Dial R 4 Infinity Productions


The Thirteen O'clock News

T.A.R.N.S.: And an extra big thanks to godmario for letting me do this fic. I really have no idea where this story will go, so we'll have to play it by ear.

Disclaimer: I don't own any recognizable characters. I DO own Zelda Robotnic. This idea was origianlly godmario's but was tweaked by me after he gave me permission to do this.

"Hey guys! Guess what!" Tails raced into the house he shared with Sonic and Knuckles. "Since Eggman's not attacking, and we don't get paid unless we stop him, I applied for some jobs for us. And we got the jobs! So did some of our friends!"

"Okay." Sonic looked up from his coffee. "What kind of jobs did we get?"

"News reporters?" Shadow asked incredously. "We're gonna be news reporters? I can't do that. I'm not a people person."

"I know." Amy said.

Sonic looked surprised. "Amy, what are you doing here?"

"I'm the director. Rouge is the producer. Tails, you can be the technician. Sonic, you can be the street reporter. Shadow, you'll be one of the people at the news desk."

"What?!" Shadow asked. "Can't I be the technician- or somebody who's not always in the camera?"

"No." Amy told him. "Zelda, you can do the weather."

"Yea!" Zelda cheered. "I like weather."

"Hmm." Amy thought a moment. "We need someone at the news desk with Shadow. On second thought, Zelda, you're going to the news desk. Silver will do the weather."

"Oh rats!" Zelda muttered.

"Alright everybody, we'll probably be rearranging the jobs later on, but for now, and we'll find something for everybody else later, but right now, we've got news to report."

The camera came on, and the whole Station Square could see Shadow the Hedgehog and Zelda Robotnic on camera.

Shadow took a deep breath, muttered a death wish in Amy's direction, and started to talk. "Good evening, and welcome to Station Square's 13 o'clock news. I'm Shadow the Hedgehog, and I'd rather be anywhere but here."

Zelda gave Shadow an exasperated look, and then continued, "And I'm Zelda Robotnic. Cleanup is still continuing in the aftermath of the recent Black Arms invasion. We'll now take you to Sonic the Hedgehog, who's live in Westopolis."

Sonic had been giving a floating camera so could go on air (and because the only person who could keep up with him was Shadow, who was currently stuck behind a news desk.) "Thanks Zelda. Cleanup has been going on since the Black Comet was destroyed, but the Guardian Unit of Nations says it could be months before cleanup is complete. They've got several crews at work around the clock, but the damage is enormous."

"Thanks Sonic." Shadow said. "In other news, the Guardian Unit of Nations, along with local authorities is starting more street patrols in light of the upcoming holiday…"

Suddenly the lights went out, and everyone in Casinopolis, Station Square, Central City and the surrounding areas who were watching the 13 o'clock heard Amy scream. "TAILS!!"

"Sorry, wrong wire." Tails called back. A moment later the lights came back on. Undaunted, (and hating his current job as reporter), Shadow continued, "In light of the upcoming holiday weekend. And now, here's our trial weatherhedgehog Silver with the forecast.

"Umm…thanks," Silver said, "I think. Alright," Silver moved to the three day weather forecast. "Tomorrow we're expecting partly cloudy with a chance of rain. On Thursday we should see some overcast skies, maybe some sun peeking through the clouds. Friday we're expecting a sunny day with temperatures in the…" Just then Silver looked up and saw a light falling down. He jumped out of the way just as it landed where he'd been standing.

Behind the camera, Knuckles shook his head, then he swiveled the camera back towards the news desk. Zelda shook her head, and then said. "And that's it for the thirteen o'clock news. Thanks for watching."


T.A.R.N.S.: And that's it for the rather short opening chapter of The Thirteen O'clock News.

Nyoshi: Please review, and tell us what you thought.

T.A.R.N.S.: And if you can come up with any funny news stories (they don't have to be true) please send them to me.