Perfect Strangers
Rory/ Tristan. No questions asked, no names, no more than a night at a time, so no daylight and definitely no feelings. Simple… Right?
The way you dance it turns me on, but you know that I'm spoken for. The way your sweat drips off your chest, you know that I'm wanting more.
The lust, the sex, the heat, this sweat and nothing else matters, you call my name without your dress, I already forgot her.
You have no idea what you do to me and you, you have no idea what you're doing to me…………. The girl I love sits at home, and I know that she's lonely. But I'm watching you take off your clothes, you're the star of this movie.
The love, the hate, the guilt my fate is hanging in the balance………
And by the time that I come home, she's already sleeping. Sit on the bed; take off my clothes, my nerves they're shaking.
The lust, the sex, the heat, this sweat, your body is quaking; the love, the hate, the guilt might fade against this temptress……
I'm ashamed
A soft glow emitted from a single lamp in the corner of the luxurious room. Jasmine perfumed the air, its scent heady and light. A plush red couch the only other furniture; it was stationed in the middle of the room, facing a mirrored wall. Nervously his hands clenched and unclenched in his lap as he waited for her to come out. Frustrated, he ran his hand through his already tousled sun-kissed hair, letting out a small sigh. About to give up his body froze as a slender hand moved up his back and down his chest. Startled, his gaze rose up to the mirror and his turquoise eyes clashed with her cerulean ones. Music began to play in the background, its seductive sounds relaxing his body as she spun round the couch until she stood in front of him. His gaze swept up long, slender legs, little black shorts, across her toned stomach and little, pert breasts encased in a lacey midnight blue top that was see through in the half light and back up to her mesmerizing eyes. Her hair was pinned back in a loose bun and as he watched her arms raised, hands moving methodically to pull out the pins. A slow shake of the head had her chocolate brown tresses cascading past her shoulders and framing her face. Tantalizingly her hips swayed to the beat and before he could think his actions through his hands had risen to rest on her hips, fingers splayed wide as she continued to dance, but with two sharp jerks to either side she'd dislodged his hands from her hips. Again his eyes rose startled to hers as she shook her finger in obvious amusement. Smirking, he leant back against the couch, arms spreading over the top of it and he enjoyed the show through hooded eyes as she continued to dance before him. She placed a hand on either of his knees, widening the gap he'd made and daintily placed herself within it. Her arms rose into the air as she used them to whip her body round before she shimmed down his body, her back to his front all the while making sure to keep her eyes locked on his in the mirror opposite them. Inhaling deeply the scent of jasmines intensified as her silky hair brushed his face and he found himself slowly losing control. She trailed her hands over her neck and down her body, briefly cupping her breasts before continuing downwards till she could grasp the hem of her shirt and pull it off over her head, baring her breast into the half light. His throat instantly dried as he gazed upon her pert breasts in the mirror, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip. Arms hooked round his neck, on leg bent, the other straight between his, her body hovering above his in a seated position before she began to roll her hips and upper body back against his chest and groin, all to aware of what was protruding against her ass every time she skimmed his groin. Closing her eyes to savor the sensations she heard his breathing hitch before it quickened and she felt his body tense. Turning herself round she straddled him, his legs closing together as her knees bent on the couch, breast heaving on level with his eyes and began grinding against his prominent erection, eyes clouded with lust as she lent backwards, placing her hands behind her on his knees to stabilize herself and continued to grind against him. Movement out of her peripheral vision alerted her to the fact that he was clenching his hands into fists in an effort not to touch her as his head dipped back against the couch, mouth open as he panted heavily into the atmosphere, before his tongue flickered out to moisten his bottom lip. Suddenly his hands grasped her hips, halting her movements. She could feel him straining beneath her; straining for control and that gave her a sense of power. This man was the epiphany of all things male, a god amongst mortals and here he was fighting for control over his body because of her. Feeling rebellious she fought against his grip and managed to move against him, his hold weakening slightly allowing her more freedom with her movements before it tightened again in order to keep her still, his cloudy eyes snapping open to meet hers; eyes searching her depths before he smirked when he sighted the mischievous gleam sparkling prominently in her eyes. Pushing backwards she broke from his grip completely, sitting back on the edge of his knees. She lifted one leg up and past his head as she spun round, bare back straight as she slid her legs between his, once again creating a gap that she slid down in until she was kneeling and then slide down into box splits, either leg stretched out under each of his bent ones. She pushed her self forward, drawing her legs behind her and under the couch as her body rolled forwards. He scooted forward to the edge of the couch to watch her and was surprised when her ass was suddenly there in his face. She'd stood so that her legs were straight, but she was bent forward touching the ground. Distantly in the back of his mind he registered the fact that the music had stopped playing, a sure indication that she'd finished. Sure enough, when he looked at his watched he saw that she'd gone over time and looking back into her eyes, as she stood and turned around, he realized that she'd allowed him the extra ten minutes, the ones he had lost while vying for control over his traitorous body. Coughing slightly as he adjust his trousers and jacket he strolled over to her, his right hand reaching into his back pocket. Pulling out his wallet he counted out some bills and pressed them into her waiting hand. He turned to leave, but stiffened as her hand grasped his arm, preventing him from leaving. His eyebrow quirked as he turned back to face her.
"Something the matter?"
"You've given me too much."
"And you're complaining? Here I thought that all women in your……. profession would be grateful for a little extra cash."
"Yeah? Well don't presume you know everything, so what's with the extra dosh?"
"You earned it."
"Good to know."
"So can I go now or was there another reason you called me back?" The heated look in his eyes would have been enough for her to succumb to his obvious intentions but the smug smirk playing on his lips made her reconsider and she shook her head before turning round to walk out of the little side door at the back of the room, not bothering to look back, sure she'd see his hooded eyes as they stared into her back of her.
A week later found her back up "dancing" on stage. She was near the end of her act and soon the bidding would begin and she'd find out who she'd be privately performing for. Bored eyes roamed over the heads of the crowd briefly making eye contact with both men and women in a bid to entice them into spending more money on her. Her eyes caught Andrew's as he maintained the bar, creating perfect cocktails without even looking, sympathy shining through his sky blue eyes as he knew the way she felt about dancing: bored. Flashing him a quick grin she let her eyes resume their sweep only to find a pair of familiar turquoise eyes boring straight into hers. He truly was gorgeous but she couldn't stand the arrogant aura that surrounded him. He was obviously from money due to the way he'd oh-so-casually over paid her the week before. Not that she wasn't grateful, his money had gone to paying her late rent and being able to pay next months in advance, so if everything else fell through, she'd at least have a roof over her head for next month for or so. But the way he'd also suggested "broadening" their "relationship" with the air of someone who was used to getting their own way. Shaking her head she finished up her routine, accepting a chair from one of the bouncers near the stage at sat in the middle, right of the silver stripping pole. Leaning against it, she placed a fake smile on her face and closed her eyes as she listened to the bids for her steadily rising higher and higher until she shot her eyes open when she heard the familiar words of "sold". She quickly scanned the crowd to see who she'd be dancing for and was nonplussed to find his sun kissed hair making its way to one of the back rooms, a smirk playing on his lips. Smug Bastard.
Hey, this is just a pilot chapter to see if people want me to continue. As with all my stories I have no idea where this one's going and I won't know till I sit down to write some more. But don't despair, all my other stories are in the process of being updated so I just thought I'd write this as a……. peace offering lol.
Ade x