Greetings earthlings, aliens, & anime fans
I appreciate all of your review, even though I have received several not-so-nice ones from flamers. I have also enjoyed hearing from those who have wanted me to read and review their stories; kudos to you.
As an individual who enjoys reading and writing fanfiction, I really respect those who go out on a limb and write their fanfics regardless of what others may say about them. Stay strong and be true to you in everything you do.
Anyways, I just realized that you, my readers, have been waiting for me to update my stories since last summer and that it's almost summer again. I'm sorry that I haven't updated I moved around a bit (from Nebraska to Pennsylvania to Nebraska to Missouri) and was unable to update many of my stories.
I am currently in the process of editing the fanfics that I have written and creating updates as well. I will be, unfortunately for you my readers, taking my stories down until I update them. I won't be deleting them; there just won't be any chapters to read. Hopefully this process doesn't take me longer than a couple of weeks at the most.
As each chapter is edited, it will be reposted. After all existing stories and their chapters have been edited and reposted, then I will begin updating the stories that I have updates for and begin writing updates for the ones that I don't.
Thank you so much for your patience during these next few weeks as the editing process begins. Any positive feedback you have would be welcomed. You can leave me a message via the method or feel free to email me at mle07 hotmail . com for those reading stories posted by narugaaralover and at willow_wisp 0788 yahoo . com (there is an underscore b/t willow&wisp) for those reading stories posted by Emeri Arumesuterongu.
Much Love to you all,
~Emilie E. Armstrong~