A/N: Last chapter! At least two more stories in this series are coming. Thanks to all my reviewers and lurkers, love you all! Oh, you can see Patches, Lizzie's real-life inspiration, on my profile page.

Well, this was more like it, Lizzie thought.

She had been unceremoniously dumped back into the box in the closet, along with her brood of babies. Despite all the commotion, though, she didn't mind terribly. She could feel the pheromones in the air, the static between her two pets. Finally, they were behaving properly.

She watched them fall to the bed. She briefly wondered how it would work with all those clothes, but they quickly took care of that. She looked at a shirt that landed in front of her, thinking it would make a good nest for the babes. Maybe later, right now they all wanted to eat, again.

Lizzie lazily gazed at Woody and Jordan, who were all mixed up with those long limbs and blankets. She could smell the sweat, and other things. The sounds coming from the bed were sensible animal sounds, sounds Lizzie could understand. Pleased, her loud purrs started a chorus of rumbles from the little ones.

Feeding time was mostly finished in the kitten nest, and she was hungry herself. She wandered out of the bedroom, glancing up at the bed when Jordan's breathing suddenly stopped, and a deep, guttural call came from her throat. Liz was pretty sure she knew what that one meant.

When she returned from her dinner, her kids were piled up in the box, happily asleep. Lizzie watched her pets. The breathing from the bed had increased in depth. The scent and the vibe were heating up again. Liz was trying to figure out why they were starting again, when suddenly, she saw what looked like a mouse under the blankets. Her ears straightened instantly as she prepared to catch her dessert.

Her rear end swayed back and forth as her tail swished. The rodent was moving quickly, then slowly, oblivious to it's impending doom. She slowly glided across the floor. In the perfect spot, her hind legs wiggled, getting into launch position. Her front legs dug in. Whiskers were in full alert. She heard her pets increase in volume, and she wondered how they couldn't know there was a mouse under the blankets.

At just the precise moment, her finely-tuned muscles exploded and she was on the rodent, claws-first. Her teeth were prepared to sink into a furry neck, but she was suddenly lifted from the bed and sent flying.

"LIZZIE!" A shriek came from two voices simultaneously.

From the floor, Lizzie immediately began regally washing herself. Of course it wasn't a furry animal, it was Jordan's hand moving over a certain part of Woody's body. These pets of hers were very odd. She couldn't quite figure out all the wiggling hand tricks. When she made kittens there wasn't so much extraneous activity.

Her paw froze in mid-wash. She glanced back at the bed. They were making that laugh sound again. They were making the talk sound too, talking about her. Well! She lifted her tail in their direction, and very deliberately stepped back to the nest. She re-organized the little ones and settled in.

The bed was moving again, and the laughing and talking was finished. She knew they were making kittens again. Funny! She only needed to do that once and she got six babies. Why did these people need to do it over and over? How annoying would that be? She haughtily placed her chin on the edge of the nest, and relaxed. At least those two were finally getting down to business, even if they did it in weird ways.


Jordan and Woody collapsed into each other, sharing a deep gaze. In a breathless voice, Woody said, "Who the hell thought that cat was a good idea?"

"Um, I believe that would be you." Jordan smirked. "I have to admit, that's definitely a new one for me!"

Looking over at the pretty little creature who had just settled into her bed, Woody scowled at her. "She's pretty good at spoiling the mood, isn't she?"

"I don't know, I didn't hear you complaining – well, not for long, anyway."

"How 'bout we move that cat bed, like outside the bedroom? I value my anatomy, especially the parts I need to start a family!"

"A family, huh?" Jordan smirked slightly and glanced into his eyes from her comfy spot on his shoulder. "Why do I get the feeling we're not talking about kittens this time?"

"We weren't talking about kittens last time, either, and you know it." He looked at her with paranoid concern. "I just assumed, I mean, I thought you wanted kids after that thing with Kayla. Was I wrong? 'Cause, ya know, you're more important… I mean, if you don't want – kids…"

"Woody." Jordan interrupted him. She sat up and made clear eye contact with him. "All joking aside. I want to have children. With you. And considering my age, we have to start soon."

"Well, if you wait for a half an hour or so… and keep Lizzie away from me!"

"Half an hour, huh? What'll we do while we wait?" Her eyes spoke the answer for her.

"Hmm." Woody pretended to think. "Well, we could go watch a little TV…"

His voice disappeared behind the solid whump of a pillow on his face.

"Or not…"

AN: Lizzie's ill-timed pounce is autobiographical. Almost had a kittie pancake on the wall. Fortunately, no animals were harmed in the making of this fanfic.