a/n the following story is rated t for violence, language, and minor sexual content (if u have a problem with that, i apologize and enjoy another one of my stories). The followign is based on my Emerald characters, Patrick and May, Patrick's appearance will be changed, since i dont rly like Brendan's look, cept his backpack i do liek that i have oen of those, lol. Now enjoy as you hear the story of 2 kids..goign through Hoenn, Johto, Kanto, and Sinnoh

Poke'mon: Journey across the Four Countries

1: Let's Get Going!!

Today was a grand day to be 13 years old and out into the new world, and enjoying the grand view of Human, and Poke'mon life working in cooperation with one another, some of them will keep them as pets, some for contests in looks and skill styles, and many choose them to go into battle and becoem the best of the best, that was Patrick's dream, to become the strongest trainer of them all, and today, he will begin his new journey and start his dream. As much as he enjoyed the wonder of battles and a Poke'mon's true potential, he also enjoyed watching show thier inner beauty, and watching the best coordinators show their art, thats what his long life friend, May, wanted to be, her dream was to become the top Coordinator, but to do that she knew she had to be a trainer as well, so her Poke'mon can learn, grow, and learn new skills. Now that they are 13, they can leave their town of Littleroot, and hopefully all will begin well for these two new trainers.

Patrick rose out of his bed, stratching his wavy, ruffled auburn hair, and going to the window to watching the flock of Taillow and Swellow fly by over his father's lab, and crying out through the wind. Patrick then heard the sound of small pebbles hitting his window, he cleared his eyes and looked down to see May waving to him, dressed in her red zipup jacket, black tight shorts, and her long brown hair under her red bandana, she was smilign with glee and her blue eyes shined in the sun. Patrick smiled at his friend and waved back to her with joy, his door started to knock, with the sound of his mother's voice, "Honey get yourself together, today's your big day!"

"I'll be right there Mom, can you let May in, she's right by our door?" Patrick called back gathering up his black shirt, green cargo pants, and his custom made pelt to carry poke'balls, his poke'dex, and his P.T.N.P, or Portable Tracker, Navigator, Phone in full term. He brushed out his hair, cleaned up his face, brushed his teeth, and rushed downstairs, fully clothed, and grabbing his backpack along the way down. His mother giggled at his rather haste, since usually he's rather slow in the morning, she handed him a quick breakfeast of toast with grape jelly and a can of orange juice. May sat by the table waiting for Patrick to be down eating, while chewing on a piece of Fruit Jerky her mother gave her before she left, "So May, you all set to go?" Patrick asked with a half mouth full of toast.

May giggled at him and nodded, "Yea, just have to grab my pack from your dad's lab, he said he was gonna set it up with tools and kits for the Poke'mon contests." Patrick finished off his toast and juice, and said his good-byes to his motehr and promised he would be back soon to come check on everyone. His patted his mother's Mightyena who was resting peacefully, who grunted happily at Patrick.

Before they left, his mother walked outside with Mightyena, and smiled happily, "Before you go, I want to let you know, that whenever you need help, come call me, and I'll lend you Mightyena, I'm sure he woudl be glad to help you out, he may be old in his years but he's gotta lot of fight in him, like he was when I was a trainer, Isn't that right buddy?" she asked happily to her old partner, which responded with a happy bark.

"Thanks mom, I'm sure I will call when its really necessary." He then looked down for a second, and couldnt hold it in, he ran to his mother and gave her a big hug, "I'm gonna miss you mom.." he said sadly. May just gave a light 'aww' to herself. His mother smiled and hugged him warmly.

"Don't worry, Honey, remember as far as you are from me, I will always be there, just a phone call away." She said happily. Patrick nodded with joy, let her go and started to walk with May to his dad's lab, gettign ready for the same routine with him.

Patrick and May walked happily the dirt path, and looked up to watch a family of a mother Altaria and three baby Swablus fly, May smiled and gave a small coo at the family fly by, "They look so cute don't they?" she asked, still lookign at them flying down the horizon.

Patrick nodded in agreement and noticed up ahead the large building that was his father's lab, "We'll here we are...geez I always forget how flashy Dad likes to make this building, most labs are small, but this...he just showing off the family fortune" Patrick said with a chuckle at the end.

"Hey least your dad isnt much as a showoff as mine, everyday he would come home and talk about the trainers he fought, the battles he won, and the ones he lost that made him feel like he crushed his soul...geez I mean I love my dad, but once I would liek to talk abotu something else, y'know" May said in counteract.

Patrick nodded in agreement, he looked across the field to see a group of multiple rock and ground Poke'mon hanging out, some Rhyhorn sent from Kanto, a small group of Aron, a whole gang of Geodude, and they were lead by a rather aged Golem. Patrick and May reached the door, and had no hesitation to knock, since Pat's dad was used to that. "Hey dad, it's me...you in?" Patrick asked lookign aroudn the empty lobby.

Then he heard large footsteps and saw his dad walk in in his white lab coat, and according to May's mother, his unmatching green shorts and blue shirt. He gave a hearty laugh and patted Patrick's shoulder, "Ahh my dear boy, it's finally time, you become a trainer just like your mother and I used to be, I'm so proud you chose to become a trainer, its great to get outside and learn the values of life and teamwork."

"Well I'm glad too Dad, maybe when its all said and done, I'll come back work with you, I wanna learn the many secrets behind Poke'mon." Patrick said while giving his father a ligth hug.

"Hah, trust me my boy, you'll learn the secrets by being a trainer, I only became a researcher to raise and help Poke'mon grow and breed, it's what I love to do." He smiled and pointed outside to a group of Tauros grazing on the grass, "It's all about that too..to watch them, and learn from them." He then noticed May who stood silent and in awe as the father and son had their moment. "Ahh May, I'm sorry, I had no clue you were there, I'm guessing you're here to register and get your gear right?" he asked.

May nodded and smiled, "Yes Professor Birch, I'm really excited to teach Poke'mon how to show style in the world"

"Well it's a good choice in to be a Poke'mon trainer, but if you choose that, perhaps you shouldn't go it alone, why not have Patrick come alogn with you?"

"Well Dad that was actually our original plan anyways, plus if we split up who knows when we will see each other again, right?" he asked standing next to May, with both of them wrapping an arm aroudn each other.

"Ah well that's good to know, we'll then, come into the Lab, and we will get you all set up" said Prof. Birch, showing them into the labratory. May and Patrick followed them in and saw a small group of baby poke'mon sitting on the table with a cheerful look on them, two Treekos, two Torchics, and two Mudkips. "Well I wasn't sure if you both wanted the same, so I just had two sets all ready to go, so let's start of with you Patrick, who are you gonna choose? The grass gecko, Treeko? The fire chick, Torchic? Or the water mammal, Mudkip?"

Patrick took a long look at each, he didn't feel a strong bond with Torchic or Mudkip, they didn't seem to have a certain vibe around them. He then looke at Treeko, and knew right then and there with who he wanted, "Okay...I'll choose Treeko" Treeko jumped with joy, as Torchic and Mudkip fell down in rejection. Prof. Birch handed Patrick, Treeko's Pokeball, and Patrick called Treeko into it. "Wow...my partner, Treeko, let's make sure we will be the best of the best."

"Okay May, now it;s your turn, who's gonna be your new partner?" Prof Birch asked, as he called the two remaining Poke'mon from Patrick's set back into their Poke'balls.

"We'll I have been thinkign of it logn and hard all night, and I know my choice..Torchic" Torchic from May's set jumped into her arm, which made May smile happily. Prof Birch called the remaining two back in, and let the 4 left outside to run and play.

"Okay then, well, here are your Poke'dexs, use these to identify the Poke'mon that can be found in Hoenn, and soon the other countries close to us." He said while handing a black dex to Patrick, and a pink dex to May, and then he handed them a set of 5 poke'balls each. "You two..I remember when you two just to be kids playing with Mightyena and Quilava, now you got your own Poke'mon, and off on your own journey. You two must look out for each other, keep each other safe as well as your new partners. Patrick...May...best of luck to you two."

"Thanks Dad.."

"Thank you Prof. Birch"

The two teens stood at the end of Littleroot gazing upon the small town and smiled, they gave once last wave goodbye, and started their way up through route 102, right into Oldale Town. Patrick looked around the road, and was surprised on how different it feels to be catching the poke'mon around and not just looking at them. "So May...what do you think we should catch first?" Patrick asked as he scrolled through the Dex to figure out which Poke'mon resided here, " we can find Zigzagoons" May shook at that, "umm Poochyena?" she shook again, "Wurmple" she shuddered at the thought, she hated bug types, "we'll guess we will have to wait till we get to Route 104, there's a couple of Poke'mon I wanna get there."

"Yea good plan...who knows, maybe we'll run into a Taillow...sigh...I always wanted one of those..: May said with a glossy look over her eyes.

"Why? To keep bugs away?" Patrick asked jokingly.

"No...maybe..." She said with a light blush.

"Hehe" Patrick then took out his Poke'ball, and tossed it up, "C'mon out Treeko" The ball opened up and out came the small green Gecko, who like most Poke'mon called out his name, and landed on Patrick's shoulders. "I figured we should let these guys get some air."

"Good Idea" May then grabbed Torchic's ball, and tossed it at her side, "C'mon out Torchic!" Torchic came to her side and chirped happily and said her name as well. "Hey instead of tryign to catch some of the Poke'mon here, let's get these two pumped out for battle, what do you say?"

Patrick liked that idea and pointed out his two targets, and tag team of Poochyenas, "Well then, let's get those two, Treeko you ready?" he asked his partner, which Treeko responded with a grunt and a strong battle stance.

"How bout you Torchic?' May asked her member, who jumped in joy and stood next to Treeko ready to fight, "Okay well I'll get this party started" she pointed at the first Poochyena and grinned "Okay Torchic use Scratch!!" Torchic leaped at Poochyena and hit him multiple times with her talons. Poochyena didnt take much time to counter, and lunged at her with a Tackle, Torchic got hit preety hard and fell backwards to May's feet "Oh no, Torchic, c'mon get up baby" she said with a plead.

"Hey, how strong are you now lil guy, hmm" Patrick said then targeted the offensive Pooch, "Treeko, give him a taste of his attack with your own Tackle!" Treeko then leaped off the ground and not only hit the Poochyena that attcked Torchic, but hit the second one with his tail. "yea way to go buddy, thats how you do it" May gave Treeko and Patrick a little cheer, and Torchic was back on her feet ready to attack.

"Well Torchic let's let Treeko be the offense, and you onto the defense side, use Leer!" Torchic then glared at both Pooch's with a mean look in her eye. Both of them got scared and ran off into the bushes. "Wow that scare dthem preety good, good job Torchic" Torchic replied with a gleeful tone. But then heard a big rustle in the bushes.

"Umm..I don't think they ran away outta pure fear..." Patrick said as he figured out what was gonna approach, "May, get Torchic ready to fight..this one is out of our league a bit.." Then approached what he expected, the mother Mightyena of the two siblings. May shook in fear at it, it was very scary lookign compared to the one that Patrick's mother had. The mother growled at all four of them and Treeko and Torchic shook in fear.

"uhhhh...uhhh..." was all May could say, startign to back away slowly "we should try to go."

"No May," Patrick said keepign her still, "This is what trainers will face, and strong obsatcle and this will be our first, okay, just stay strong, okay May?" Patrick said with a reassuring tone.

May then sighed, and nodded in agreement, "Okay...well then, let;s face the fear, Torchic, use Ember!!" commanded May, Torchic them started to collect heat from her mouth and launched mutliple fireballs from her peak at Mightyena. Mightyena took the blow rather hard and couldn't move.

"Thats the spirit May, face the fear!! Treeko, use Absorb and follow it up with Tackle!!" Treeko then lunged onto Migthyena who tried to shake him off, but Treeko bit down and started to absorb Mightyena's health, he then leaped off and lunged into her with his head.

Mightyena then growled into anger and lunged at both pint sized Poke'mon.

"Dodge it!!' yelled out both Trainers, which made Treeko and Torchic leap into the air and making Mightyena ram into a small tree, "Now use Tackle, Treeko, and Scratch, Torchic!!" May and Patrick said in unison once again. Torchic then jumped onto Mightyena and scratched vigorously, as Treeko rammed into Mightyena's side. The mother yelped and fleed away with her two childern running off.

"We did it...?" May said in shock.

"We did...we took a full grown Mightyena and won..." Patrick jumped with joy and hugged May, and vice versa, both of them later realized what they were doing, and let go each other with a light blush. "Umm perhaps we should get goign to Oldale, I'm sure after this, these two need a good rest."

"Yea and let's hurry" she said while pointing to the dimming sun, "It'll be night soon, and thats when the older Poke'mon come out and roam." she said with a lil shake in her voice.

Patrick nodded, called back Treeko, May did the same for Torchic, and they both ran at high speed to get to Oldale town before they had to deal with more Mightyena...or what stronger Poke'mon lie out in their travels, for this was just a small step to what lies ahead for our two heroes.

End of Episode 1

Thx for reading and stay tuned for part 2, coming soon to a story near you, heh. Please review