Disclaimer: I do not own Smallville or any of its characters

Authors note: Does anyone else realise that Smallville is the only Superman related thing that has Clark in love with Lana and not Lois?

Lana and Lois were sisters. They were very close and told each other everything. It was there trust that started this mess.

Lois was staying at Lana's house for a weekend. They were remembering good times, and what's new when Lana said. "I think I'm in love" "Really? Me too" Lois said. "Yeah with this guy in Smallville he has brown hair, brown eyes, muscular, tall and a wonderful kisser" Lana said dreamily. "Mine too! Tell me Lana who is this mystery man?" Lois asked. "Well you know him" Lana said. "Who is it?' Lois asked impatiently. "Clark Kent" Lana said. "WHAT!" Lois yelled. "Clark, remember you call him Smallville" Lana said. "Oh I know who he is you! You backstabbing two-faced, no good boyfriend stealer!" Lois shouted. "What are you talking about?" Lana asked. "Clark is my boyfriend he has been for a year! You know something? I expected this from anyone but not my sister" Lois said getting ready to leave. "Lois wait!" Lana called after her. But it was to late she was already gone.

Lana flopped on her bed could it be true? That Clark and Lois were dating? Then it hit her. Chloe! Who always knows what's going on? Chloe! She quickly dialled her number. "Hello?" Chloe said. "Hey! I need information on Clark" Lana said. "Um sure Lana what kind of information you need?" Chloe asked nervously. "Is he cheating on me with um Lo- Symone?" Lana asked. "No" Chloe said laughing. Chloe was about to tell her about Lois and Clark but she didn't. Clark said he would tell her himself. "Well I'm coming to Smallville tomorrow see you there" Lana said. "Bye" Chloe said hanging up. She took a deep breath. How are you going to get through this Clark? She thought.

The next morning Chloe walked over to Clark's house and knocked on the door. Jonathan Kent, Clark's father answered the door. "Hi Chloe Clark is-" just then Clark came down the stairs Clark style. "I'm here" he said. "Clark you have two problems lets go to the coffee shop" Chloe said. So the two went to the coffee shop where Lois worked. "There's one" Chloe said pointing at Lois. Lana walked in. "There's two"

Good? Bad? Should I continue? Or not? Please review!