Prologue to a series coupling L & R.

Rating: Mature 18+

Disclaimer: I don't own characters

Warning: adult language and will eventually contain yaoi brotherly relations.

Chilled Warmth

By Zye

Night rapidly approached as a pair of disorientated turtles wondered aimlessly through the narrow passageways of unfamiliar subterranean channels. They trudged against the current through freezing waters in relative silence finally the dank concrete walls opened into a large chamber with a dozen tunnels leading off in various directions. None of which looked even remotely familiar to the discouraged turtles.

"This is pointless," growled the red clad turtle. "How the shell did we get lost! We've only lived down here our whole damn lives," a spray of bitter cold water splashed around him as he stomped a foot down hard.

The other turtle paused and glanced over his shoulder at his hotheaded brother, "throwing a turtle tantrum right now isn't helping," he shivered and rubbed his hands together, "its getting colder…we'd better keep moving."

"Oh really I didn't notice my whole fuckin' body was numb," Raph snarled sarcastically. "Which way oh fearless leader you've done a marvelous job leadin' us outa here so far." He threw his arms wildly out to his side as his eyes stabbed heatedly at his older brother, "you're the one who got us into this mess…"

Leonardo sharply cut his brother off, "hey I didn't ask you to 'rescue' me you know! You got yourself into this."

Raphael crossed his arms across his chest and sneered bitterly at Leonardo, "Oooooh I'll have to remember that next time," he snorted, "it'll save me the aggravation of givin' a damn."

Leonardo clenched his fists at his side and sternly held eye contact with his temperamental brother. Of all the guys he could be stuck down here with it had to be him…he's always so…so… difficult!

Leo's eyes softened a little as the memory of their excursion to this 'place' quenched his frustrations with Raphael… The truth was he may have drowned had his brother not jumped into the swift currents after him. Fatigued from a grueling battle with the foot his strength had quickly dissolved within the freezing waters. He vaguely recalled Raph's plunge into the frigid water but vividly recollected how relieved he felt as his brother locked a firm grip on his wrist.

The two terrapins were swept along winding waterways, scraped against the concrete walls, unwillingly launched over cascading waterfalls; finally they had plummeted into a spiraling whirlpool. He will never be certain how his brother pulled the two of them away from the engulfing mouth of that blackened vortex or how Raph had managed to get them onto the narrow ledge four feet above the water…

Regardless of how abrasive his hot headed brother could be he knew deep down how much Raph truly cared for the well being of everyone in their family. And he wouldn't want to be stranded down here with anyone else…well…perhaps Donatello would've been preferable since he would probably know which way to go.

Leo turned his gaze away from Raph and sighed deeply, "come on we'll go that way…" he pointed towards the black opening of one of the tunnels, "it looks dry at least."

Raphael exhaled gruffly and smirked, "whatever you say all knowin' one," he finished with a mocking bow. Nonchalantly, he strolled behind his elder brother into yet another previously unexplored passageway.

Leonardo steadily picked his way through the debris of discarded items from the world above and a hopeful smile slowly leaked its was across his paled green face, "we must be getting closer to the surface…judging by all this junk on the ground."

That minute flicker of hope was quickly extinguished as the pair came to a spirit-crushing dead end; a jagged mountain of rubble blocked the passageway. Leo painfully inspected the blockade; the tunnel must have collapsed years ago.

Leonardo warily sat down on a stray boulder and buried his face in his hands. Raphael glared at the barrier momentarily before he launched a fierce assault against the decaying exterior of his currently 'most' despised enemy.

"Save your strength," Leo sighed in a muffled voice, "we'll camp here for awhile and try another tunnel after we're rested." He raised his head up and met Raphael's fiery eyes.

Leo stood up quickly and sauntered away from the blockage before Raph fired another insult at him. "I saw a cavern a while back…we'll be off the ground and be safer in there…" he shivered, damn it was cold.

Raphael glared at the back of his brother's shell, "whatever," he snorted. Then Raph turned his attention back to the twisted pile of debris and rallied another series of angry punches and kicks. "Stupid fuckin' rocks," he growled then turned to follow his eldest brother back down the tunnel.

Leonardo glided quickly back down the path until he reached the hollow out hole that would make a decent camp for the night. He carefully scanned the surrounding and spotted a tattered blanket among the clutter. He grabbed it and shook it violently; a cloud of dust filled the narrow tunnel. Next he grabbed a cardboard box and carefully lined the floor of the cavern.

"You've got to be fuckin' kiddin' me," grumbled a low voice from behind him.

Without a glance towards the hostile tone, Leonardo climbed up into the small cave and shifted towards the inner wall. "It'll work for tonight," he muttered as he buried himself beneath the tattered blanket, "go find another blanket if you want."

Raphael rolled his eyes, "whatever." He carelessly picked though the scraps littering the ground…nothing. "This is fucking stupid," Raph fumed then shot Leo a death glare. Raph tilted his head to the side and slowly blinked once, annoyed that his brother was already dozing despite of his outburst.

Raphael sneered and forced his legs to move in the direction of his older brother's slumbering figure. Raph let out an aggravated sigh then hoisted himself up into the crevice and collapsed next to Leonardo.

Raph shifted uncomfortably near the edge and his foot brushed against Leo's leg. He quickly jerked it away, "Damn you're freezing," he barked irately.

Leo peered at Raphael through dark, glazed slits, "aren't you," he asked sleepily.

"Yeah…but," Raph's eyes darted towards his feet, "I ain't that cold!"

Leo tiredly studied his hot-headed brother for a moment, "you didn't find anything to cover up with?"

Raph's eyes shot back up to Leo and snorted, " noticed that all by yourself, fearless?"

Leo faked a patient friendly smile, "we can share this one," he offered, "and maybe we'll be wa…"

"Have you forgotten that you're a fuckin' turtle popsicle," Raphael interrupted sarcastically, "yeah that'll be real cozy, Leo."

Leo pressed his lips together, "fine…," he muttered as he deliberately turned to face the damp wall, "forget I said anything."

Impulsively, Raphael grabbed Leo's shoulder, "Alright," his eye dropped and he nodded.

Leo warily smiled and raised the edge of the tattered blanket; then he scooted towards his little brother. Raph sighed as he inched under the blanket, mentally cursing himself as Leo's ice cold arm slide across his chest.

"You are warm…" Leo yawned and draped a leg over Raph's thigh.

Alright…this…was…awkward, Raph thought as Leo's head rested on his arm and snuggled close against his side. Raphael hadn't slept next to one of his brothers since they were kids…but cuddling with one of them…he had no defense for this. Raphael hand hovered preciously above Leo's arctic skin; he grumbled a defeated protest before he allowed his hand to settle on his brother's bicep.

Leonardo nuzzled tighter against his brother and faintly muttered about Mikey being a favorable turtle to be struck with…

Raph's body tensed, "What?"

"Never mind," Leo mumbled into Raph's shoulder, "Just try to get some sleep."

Raphael snorted irritably…never mind he says…whatever…he rolled his eyes and shifted uncomfortably…he's the one who got us into this stinkin' mess! Raph rudely frowned at his 'fearless' brother who was sound asleep in the nook of his arm and drooling

Raph cringed in disgust as he seized a handful of the tattered blanket and dabbed at the clinging ropes of slobber drizzling from Leo's slackened mouth. Raph's hand stilled lightly pressed against the corner of Leo's bottom lip; bone chilling images surfaced from deep within a suppressed corridor of his mind.

We were tired…ok maybe that is a little understated…we were mere ghosts of our usually lively selves after the battle in the abandoned substation. The fight had waged on for hours as the foot relentlessly replenished their forces with every twirl of my sai it seemed…but that was over…we had survived.

It was supposed to save us almost an hour, he said with that irritating air of certainty, taking the risky short cut across a narrow beam suspended preciously over the rain swollen rapids below, the nearest crossing was over a mile away and we were…tired, anxious for the comforts of the lair.

Leonardo led the way, as always, followed closely by Donatello; I honestly didn't give it much thought…it's not my job to be the chicken shit of the family, a quick shove got Mikey out onto the beam. I shadowed them in the rear, that's right… my job is to be the ass… always the ass.

Donatello had stopped so suddenly, Mikey collided with him…they tittered with their arms stretched out wide to their sides for a bit…I couldn't help but snicker as they clumsily clawed the thin air for leverage…I didn't care why Don had halted…I was just enjoying the show…

My sinister chuckles abruptly stifled in my dry throat, an agonizing self-combustion detonated beneath my plastron as I saw him plummet into the dark waters below and swallowed by the unforgiving currents.

The events following blurred…clouded by a rush of adrenaline and sudden needles stinging into my flesh, the dark water was cold enough to steal all the air from my lungs. The only real thought scorching my mind once I seized my brother's wrist…don't let go.

Raphael swallowed hard suppressing his fears lingering from the near loss of his older brother and willed his muscles to halt their pathetic trembling. Raph squeezed his eyes shut and breathed deeply in and out…gradually the internal battles flaring within him faded and he slowly drifted into darkness.