A/N: Hey guys! For the last time, I'm sorry this is so late! I was dreading posting this last chapter. I can't thank all of you enough for even taking the time to read my story. You've been the best with all your helpful reviews and critiques. This was my first fanfic and definitely will not be my last. I've actually just started a new one, and hopefully I'll just improve from here. Keep an eye out for me! So for the last time, ENJOY!

I quoted Haley from Season 5 because I just thought it fit so well and I love it when I can tie the real OTH into my little story. I didn't make it stick out, but just in case you recognize it.

And thanks for the baby suggestions; the majority of the input was different from my thinking, so I appreciate it. Thanks for the ideas, hope you all like it!



Principal Turner clasped his hands together, resting them on the podium. He took a breath and looked out in the crowd of graduating students. "It is my privilege to give one student the Award of Achievement each year. The student who receives this award has worked very hard to accomplish something truly special. I have never in my years at this school thought that anyone was more deserving of this award than this year's recipient, Haley James Scott!"

Haley gasped quietly to herself and smiled. Lucas was seated next to her in alphabetical order with Nathan beside him. The whole school was applauding her as she slowly rose out of her blue, metal chair and made her way to the podium. Principal Turner was standing there waiting for her, holding a shiny plaque with her named etched onto the gold.

"Congratulations Haley." He shook her hand while passing the plaque to her in the other. Haley graciously smiled and whispered a humble 'thank you' before stepping forward toward the podium. She took a deep breath and looked out at the overwhelming quantity of the audience of Tree Hill. She laughed when she spotted Nathan, Lucas, Brooke, Peyton and Jake all standing and cheering. Haley turned the microphone towards her mouth.

"I am so honored to receive this award. This year has been the hardest year of my life. As most of you know, I was raped earlier this year. I struggled. I couldn't believe it and I blamed myself. I didn't know where to go, what to do, or who to turn to." Haley's smile had faded as she spoke seriously, recollecting the hardest time of her life. She looked at Brooke and smiled bittersweetly, "Luckily I have an amazing support system of friends and family. For a long time I completely relied on these people, and I spent a lot of time feeling sorry for myself. I finally realized that I had to fight back myself, I had to use my own arms to fight instead of continuing to rely on others." Haley lifted up a fist as a demonstration.

"That's why I created the organization These Arms. At TA, rape victims can come for legal support, emotional support, and give these people the tools to learn confidence and independence again. TA allows victims to find support in other people, and also teaches rape victims to use their own arms to fight back. If there's one thing I learned this year, it's that you can choose to blame your circumstances on fate or bad luck or bad choices. Or you can fight back. Things aren't always going to be fair in the real world. That's just the way it is. I learned to accept it, make something from it, and move on with my life. I can only hope that These Arms accomplishes the same things for a lot of other struggling people. Thank you."

She looked over at her friends who were once again standing during the burst of applause that followed her little speech. Haley clasped her plaque proudly, and walked off of the stage and back into the audience with confidence.


Karen walked over to the booth of kids sitting in their royal blue graduation gowns, cradling a little cooing infant in her arms.

"I can't believe you're all out of high school." Karen said, interrupting their laughter.

Brooke, Peyton and Haley were sitting on one side of the booth while Nathan and Lucas were seated on the other side. There was a plate of french fries slowly disappearing in the center.

Brooke squealed, "Oohh baby! Can I hold her Haley?"

Haley smiled and reached for another french fry, "Of course."

Nathan watched his baby daughter being passed carefully from Karen's arms to Brooke's, "Support her head." He anxiously mumbled.

Haley shook her head and rubbed his arm. She had been right; Nathan was probably the most paranoid parent there could be. Brooke rolled her eyes at him, "I'm offended Nathan. I would never hurt this adorable little baby girl." She tickled the baby's little button nose.

Nathan mumbled a response, slightly embarrassed. Peyton reached over and stroked the little dark brown hairs on the top of her head, "She really is beautiful guys. If there's one thing you do well, it's making babies."

Haley blushed while Nathan smirked, "We know."

Brooke rolled her eyes again, "Of course they're good at it. They're Naley."

Haley laughed awkwardly, fully aware of Karen still standing beside them, "Alright on that note, we should go."

Brooke frowned and subconsciously pulled the pink bundle a littler closer, "Do you have to?"

Peyton nodded, "Come on guys. We have to enjoy the time we have left together, before everything changes."

"Everything is always changing, I mean really, Haley had a baby and we're all officially out of high school." Lucas had to add.

Karen reached for the baby, "Lucas is right, but so is Peyton. You guys need to just have one last night as high school kids." Brooke reluctantly handed her over and smiled.

Haley looked hesitant, "I don't know Karen, there are some things with TA that I should be working on and with the baby…"

Karen smiled, she knew the feeling, "She'll be fine. She'll be right here with me. Go have fun."

Nathan turned to Haley, "What do you think Hales?"

Haley looked at the table of anxious faces, "Alright, alright, I guess I can be immature with you losers for one last time."

They all smiled and began to leave the café. Brooke added in a rather anxious tone while struggling to slide out of the booth, "Why are you all saying that?! We're not dying!"


Peyton giggled as she picked marshmallow goo off of Jake's face, "Leave it you Haley to keep a bag of marshmallows in your car."

Haley was cradled in Nathan's lap by the bonfire, nearly falling asleep at the soothing sound of the crashing waves, "Hey. I was pregnant."

Lucas laughed, "Oh trust me, we were all aware."

Haley sat up, even more alarmed, "I wasn't a terrible hormonal freak."

Brooke failed at stifling a loud laugh. Lucas chuckled lightly as Haley turned to face Nathan, "Was I?"

Nathan's smile grew as he pulled her back into his arms, "Not at all." He kissed the top of her head.

Haley closed her eyes and smiled, "I love you for lying to me."

Brooke jumped up, "Okay! We need to do something wild now. Any ideas?"

Lucas sighed and put his head in his hands, "Let's just keep it legal."

Jake laughed, "Do you have any idea who you're dating?"

Peyton raised her hand. Brooke gratefully called on her, "Yes P. Sawyer?"

"Skinny dipping!" She shouted excitedly.

Haley immediately shot it down, "No way."

Brooke bit her lip, trying to contain her excitement, "I like it."

Peyton and Brooke both walked over to Haley and reached for her hands. Haley could feel them staring at her and opened one eye before closing it again and folding her arms over her chest, "Nope."

Brooke pouted and put her hands on her hips, "Why not?"

Haley sighed, "It's dangerous."

"That's the point." Peyton refuted.

"And trust me you don't even want to see what that baby did to this body." Haley laughed.

Brooke argued this one, "Haley. I'm sure you look fine. Besides, the only one interested is Nathan and he's already stuck with you until…you die."

Haley opened her eyes and sat up. She turned to Nathan, "Nathan. Defend me on this."

Nathan shook his head and shrugged, "Sorry Hales. You're hot."

Haley closed her eyes and leaned back down into him, "Damn you."

Peyton and Brooke leaned down and grabbed Haley's hands once more. Haley groaned, "But I'm comfy!" They laughed and dragged her to her feet.

Lucas, Nathan and Jake all stood up and reached to take their shirts off. Brooke turned around and caught them though before they could, "Whoa. What do you think you're doing?"

The boys all looked at each other, wondering if each of them was the only one who got it wrong, "Skinny dipping?"

Brooke shook her head, "Gross, we don't want to see all of that."

Lucas laughed, "But you have before…"

Brooke rolled her eyes, "Different contexts. Not the point."

Peyton sighed, "Fine we'll all compromise. Underwear stays."

Haley shrugged, "I can live with that."

Brooke took off her top and carefully removed her shorts, "Alright. Girls in first though."

Peyton, Haley and Brooke approached the water's edge. Haley shook her head and laughed, "This is actually insane."

Peyton nodded, "Hell yeah. It's going to be icy."

Brooke reached for Haley and Peyton's hands, "That's why we just have to run in. One…two..."

Nathan, Lucas and Jake grabbed each of their waists and carried three shrieking girls right into the next icy wave.

Brooke coughed out some water and hit Lucas' shoulder, "Oh you are so dead for that."

Peyton ran her fingers through her hair, "Very cruel."

Haley clung to Nathan tightly, she was more than relieved he was holding her, "But the only problem is, when do we know if a wave is…"

A small wave splashed her right in the face. She laughed and choked simultaneously, "Oh. Well this is fun. "

That caused everyone to laugh. Brooke sighed contently, "See, this is just what we needed."

Haley said bitterly, "What? A Titanic reenactment? Because that's sure what this feels like."

Peyton shook her head and quoted in a light, sing-songy voice, "I'll never let go Jack! Bullshit. She might as well have pushed him."

Brooke's jaw dropped, "That's terrible, there wasn't enough room on the door! Jack wouldn't have wanted to risk her life for his anyways!"

Nathan and Jake exchanged pained glances. They had heard this argument so many times, it seemed to physically hurt to hear it discussed once more. Lucas noticed their pained expressions and decided to change that.

"I have an even better idea. Chicken fights?" Lucas turned to Brooke who was already smiling at the idea. Lucas dipped under water so Brooke could climb on his shoulders.

They looked over at Jake and Peyton to find them already assembled. "Game on." Peyton declared.

Nathan looked down at Haley, "We don't have to."

Haley laughed, "Are you kidding Scott?" She swam to his back so she could climb on. Then they were all ready.

Lucas leaned forward, "Okay, get ready, get set…"

Nathan whispered to Haley, "Hold on Hales."

Haley readjusted, "Why?"

Lucas called out, "Go!"

Nathan lunged forward and with the next wave he easily took down Brooke and Lucas. They approached Peyton and Jake and Peyton and Haley began shoving each other but neither budged.

Haley groaned, "What is with this?! You're a twig. Tip over already!"

Peyton laughed and with the next wave she knocked Haley right off of Nathan's shoulders. She leapt down and wrapped her legs around Jake's waist, "We did it baby!"

Haley quickly treaded over to Nathan, "Nathan! Pick me up quickly!"

Nathan immediately swept her up into his arms, "What's wrong?"

Haley smiled sheepishly, "Have I ever told you I'm terrified of crabs?"

Nathan laughed, "Oh really?"

Haley nodded, "Especially when its dark and I can't see them."

He pinched her side. Haley squirmed, "Nathan! Not funny."

He laughed, "I think so." She frowned. "Oh come on, I'm not going to let anything happen to you. No crabs, promise."

Brooke surfaced after taking a refreshing dunk, "Okay, I'm turning in."

Lucas reached for her waist. She turned around, "Luke I love you, but we are not Naley. I can walk to shore myself."

Lucas smiled, "Whatever you say."

Brooke turned around triumphantly and took one step before being plowed down by the next wave. Everyone erupted in laughter as Brooke resurfaced, "You were trying to prevent that weren't you?"

Lucas nodded, trying not to laugh, "Yep."

Brooke nodded too and continued walking forward. The rest of the crowd followed.


Brooke pulled Lucas' sweatshirt over her head and took a seat by the dying fire, "Okay while we wait for this to fade out, I want everyone to share something that you've loved about high school."

Peyton laughed, "Brooke that's sickeningly corny."

Brooke shrugged, "You guys caused it, with all this "never again" talk."

Haley reached for another marshmallow, "This isn't the end at all."

Brooke smiled half heartedly, "I know, but it's the end of something and this feels like a good way to end it."

Lucas spoke up, "Something I loved about high school was getting to meet my little brother even if he was a pain in the ass at first."

Nathan smiled, "Sorry bro."

Brooke clapped her hands excitedly, "Awww! See! This was a good idea."

Peyton laughed at her best friend, "I loved all the times with Brooke, even the numerous fights and constant bickering."

Brooke laughed, "You know I love you anyways P. Sawyer."

Nathan sighed and wrapped his arm around Haley's shoulder, "I loved having a baby with Haley. Even though it's the scariest thing I've ever done." Haley leaned on his shoulder affectionately.

Jake spoke up next, "I loved growing up while watching Jenny grow up too. Even though those things aren't supposed to happen simultaneously."

Haley closed her eyes again, "I loved finding what I'm passionate about; tutoring, music, helping others."

Brooke closed it all up, "Same for me. Starting Clothes over bros changed my life."

A good silence settled before Haley spoke, "That was all incredibly cheesy but very nice Brooke. Good thinking."

Brooke bowed a little, "Thank you Tutor-Mom."

Nathan sighed, "Speaking of, I hate to say so, but we should go home now."

Lucas laughed, "Should go home, or you want to?"

Nathan glared, "Shut up."

Haley played peacemaker, "Boys. Get along. Nathan is right though. And….I miss her too."

Lucas noticed the fire was finally out, "Alright, you boring parents can leave."

Haley defensively folded her arms, "We are not boring."

Lucas nodded, "Sure." Haley looked to Brooke for help.

"Excuse me. I just have to say, in their defense. They are not just another old married couple. They give couples everywhere hope for sex after marriage." Brooke pointed out.

Lucas raised his hand, "Okay, that's all I need to hear. You're not boring."


Haley hung up the phone and sighed. Everything was fine with TA right now. "Nathan?" She had a good guess as to where he was. Sure enough, when she arrived at the nursery door Nathan was asleep in the rocking chair with a content, sleeping baby in his arms.

Haley smiled, nothing made her heart swell quite as much as the sight of the man she loves and her baby together. She quickly retrieved her camera and snapped a photo before Nathan woke up.

"Oh sorry babe." He whispered.

Haley smiled and carefully picked the baby up off of his chest, "She sleeps so well in your arms."

Nathan smirked, "So do you."

Haley gently placed the baby in the crib, barely disturbing her. Nathan came to her side and placed his hand on her back, "She's perfect Hales."

Haley smiled, "Madelyn Brooke Scott."

Nathan leaned on the edge of the crib, "I love watching her sleep. She's so beautiful, peaceful and safe."

Haley laughed quietly, "You're so protective, it's unbelievable."

Nathan didn't move his eyes off of the little sleeping Maddie, "I'm terrified of not being able to protect her."

Haley ran her fingers through his hair, "I know, and actually I'm so glad for it." Nathan straightened up and looked at her in surprise.

Haley smiled, "I know, I always tease you about it. But actually, I'm just as scared of Madelyn being hurt as you are. It horrifies me that I can't make this world perfectly harmless for her. So I'm relieved that you try so hard to."

Nathan wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer, "Hales, you're doing everything you can to change that. And I'm so proud of you for it. I know Madelyn is going to end up okay because she'll have you for a role model."

Haley sighed and rested her head on his chest, "Everything is going to be alright. I can just feel it."

Nathan laughed, "Yeah we're gonna do it."

Haley looked up and smiled, "I know, we'll be fine."

Nathan smirked, "No, I mean we're gonna do it." He picked her up and carried her into the bedroom, shushing her giggles. Nathan whispered, "Don't wake up the baby!"

Haley laughed, "We're awful parents." She began removing her shirt but then stopped, "Are you sure you won't be utterly repulsed by me?"

Nathan shook his head and after dropping his own shirt on the floor he walked over to the side of the bed, "Haley. When are you going to understand that no matter what, you are always going to be beautiful and sexy to me?"

Haley lifted her shirt off her head and smiled playfully, "When you prove it to me Scott."

Nathan smirked and picked her up as Haley wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck.

"We are so not boring." With that she met her lips to his.


Haley rolled over onto her back and scooted next to Nathan. He reached his arm around her shoulder and closed his eyes. Haley took a deep breath and placed a hand over his on his chest.

This part of her day made the most sense to Haley. When everything else in the world was messy and confusing, this always made sense. And all of that awful stuff was worth it, because she knew she had this, and not many people did. It made more sense to Haley than basic arithmetic. It just worked. They just fit. Haley fit perfectly into Nathan's arms and she never doubted it. Madelyn fit perfectly too. And no matter what happened, she knew that that would never change, and it was and always has been her anchor in this complicated world.

"I love you Nathan." Haley whispered.

"I love you too Hales." He mumbled.

Nathan sighed. He never felt more whole than he did with Haley. She completed him so fully that when he wasn't with her in some way, something didn't feel right. He couldn't understand a world without her in it. It was the only world that made sense; one where each night could end with him holding her. Nothing felt more natural than Haley or Maddie resting in his arms. He had never expected either of them to have that effect on him, but now, nothing else made more sense. And he wouldn't have it any other way.

"Always." Haley whispered once more.

Nathan kissed the top of her head, "And forever."
