Zodiac Sigh!

Author's Note: --

Chapter 16 – Ascension

Inside the court, a reader announces the judge's rational reasoning of the defendants' verdict. He stated that graft and corruption are serious matters to consider. The article of Japan law indicated that whoever committed such act is penalize for ten to fifteen years imprisonment without bail. Additionally, the plaintiff has to pay the defendant the cost of damages it created.

Copyright infringement adds into it. It is an unauthorized use of material without the prior knowledge of the creator to give permission towards the user. Mr. Butajiri committed the "commercial use of non-commercial software", as the violation of the said crime.

As the reader proclaimed that the defendant is guilty in all accounts, some of the audience cheered his decision. The judge ordered them to calm themselves down as the reader continued. She stated in the paper that Mr. Butajiri is sentence to fifteen years imprisonment in moderate security prison without bail. Moreover, he ordered him to pay the plaintiff worth US$ 800 million in seven years of payment. This was due to the financial damages that the plaintiff has experience. While Jin Ito and Moriko Endo, were sentence to seven years imprisonment without bail. They need to follow the order of paying the penalty US$150, 000 each for stealing the Purple Eye employees' salaries and the program.

The hearing is now over as the police escorts the accused away from the media. Sakyo and his legal counsel came out victorious from the court. The media flocked them as they unleashed their questions regarding the court proceedings. Sakyo answered them by telling a simple statement that he is happy with the outcome. He could not hide his smile away from them. The media interrogation continued but he fades away by getting inside his car. As Shizuru went inside, they are constant camera flashes everywhere as if they are the celebrities for that day. She could not get use of all these media exaggeration.

"You are so lucky, Shizuru." Eri noted as she unfolds the today's tabloid.

Today's front-page newspaper dominates the corporate war between Purple Eye and Goliath Companies. This technological battle is over as Sakyo emerges himself as the sole winner. Concerning the defunct company, he decided to acquire it so that the former employees will be working again. In Tokyo's Financial Times, the Purple Eye's revenue increases to US$ 18.74 billion in this year. In addition, Sakyo's net worth is US$ 11.2 billion as of this year, too.

It was a turbulent yet a rewarding year for them as the employees went back to work as usual. The only difference is that the company has a new building to accommodate all the workers. It has many amenities and its architecture is at par with the greatest designs in the world. The only thing that remains is the fantastic view, which overlooks the urban beauty.

As recess was over, they both returned to their respective workplaces to begin a new life and challenges that awaits the company ahead.

Sakyo kept reading the articles from the newspaper regarding the downfall of his rival company. It was such a shame for Mr. Butajiri to confess in front of everybody that he devised his plan of failure. He never thought that a person like him would carry out the monstrous greed. This is the dark side of being the CEO, the power of accumulation creeps steadily against the firm virtues. Once you have the dominion of money and influence, it gave you the notion that you became god-like. Unfortunately, they are not gods but just human beings who have limitations.

Another battle has won and he proved against his business critics that he would reign supreme. He did it honestly, as they gave him the respect that he truly deserves. Sakyo noticed Shizuru's empty table as he was staring too long. He wants to proclaim the good news but he has to be careful not to be hasty.

Someone knocked at his door; he gave a verbal permission to get in. She entered his premises with a handful of papers. The bracelet that he gave it to her days ago was dangling in her slim wrist. He thought that it suits her perfectly. A sparkling yellow stones glitters against the sunlight as its brilliance gave him a slight blindness.

"How do you find my bracelet?" she asked with pride.

"I find it beautiful! Of course, I choose it for you." He joked.

Sakyo stood up from his seat as he was about to disclose something. He authorized her to lock the doors closely. Discussing some important matters will benefit both of them, as it will take her by surprise.

"Shizuru, I think you deserved more than a secretary." He objected.

"I don't mind following your orders. I am at peace with it." She declared.

"It may be a difficult transition for you considering that you only worked here for six months."

A disastrous idea ignites her mind after he told her about the six months evaluation. She was nervously thinking that she failed it. If she does, she can go back from square one by searching all available vacant jobs in the internet. Of course, that routine can be quite unpredictable since she doesn't have a clue how long or short will she remain unemployed. Worst, she might end up depending in lowly government social welfare.

She intrigues him, "Did I fail your expectations?"

"I don't think you failed. In fact, you surpassed it." He remarked.

Sakyo proposed her an offer, "For now, you can no longer work as my personal secretary. You will be working as a quality assurance manager."

Quality Assurance Manager?

She took a deep breath, absorbing the verbal impact that he gave her. A quality assurance manager is the occupation that she ever wanted…all throughout her life. Finally, her hard work pays off. However, she had a hard time dealing with the reality on how to work with this promising position. She is not use to delegate the tasks to her subordinates.

"I don't think I can handle it." She refused.

Sakyo was dismayed about her decision, "what are you talking about?"

"I prefer being in this position."

He confronted her, "I am giving you an opportunity of a lifetime that everybody badly wanted. However, you're refusing it and it was a poor decision. I can't believe that I am hearing this from you."

Shizuru told him the truth, "I don't have the leadership skill."

"Then, I will train you. You can attend seminars regarding that subject. I will pay all the fees." He convinced her.

Presently, she is fighting over two emotional and physical things: One, she will be working with the new occupation that she ever wanted and two: she does not want to separate from him in his work place. Her decision can drastically change her life for the last time if she opted for a highly prized position. This golden offer came only once in her life that deep inside her heart, she needs to grab it tightly.

However, her contradicting answer flowed out from her mouth.

"I have to think about it." Shizuru said, almost in whisper.

"There is no time to think." He warned as his patience wears thin.

As she looked up to his face, she can see his blue eyes demonstrate his deep interest. No man in her life observes her that way. Her head swerves away from him but she dealt something that she did not expect…

…a kiss in her forehead.

As if it was déjà vu, she recalled the incident in her dream. It was the same softness and warm that touches her skin. Indeed, he did the staid kiss that haunts her for days but she wondered why he did so.

"This must be a dream." She murmured.

Sakyo, thinking it was about the offer, replied, "It was not a dream but a reality."

Misunderstanding arises between the two contrasting figures. It was indeed not a dream when all undistorted senses received an irresistible offer. Surely, one has to ask directly to make sure if he was the one as Shizuru got tempted with that thought, "Are you the one who kissed me at New York when I fallen asleep?"

He answered her suspicion, "Yes, and I don't see that it is a problem."

His pensive mood somehow gave her the chills as thousand thoughts generate more of his mystifying being. Shizuru is clueless of what comes next after that move. Don't stare at me that way. I do not want to create a scandal here.

Sakyo's head moved closer to her. He was going to give her a kiss.

Goodness, I am going to faint! Help!

However, another thought in her mind sparked that it is better to remain civil and steady. Why does she needs to faint where the dreamy prince is about to kiss the maiden? Why does she have to miss the opportunity? Finally, his lips installs unto her.

How does it feel?

By the time he withdrew, she could not help but to blush. Her fingers touched her lips as if she was trying to say that she like it. It was soft and sweet. It was neither invasive nor rough. Partly, she has never been kiss like that before…especially if that kiss came from Sakyo.

She decided that it was a perfect time to reveal her fear. Expressing it can get him a glimpse of her vulnerability. Of course, showing your weakness can be devastating in business but there comes a time when emotions need to flow smoothly conniving the currents. Emotions are the most powerful tool when it used properly and with perfect opportunity.

"You see, the real reason why is that I am afraid that we will be apart."

"What do you mean?" Sakyo asked kindly.

"It means that I will miss you…working with you in this room. You made it memorable to me." She expressed in a gloomy way, taking a quick glance from the room that made her at home. She remembers vividly on how he lend her some money to recover shortly from her financial loss, her first encounter with him during the interview and of course, who could forget the deadlines that made her famous for beating the clock in seconds.

"Does that concern you?"


"Then, you will remain in my office…only the nature of your work will change." He said smugly.

Shizuru thought that he would laugh at her insecurities but he did not. He respected her personality that somehow this woman can be soft as a goose-feather-filled pillow. However, she needs to ask some questions from his suspicious card plan. Their diverted conversation continued, "The other night, I couldn't help myself wondering why you let me choose the five cards you laid down the table."

Sakyo remain silent but diligently hears her apprehension.

"When I selected the lion, I don't have any clue to what it meant. I would like to ask, why it is so?" she said, pretending that she has not studied the incident.

"Do you really want to know?" he said, crossing both arms to his chest.

She gave him the 'yes' gesture.

"It was an ambiguous plan of mine. However, I still have no intention to tell you everything." Sakyo said covertly. "The cards narrate everything. You are a smart woman, Shizuru. Why do I need an explanation when I can clearly observe that you can critically conclude about it?"

She has no choice but to surrender to his claim. Her inner voice pressured the young lass by blurting her findings, "The lion card…and you are somewhat closely related. I mean, the way you behave…"

"Lion signifies the king who doesn't know how to step down from his throne. It was the same that this majestic animal doesn't know how to forgive once wronged. They came, saw and conquered." He intercepted, adding an ancient but popular phrase.

Sakyo continued, "Lions are determined beasts if they cannot get what they wanted. Ironically, these personalities are quite parallel to me."

Shizuru jokingly tells him about her secret pastime, "I'm reading some zodiac signs and sometimes, it was the best way to analyze a human being. Esoteric it may sounds but it was quite effective."

He fortifies her claim, "maybe it is effective if it is really applicable to that person. Not everything in the zodiac narrates can be one hundred percent true. It can be differing at times."

She successfully solves the mystery that bothers her for weeks as Shizuru kindly accepted his offer for the new job opportunity. At least, she doesn't have to worry of being unemployed again and doubting another executive's leadership.

After three years since her promotion, Shizuru's worries vanished in thin air. She doesn't have to think about the grueling assignments from Sakyo. It will be a different pace in a new chapter of her life…being a quality assurance manager. Being industrious in this business competition can be stressing but once if you preoccupied yourself with inspirations from your family, colleagues and even your boss, you can never go wrong.

It was a happiest moment when her parents visited her on the other day. Lo and behold, astonishment gleams in their eyes on how their daughter successfully climbed up from a low rural status to a well-polished female manager. Shizuru took them a day tour around the city and boasted her survival here in this concrete jungle. By the time her parents went home, they could not help but to narrate their other neighbors how her story became an overnight sensation. It was indeed an inspiration where one strives to work harder and smarter to thrive from endless adversities.

She entered to her room, as Sakyo was absent from the premises. Probably, he has a meeting with the board members. Shizuru signaled an applicant to enter and make her first interview.

A young woman quietly creeps inside as she politely bowed her head. Her well-kept resume' greeted Shizuru with detailed descriptions of her past occupations. She settled herself down from a chair as she began to ask a question.

"What makes you an important employee?"

-The End-