Title: Hello Dolly! cowers in shame at stupid name

Rating: K+ (for now)

Summary: In Sydney Australia, a young girl lies in a coma, the only change in her life recently being a small china doll. The 10th Doctor, Rose and the Chaser team (yes, you read that right) investigate. If you don't know who the Chaser team are look them up on Wikipedia or watch some of their stuff on YouTube.

Disclaimer: No, I don't own Doctor Who. If I did, I wouldn't be watching the classic episodes on YouTube, less than an episode per day, then getting annoyed at my little brother for spending precious megabytes on Umbilical Bros vids.

Author's Note: New fic, hope you like. Not much more else to say, so yeah :P

Hello Dolly!


Alexis sat up in bed. She was finding it hard to get to sleep, especially after her aunt had bought her that doll for her tenth birthday. Something about it just wasn't right. Its eyes were wide, and they seemed to follow her everywhere she went.

"It's only an illusion," her mother had told her, but she still found something unsettling about it.

Stop it, she thought to herself. You're in double figures now, how can you be afraid of a stupid doll? She turned the light on, and slowly walked up to the doll. "Chelsea", her aunt had named her. She looked the doll in the eye.

"You're nothing Chelsea," she said to it. "You're just, uh, what are you made out of anyway? Oh yeah, china. You're just china in a frilly dress. You can't hurt me. You can't even see me." Alexis cocked her head to one side and looked at Chelsea from an angle. Why had she been so afraid? She looked at the doll face on once more, just to get it into her head that this simple man-made toy was just that, and nothing more. Suddenly, after sometime staring, Chelsea did something Alexis wasn't ready for. She blinked. She then reached out her cold, china arms towards Alexis, who screamed in terror.

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Now don't tell me you've never been scared that a doll's going to blink at you, I know you have! I know it's not much to go on, but review anyway!