Disclaimer: Don't own anything.

This is my first TG fiction, hope you like it!!! I'll try to update as soon as possible. Promise!

"Troy, I still don't get how you can be happy if you got a 54 on the test," said Gabriella, looking over Troy's test. It was the end of the school day, and they were walking along the empty hallway after a particularly long drama rehearsal.

Troy laughed at her and casually slung his arm around her neck.

"It's higher than last time. Dad will be proud," he said, puffing his chest out. Gabriella eyed him dubiously.

"How much did you get last time?" she asked.

"53," said Troy, lightly tickling her under her chin. Gabriella slapped him on the chest and they both laughed. Troy plucked the paper from her hands and stuffed it into his backpack.

"Hey, at least I passed. You still up for that study session? Or should I drop you off and crawl back home?" asked Troy.

"The latter is more tempting, but as you are my best friend, I'll tutor you," said Gabriella. By now they had reached his car. Troy removed his arm from around her neck and unlocked the passenger door.

"That's good. After you milady," he said, mock bowing as he held the door open for her. She giggled and climbed into the car.

Once both were seated and on the road, she turned to him, an evil grin on her face.

"Now that I have your full and undivided attention, I'm going to give you a lecture." Troy groaned.

"On what? I passed didn't I?" Gabriella suppressed a smile.

"Yes, you did, but we studied for this test together. How come I got a 98 while you got a 53?" Troy shifted gears, and turned the car onto the highway.

"It was a 54, and it's not my fault if you're smarter than me. Let's face it, Gabriella, I'm just dumb," he said. Gabriella looked over at him and saw that all signs of joking were gone. Suddenly, she felt glad she'd brought this up. This had obviously been bothering Troy. At least they could talk about this, and she'd make him feel better.

"Hey, Troy, you're not dumb. Ok?" she said, covering his hand with hers where it rested on the gear shift. A faint smile appeared on his face as he turned his hand over to grasp hers.

"We just need a little extra work. I'll help you. Don't worry," Gabriella reassured him. The smile turned into a grin. She squeezed his hand once more then let go so he could shift gears.

Soon, both were laughing at Chad and Taylor's strange relationship. They talked about junior year, and how much they're going to miss it. Both agreed that they'd make the most of the three months they had left. They'd barely have time for fun in senior year, what with preparing for colleges and all that.

Their conversation hit a lull, and for the next few minutes, they drove in silence. Left alone with her thoughts, Gabriella noticed how far they'd come in their friendship. They were best friends and she felt a smile form on her face as she realized she wouldn't trade that for anything. Troy felt her gaze on him, and he turned to smile at her.

At that moment, a look of panic overcame Gabriella's features.

"Troy, look out!" she shouted. Troy looked at the road, and found himself staring at what seemed like a large glittery screen. No matter which way he'd swerve, he'd still hit it, as it covered the whole width of the highway. Still, he had to try. For his best friend, who was now fearfully clinging onto his sleeve, he had to try. He tightened his grip on the wheel, and turned it as far as it would go. He squeezed his eyes shut, knowing there was no chance. He felt a bump as the car hit the uneven land next to the highway.

Gabriella screamed



Ohhhh…. Dramatic ending… haha… Review, people!!!! I'll appreciate it.