might lose you."

"Don't think about the future, Bruce. Live in the now," she said, lust and love burning in her eyes, "let's get out of the water."

"Hot diggity damn!" Flash exclaimed, "This is gonna be a barn burner!"

"Everyone pick a man and stick to them like glue!" Nightwing ordered, "Take out the first wave and move on to the next targets! We have to be fast and efficient, all of Arkham's loose, let's round 'em up and get them back to where they belong!"

"Yee haw!"

"Shut up, Flash!" Everyone exclaimed.

After a few minutes of gently removing Bruce from the water, he and Diana continued where they left off from in front of the fire. Diana lay on her back while Bruce carefully balanced one of his sides beside her.

"God, you're so beautiful," he spoke in awe, as he moved a stray piece of hair from her face and gently tucked it behind her ear.

Diana blushed, "Bruce?"

"Hmm?" he questioned, as he trailed kisses along her neck and jaw.

"The answer to the million dollar question that everyone seems to want to know is… no," she said shyly.

"You mean…?" he stopped and gave her a knowing look.

"I have been with no man before," she whispered.

"Are you sure you want to do this? Do you want me to stop?" he asked.

"Yes to question number one, and no to number two. I want you, Bruce. I love you," she said, bringing his lips down to meet hers.

His kisses were soft and passionate on her lips. He moved from her lips to her jaw, then to her neck. He trailed kisses down her collar bone and through the valley of her enormous breasts and all the while his hands teased her. Stopping just be low her breasts, he began to lick his way back up, his mouth coming to rest on her left nipple. He gained erotic moans of pleasure and an arched back from Diana. Somewhere along the way, his right hand had moved down from her breast and now rested above her glistening wet arousal. His mouth continued its assault on her chest, while his fingers began their work on her arousal. Diana responded in kind, as she moaned louder and arched her back more than before. Bruce kissed her lips hard as he plunged his fingers into her hot, wet sex.

"Oh, Bruce!" she exclaimed, "Stop. Lay down."

He did as he was told, and they switched positions. She then positioned herself in a sixty-nine and engulfed his massive arosual with her mouth. It was his turn to moan and arch his back in pleasure. After his initial shock wore off, he took it upon himself to complete the sixty-nine by sticking his tongue in her, almost making her choke on his girth. He took the opportunity of her surprise to flip her back over and pin her down.

"Diana…" her growled, his voice thick with emotion and his eyes clouded with lust.

"I want you, Bruce. Please, make love to me," she implored.

Bruce positioned the tip of his arousal at the entrance of her core, and slowly eased himself in. Both threw their heads back and moaned in ecstasy with each movement he made. His thrusts became fast and harder with each passing moment. Both were lost in each others love. After several more thrusts, Bruce and Diana screamed out as they reached their peak and were hit with the most intense orgasms they could have every imagined.

Bruce collapses beside her and wrapped his cape around their nude, spent forms.

"I love you, Diana."

"I love you, too, Bruce."

Please tell me which chapter seven you guys and gals like best! Hope you enjoyed!

Once again, changes were made from the original entry posted at to comply with rules and regualtions.