An idiot for a brother.

Disclaimer: Not mine, all theirs.

I apologize in advance. This isn't well thought out, well written or any good in any way but it's literally the first thought that popped into my head, right after the seasonfinale.

I am not to be held reliable for any permanent or temporary damage. Proceed at your own risk...

He sold his soul for me.


He went and found that damn crossroad demon-in-a-tarty-dress and sold his life away.

For me.

I'm not surprised.

It's not like I didn't see this coming.

It was always a given than Dean would die for me.

He would do anything for me and as sad as it makes me to realize that, as angry as it makes me that he thinks my life is worth more than his. I am not going to lie and pretend I'd want it any other way. This is Dean. My brother. My protector. It's who he is. Not that I believe he can actually stop anything from happening to me. I am sorry to admit that I've outgrown that phase ( and believe me when I say I wish I could go back there.) but I know he'll try. Nobody loves me like Dean does. Nobody ever could. I am his brother, his son, his best friend. There is nothing he wouldn't do for me. Nothing.

Only, now he has gone and done this and now I have to go out and find a way to stop this from happening. To unmake his deal. To save his life. Because this is Dean. My brother. My protector. I am not about to just hand him over without a fight. I have to try. Because nobody loves Dean like I do. He is my brother, my father, my best friend. There is nothing I wouldn't do for him. Nothing.

So, I am gonna get him out of this.

I am gonna save his ass for a change.

Because he sold his soul for me.

Like I said:


Don't say I didn't warn you...