Authors Note: Ok guys the bigbang finale, this will be the last chapter in For the One I Love. But fear not it will not be the end of the story, as I will have the second part of the story up within a couple of weeks, hopefully. The story will continue with Naruto's and Hinata's training with Jiraiya. Thanks to all my readers and all my reviewers your support has kept me going, thank you all so much hope I did you proud.

Chapter 21 Brothers (part 2)

"Shadow clone jutsu" Sasuke heard as Naruto made hundreds of clones. They all rushed at Sasuke who was in a fighting stance ready to repel the attacking clones. The first one came straight on going for a punch to the face. Sasuke grabbed the clones hand in mid punch and moved it to the side of his body while at the same time bringing up his knee to the clones gut. It poofed away as more came to replace it, another clone jumped through the smoke and kicked at Sasuke's face. Sasuke performed a back flip dodging the attack.

He hit the ground and was then pressed into a defensive attack stance. Naruto would attack and Sasuke would counterattack destroying that clone, however Naruto had many clones. Sasuke was jumping attacking and blocking attacks every few seconds and knew he couldn't continue this forever. A clone suddenly kicked him in the back sending him staggering into another clones attack. This one launched a punch to Sasuke's face, Sasuke moved his head slightly to the side the clones fist glancing at his cheek. Sasuke quickly punched the clone in the chest, making that one vanish, but always another came. Sasuke sensed something behind him and jumped backwards landing on his hand dodging a low kick to his legs, he then placed his hand in the right positions and started to twirl his body. His legs hit clones around close proximity and gave him a short reprieve. Sasuke got back up and looked at the many clones around him. There has to be a better way to do this Sasuke thought.

"Kakashi what is Sasuke doing" Gai asked, "why isn't he using his sharingan"

"Sasuke wants to prove to himself that he his better then Naruto, and by not using his sharingan I think he believes he is still superior to Naruto" Kakashi said insightfully.

"I see" Gai replied looking back to Sasuke, then what will you do Gai thought to himself.

"That stance" everyone heard Lee yell. Everyone looked to see Sasuke in Lee's stance. One hand out with his fingers pointed outwards and his other hand behind his back. Sasuke had a fierce grin on his face.

"Lets go Naruto" Sasuke said inviting Naruto to get closer. "You asked for it Sasuke"

The other ninja watched as hundreds of Naruto leaped at Sasuke forming a dome of Naruto's around him. Sasuke never lost his grin. As the Naruto's were about to land on him they all suddenly poofed away. The sounds of them being destroyed filled the forest just outside of the gate. When the smoke vanished Sasuke was standing there the same grin on his face, but a little sweat on his brow. Naruto was in front of him laying on his back a bruise on his face. Naruto got up and wiped the blood from his mouth.

"Oh yeah lets see how many times you can do that" Naruto said making the shadow clone jutsu hand sign once again. Once again Naruto made hundreds of clones and made them leap after Sasuke, and just like last time they all were destroyed within a few seconds.

Naruto this time flew from the smoke and landed a few feet from the group of watching ninja. Hinata ran forward and bent down putting her hand on his arm. She let go when she saw the determination in his eyes. Naruto got up not even registering that Hinata was next to him. Naruto walked back over to Sasuke and made the sign once again. Hinata got back up worry in her eyes. That didn't seem like the Naruto I know she thought.

This time Naruto made a ring of Narutos around Sasuke and made them attack all at once. Sasuke easily dodged and countered taking the clones out within 10 seconds. Naruto flew back and hit the ground once again. Naruto slowly got back up and made the same hand sign, making many clones but fewer then the last time. Sasuke didn't even let them attack as he dispatched them quickly and sent Naruto back down to the ground. He was sweating a bit and his breathing was becoming more rugged, Its time to end this Sasuke thought. "Its pointless Naruto, I outmatch you now" Sasuke said running forward.

Naruto got up to see Sasuke vanish and then appear right below him. Naruto was then launched up into the air from a kick by Sasuke. Sasuke then appeared behind Naruto in the air. "What the.." Naruto got up before Sasuke kicked him in the side. Sasuke pushed off Naruto from the kick and used the momentum to spin his body and bring his elbow into Naruto's stomach. Sasuke grabbed Naruto by the arm with his other hand and with all his strength threw Naruto to the ground. He hit the ground hard and lost his breath, Sasuke wasn't finished yet though he flew down to the ground and spun around quickly increasing his momentum. He landed his foot into Naruto's chest, causing Naruto to yell out in pain and a loud crack of bone with it. Sasuke quickly recovered and jumped to his feet landing a few feet from the downed ninja.

Sasuke was breathing hard a large amount of his chakra already exerted. He was sweating but his grin was still intact. "You see Naruto, it was impossible" he said triumphantly. His smirk left him when Naruto started to laugh. "You always underestimate me, thought you would have learned by now" Naruto said before poofing into smoke revealing a hole.

"WHAT THE HE..." Sasuke started to say before something popped out of the ground below him. Sasuke looked down to see a pair of hands grab his feet.


Sasuke then looked above him to see five Narutos fall from the sky. The first one went straight at Sasuke and launched a hard punch to his face. Sasuke managed to avoid the bulk of the hit by moving his head but the impact still got him. Sasuke would have been sent flying by the pair of hands kept him in place. Then the pair of hands let go, Sasuke felt himself free but then a new sensation hit him. The 4 other clones kicked him straight up all at the same time with a few mili-seconds between each kick.

"NA-RU-TO" The four clones shouted. Sasuke flew up into the sky his sight disoriented. He saw something hiding behind the sun and knew it was the final part of Naruto's plan.

"AHHHHHH" the clone screamed hitting Sasuke in the face sending him flying down at and angle to two Naruto's waiting down below. Sasuke saw a sphere of spinning chakra he was holding and his eyes opened wide. Sasuke quickly brought his hands together and made really quick hand signs. He managed to form his chidori and get it in place at the last second.

The two jutsu collided created a intense wave of wind and chakra, the wind hit the ninjas watching and made them cover their eyes from the dust.

"DON'T EVER UNDERESTIMATE ME" Naruto yelled pushing his rasengan into Sasuke's chidori even farther. The two raging energies exploded and sent both of the rivals flying in the opposite directions. Naruto hit the ground and flew a few feet before hitting it a second time. He bounced up catching his balance after the second impact and slid backwards on his feet. He slid a good 20 feet before stopping and looked at the direction Sasuke flew towards.

Sasuke on the other hand was sent flying through the trees hitting small branches as he flew through the forest. He hit the trunk of a giant tree some 50 feet of the start of his flight. He made an indent of his body in the tree as he fell to the ground. He fell down onto his knees and hands breathing hard.

"Naruto...I can't deny your power any longer" Sasuke said in between his breaths, "it seems..." he said as he rose to his feet.

"THAT I'LL HAVE TO BEAT YOU AS A EQUAL" Sasuke yelled his sharingan looking at Naruto at least a hundred feet away. Naruto heard Sasuke and smiled. "Finally I thought he would never say that"

Naruto ran forward pulling a kunai out of his container, he ran towards Sasuke with a ferocity in his eyes. Sasuke pulled out his sword and closed his eyes slowly bringing his hand from the top of the blade to the hilt. The blade let out a dark black aura, and Sasuke now ready rushed to meet Naruto.

Naruto swung his kunai and met Sasuke's blade. The watchers of the fight saw flashes of lights and heard the clags their blades made as they continued to attack and counter each other. Sasuke swung sideways aiming for Naruto's side. Naruto brought up his kunai and stopped the blade, he then brought up his left leg and kicked it sideways to Sasuke's head. Sasuke ducked and spun around and kicked Naruto's legs from underneath him, Sasuke quickly spun the other way bringing his foot above his body, he then went down striking Naruto in the chest with his foot. Naruto let out a cry of pain as the wind got knocked out of him and he could feel a rib or two either break or snap. Sasuke picked Naruto up by his collar and lifted him up.

"This is what you wanted isn't it, Naruto" Sasuke asked, Naruto smiled a tickle of blood escaping his lips. Sasuke smiled and threw his sword high up into the air, then threw Naruto up a little. He then made a punch to Naruto's stomach sending him upward a little more. Sasuke then let loose a fury of punches on Naruto keeping his body afloat in the air from the impact of the punches, Naruto's body shook violently and he coughed up blood every few seconds. The barrage continued what seemed forever for Naruto, then Sasuke then bent down and shot back up punching Naruto hard in the stomach one last time. Naruto tried to yell in pain but no sound could escape his mouth. Sasuke held Naruto by his fist for a second before he spun around quickly and kicked Naruto in the side of the head. Naruto spun as he flew down to the ground, he hit the ground once before bouncing up again and hitting a tree, going right through it. The tree itself fell to the ground while Sasuke caught his sword and slashing to his side, its tip on the ground. Sasuke stood his ground and waited.

Naruto got up slowly blood gushing out of his mouth with every cough. He stood on his feet weakly barely able to manage keeping his balance. Naruto slowly went to his ribs and traced his fingers over them. One...two...three...maybe four, dammit he broke four ribs in one attack Naruto thought to himself, I can't fight like this even I have a limit on what my body can handle. It seems I have to call on it for help Naruto thought putting his hands together to draw chakra.

Sasuke stood by and waited for Naruto to at least stumble out but he never came. I guess he passed out but, I shouldn't underestimate him I'll just wait it out and if...Sasuke started to think but lost his thought when he felt a familiar chakra. Sasuke looked in the darkness to see a glow of red chakra, but as he looked it suddenly vanished, He's gotten faster then before Sasuke thought as he jumped up barely avoiding Naruto plunging down to the spot Sasuke was just at with his claws. Sasuke landed on the ground and kept his sword at ready, Naruto slowly turned around picking his hand up from the small crater that he created. He stared right into Sasuke's eyes full of determination and strength.

"I won't lose" Naruto said running towards Sasuke.

Sasuke swung his sword at Naruto's shoulder but Naruto spun around it quickly and grabbed Sasuke's sword hand. Sasuke not missing a beat spun his whole body backwards and planted his foot into Naruto's face, if it had any effect at all Naruto didn't show it. Instead Naruto grabbed Sasuke's foot with his free hand and started twirling him around. Naruto spun and spun spinning faster with every second. Sasuke couldn't counter and could only wait for the release, which came a second later. Sasuke flew though the trees and was flying out up into the sky. He was thrown past the canopy of the trees and was still flying up in the air when he noticed the red chakra wasn't below him. Out of instinct Sasuke twirled his body in mid air and dodged a kunai being thrown at him. As it soared past him he noticed a tag getting smaller on it.

"SHII.." Sasuke said before it exploded sending him flying out to another direction. Sasuke was now daze and didn't notice that he wasn't the only one up there, in fact at least 30 people were now up there with him. A chain of Narutos soared up and grabbed Sasuke by the feet and started to twirl in a circle. Sasuke was spun around until the chain went high up into the air and went straight back down taking Sasuke down to the ground. But Sasuke wasn't completely unprepared, he made a few hand sign and brought his hand to his mouth.

"Giant fireball jutsu" he said firing the ball down the line of Narutos. As the fireball went down obliterating anything that got in its way Sasuke was still falling hard into the ground. He knew he couldn't stop so he prepared for the impact. Naruto meanwhile was at the beginning of the chain and smiled as he saw Sasuke head for the ground. But then something glimmered in the sun and was heading towards him.

Naruto opened his eyes in surprise and let go of the clone in front of him and brought his arms together in a x shape to block his face. "Dammit" he said before he was engulfed by the flame. Two large dust clouds appeared to the spectators watching the fight. The number of observers had grown exponentially since the beginning of the fight. There was people on top of the wall looking over each others shoulders and watching from nearby outposts. The entire village would know of the fight between Naruto and Sasuke by the end of the day by the latest.

Sakura was standing next to Kakashi and Hinata. She was worried about her two squad members they always took things too far. Hinata had her buyakugon active and was telling the rest of the group what was happening. Neji also had his active but just watched not saying a word.

Naruto got up slowly a fire surrounding him, he had scorch marks over his body and his clothes were burnt, but his red chakra was still pouring from him. "Damn that Sasuke" Naruto sneered looking around. Thats when a familiar sound Naruto has heard many a time came from deep in the forest. He saw a light far in the darkness then quickly get closer and closer to him. The sound got clearer and clearer and it began to sound like many birds chirping.

"NARUTO" Sasuke yelled running at full speed at Naruto. Naruto was caught off guard his body not yet recovered from the last attack. Sasuke was at Naruto in less then a couple of seconds his chidori in his palm. Naruto threw three kunai Sasuke who dodged all of them and then vanished from Naruto's sight. Naruto then tensed as his body jolted from a sudden impact. He looked down to see a ball of chakra with lightning shooting from it coming out of his chest. It disappeared after a second and the hand that owned it withdrew itself from Naruto's chest. Naruto fell to his knees blood gushing from the wound. Sasuke pulled out his sword and turned around his back now to Naruto's.


Hinata made a loud gasp and tears fell from her eyes as she watched the fight between the two. "What..what is it" Sakura asked her voice filled with worry. Hinata just fell to the ground pain coursing through her body, it was two kinds of pain. The first was the pain Naruto could feel, an intense pain that only he could endure and the second was the pain of knowing Naruto was suffering and there wasn't anything she could do about it.

"Hinata what is happening tell me" Sakura said her worry growing.

"Sasuke just hit Naruto with his chidori" Kakashi said his headband up and his eyes watching the direction the two were fighting.

"But that would...I mean Sasuke wouldn't...he couldn't" Sakura started to babble trying to deny that he could do something like that.

"Sakura you know better then anybody that those two, have more then a...rivalry between them" Kakashi said, "those two will give everything they have to defeat the other, its just the way they are". Sakura's head fell a little when she came to accept that, she just hoped they wouldn't kill each other.


"You...bastard" Naruto said quietly. Sasuke didn't respond he just stared at Naruto his sword at the ready. Sasuke watched Naruto closely, he had seen Naruto take a whole lot worse and still keep on fighting so he wasn't going to let his guard down. Naruto coughed up blood as it filled his mouth, blood was gushing out of the wound as well. His sight was getting blurry and he could barely move.

Dammit...dammit...dammit Naruto thought as his eyes began to close. NO, I won't lose...I WON'T LOSE

Sasuke watched as Naruto slowly rose to his feet as the wind began to pick up. This is an ominous wind Sasuke thought. Naruto turned his head slowly and stared into Sasuke's eyes. Sasuke looked into Naruto's and flinched just a little. His eyes, once a brilliant blue, were now a blood red.

"I won't lose to you Sasuke" Naruto said his voice deeper and more evil like. Naruto then vanished from Sasuke's view.

"What...umph" Sasuke started to say before Naruto was below him his leg outstretched into his stomach. Sasuke stumbled backwards a few steps before Naruto ran to him and started to punch furiously at Sasuke. Sasuke, even with his sharingan fully activated, could see the punches he just wasn't fast enough to block them all. Naruto would get in a hit or two every couple of seconds and was starting to wear out Sasuke. Naruto then pulled his hand back and built up some chakra into it and launched it at Sasuke. Sasuke saw it at the last second and brought his arms up to block it. It hit his arm and pushed him back from the force of the attack. Sasuke stopped 10 feet from his last position and looked in front of him to see a pair of red eyes staring right at him a couple of inches from his eyes..

Naruto let out a feral growl and sent a punch straight into Sasuke's jaw. Sasuke tumbled backwards from the attack and was spun back around when something grabbed his wrist and spun him around Naruto built up a large amount of chakra into his fist and pulled it back. Sasuke turned his head and watched as the red chakra covered fist came closer and closer to his jaw once again. It connected with full strength and made Sasuke quickly turn around and was lifted up from the ground but was pulled back due to Naruto's new strength. Naruto quickly kneed Sasuke in the stomach, taking his breath away and bending his body forward. Naruto then smashed his elbow to the back on Sasuke's head. He stumbled away from Naruto dazed and turned around to see his hand again glowing dark red with chakra.

"YAAAAAH" Naruto yelled running at Sasuke determined to end the fight there. He pulled his fist back and stuck going for Sasuke's jaw as hard as he could, but it never connected. Naruto now stood there his fist in Sasuke's hand in a desperate power struggle. Sasuke was looking downwards putting his strength into stopping Naruto's. Naruto angry pulled back his free arm and tried to strike him with that one, but Sasuke managed to grab that hand as well.

"You know" Sasuke started to say slowly raising his head, "your not the only one who still has a few tricks" Naruto looked at him curiously until his eyes met with Sasuke's. "I still have a few of my own" he said his sharingan now in the shape of a three sided shuriken. Naruto let out a growl of frustration and brought his head back and then rammed it against Sasuke's forehead. Sasuke let out a yelp of pain as Naruto got ready for another one. Sasuke raised his knee up to Naruto's chest blocking Naruto from getting another head butt. He then pushed with his knee making Naruto stretch out his arms, Sasuke then dropped his knee and jumped in a back flip like motion. His foot caught Naruto right in the chin and made him stumble back a few feet. Sasuke got into a defensive stance and waited his new sharingan now active.

Naruto let out a loud roar sending a sound blast towards Sasuke who just stood still and accepted the blast. He made a x with his arms and continued to look at Naruto who ran forward after the blast. Sasuke waited and got ready for Naruto's attack. Naruto made a quick jab to Sasuke's chest, Sasuke blocked it by smacking it away, Naruto now leaning to the left of Sasuke turned his body and stuck his leg out to Sasuke's head. Sasuke seeing his blocked it with his arm stopping Naruto's foot, he then moved his left arm down from blocking and grabbed the leg with his hand. He then punched Naruto in the stomach with his right fist, Naruto felt the hit but dismissed the pain and didn't take his eyes from Sasuke's. Sasuke hit Naruto again and again, Naruto took the pain and let out a growl and grabbed Sasuke's hand as it came in again. He pulled Sasuke's arm bringing him forward while at the same time he brought up his hand and connected with his stomach. Sasuke immediately let go and slid about 10 feet before stopping breathing harder then usual.

I may beat him in speed and can predict his body movement but his strength and endurance far surpass mine Sasuke thought to himself forming a strategy. Sasuke slashed his sword to the side and put it back into its sheathe. He ran forward towards Naruto gaining speed every second. Naruto pulled back his fist and punched it forwards, his fist was only a few centimeters away before it hit Sasuke in the face, but it never connected. Sasuke vanished from Naruto's sight right before Naruto hit him. Naruto's eyes went wide with confusion and then went wide with surprise. Naruto felt his body being lifted into the air and a pain in his jaw, he managed to look down to see Sasuke on one hand and leg, with his other leg sicking right up in the air he then urned his body around and put both hands and legs on the ground.. He vanished a second later and reappeared above Naruto. Naruto's body collapse inwards as Sasuke landed a high speed punch to his stomach. Sasuke grabbed Naruto's arm and started to spin Naruto around. He let Naruto go and made him fly even higher. As Sasuke fell he three three kunai up at Naruto striking him in the back. Naruto then for some reason stopped as if something was tugging him back down. Naruto let out a cry of pain and turned his head around and saw wires attached to the kunai.

"Fire style: phoenix flower jutsu" Naruto started to slowly fall back down to the ground when something hit him in the back and sent him back upwards the kunai kept him in place though as a barrage of tiny fireballs pelted him in the back. Naruto was hit with barrage after barrage for about 30 seconds before that last one hit him.

"Fire style: fire dragon jutsu" he heard Sasuke say below him, he turned his head and saw something red and orange below him quickly getting up to where he was. A dragon looking like head made of fire quickly made its way to Naruto and engulfed him in the cleansing fire. Naruto yelled out a cry of pain as the flames swept him away and tore out the kunais from his back. Sasuke watched as the fire took Naruto and the three wires started to fall back to the ground with the other end of the wire tied to a kunai in a triangle around him.

"Got him" Sasuke said breathing heavily running on very little chakra due to using his new sharingan.


"To use the lotus and such powerful fire techniques consecutively" "that boy is certainly no failure" "thats an Uchiha for you", were some of the conversations that could be heard throughout the huge crowd of people watching.

The original group of spectators were outside the gate now since it was too packed to be standing in the entrance. Hinata was on her knees her eyes still teary with Hanabi by her side trying to comfort her sister. But how would one comfort someone who at this point didn't know if she would lose her loved one.

Sakura was also one the verge of breaking down only the reassuring hand of Yuzuki kept her from completely falling apart. Yuzuki watched the fight intently, it was the most amazing fight she had ever seen, if she didn't know it she would think that those two were trying to kill each other...but they wouldn't, would they.

She hoped to God they wouldn't.


Sasuke looked up at the sky as the smoke began to clear and and object fell directly to him. Sasuke jumped out of the way as it collided with the ground, a dust cloud appeared around the object and slowly started to dissipate. Sasuke looked in it to see Naruto laying on his chest with three holes in his jacket and blood leaking from it. His jacket was blacked and scorched with burn marks around it, some of his hair was singed and had burns on his body.

Just stay down please Naruto Sasuke thought hoping that he wouldn't get back up, he didn't want to use what he had planned next if he could help it. As if Naruto was reading his mind Naruto slowly, very slowly got up to his hands and knees his wounds and burns healing before Sasuke's eyes. Sasuke watched closely with his eyes when he noticed a new kind of chakra emanating from him. Parts of Naruto seemed to let off a black steam like chakra and soon his whole body was producing black chakra.

"What is this" Sasuke asked looking at Naruto, "I've never seen him do this before, what is going on" he said his sword at the ready. Naruto slowly rose to his feet his body dragging itself his upper half and his arms were still hanging down so Sasuke couldn't see his face or eyes. He didn't manage to see a weird symbol on his hand appear out of no where, devil fox? Sasuke thought reading the symbol.

NOO this is my fight MINE KEEP OUT OF IT', Naruto yelled at the approaching darkness in his mind.

And why would I do that, I need to be let out, to be free, to KILL

NO NO NO NO I WON'T ALLOW IT, I WON'T ALLOW YOU TO HAVE CONTROL, Naruto yelled an intense chakra surrounding his body from the darkness.

Hmm it seems you still have some control but you can't control my power forever...if you let your guard down for one second, your body and soul will be MINE.

Naruto was scared for the first time he was deadly afraid of something...himself.

Naruto looked up suddenly at Sasuke his eyes now pure red not another color showing. Sasuke took a step back after looking upon Naruto. His hair had grown longer and his teeth were longer and more animal looking. He had strange red marks on his face and his whiskers were dark and more defined, to top it all off his body was emanating a evil black chakra.


Hinata stood up suddenly all worry out of her eyes and now only fear was there.

"Naruto whats happening to you" Hinata said feeling the blackness in his heart taking over. "Naruto" she said worried.

"What is it Hinata whats wrong" Kakashi asked

"Its Naruto, he's losing sight of himself"


"He's losing to his demon" she said in a whisper.

Kakashi looked out to the distance as he felt the ominous chakra, Naruto be careful of what you are doing.

Hinata stood there and couldn't take it any more, she ran forward tears flowing in her eyes.

"Hinata wait" Kakashi said, "dammit"

"Hinata get back here" Hanabi said running after her sister. Neji also ran off with Hanabi to make sure she was safe. The rest of the original group of ninjas also ran after Hinata hoping to stop her before she did something to hurt herself.


Sasuke watched curiously as Naruto grabbed his head, as if something was assaulting it. Naruto started screaming in pain he started to stumble around and fell to his hands and knees, "get out of my head, get out" Naruto said pounding his head into the ground as if trying to get something out of him. Naruto then stopped moving and sat there for a few seconds, he got up a second later and looked at Sasuke his eyes glowing red.

He smiled before his body disappeared vanishing from Sasuke's sight. He behind Sasuke a split second later and punched his back, Sasuke gasped as his body bent backwards from the strike. Naruto spun around his leg coming off the ground at the first and at the end of his spin hitting Sasuke in the side of the arm, Sasuke's arm bent from the kick and his body was was launched to the side. Naruto lifted his leg down and put it on the ground before vanishing again. Sasuke was spinning in the air before he regained his balance and landed on the ground sliding on his knees, suddenly he was stumbling forward as something hit him in the back. Sasuke rolled and turned around to see Naruto with his leg up in the air and coming back down. Sasuke ran forward, using his speed to get to the side of Naruto and making a punch for his face. Naruto just stood there and let the fist hit him, he didn't flinch or anything when he was hit he just stood there.

"What" Sasuke said, "that should of at least phased him"

"Your too weak" a voice said coming from Naruto's mouth, except it was nothing like Naruto's voice. It was deep and it sounded as if it was more then one voice. The best way to describe it was demonic. "I'm...weak?" Sasuke asked not believing it.

"Yes...your weak" Naruto said running at him once again he ran at him quickly sidestepping making it appear like he was in many places at once. Sasuke even with his sharingan couldn't keep up with Naruto. What is this, he's never been so fast when did he get such power Sasuke thought. He was then launched up into the air without realizing what happened. Sasuke flew up into the air faster then anytime before, he was at least 100 feet up when something appeared above him. Naruto now above Sasuke brought his hands together and clenched them. He hit Sasuke with his hands sending him soaring back to the ground. Sasuke hit the ground creating a dust cloud around him.

Sasuke was on his hands and knees breathing heavily, "damn" Sasuke said , "when when did he get so strong, from right under my nose how did he get so strong" he said getting up his legs and arms weak.

"AHHH" Sasuke heard above him, so he looked up and saw Naruto a few feet from him a fist glowing with black chakra at the ready. Naruto yelled and hit Sasuke ferociously creating a huge dust cloud. The dust slowly disappeared revealing the devastation that Naruto caused. A huge crater the size of small arena was now there instead of part of the forest.

Sasuke was laying down imprinted into the ground his head was turned to the side and his eyes closed. Naruto was standing above him clenching and relaxing his hands.

Strike him

No...I...I can't

Strike him now, finish it

No I won't do it

You are under my power, obey me


Stop trying to deny my rightful place

NO I don't have to listen to you, get out get out.

I will take over, count on it


Silence. Naruto was finally left alone his body once again his own. His body was still flowing with the dark chakra but Naruto could tell it was fading quickly.

"You've grown powerful Naruto" Sasuke said weakly slowly getting up. He stood up blood running down his face. He looked up at Naruto his face covered with many black like marks. Sasuke had activated his curse mark. He moved quickly to Naruto taking him by surprise. He punched at Naruto but Naruto caught it, Sasuke then punched his other hand at Naruto, who managed to catch that one as well.

"Ahhh" Sasuke started to yell, chakra pouring out of his body. Purple chakra poured from Sasuke pushing Naruto back so Naruto retaliated by unleashing his own chakra. Black met purple sending an intense wind from their struggle. The two forces clashed and the two ninja continued to struggle for control, finally Naruto pushed Sasuke away from him and sent him skidding back a few feet. Naruto ran at Sasuke and Sasuke ran at Naruto. They pulled back an arm and let fly their punches. Naruto hit Sasuke square in the jaw and Sasuke hit Naruto the same way. Due to the impact of the hit both ninja flew back both skidding from several yards from where they were. Naruto looked up to see Sasuke forming hand signs.

"CHIDORI" he yelled forming a purple chidori in his hand. Naruto growled a bit before making a rasengan. Using the last of his demon chakra he formed a black rasengan. Sasuke and Naruto leaped from their positions running quickly to each other.

Both ninjas let out a loud roar before they collided, they connected a second later. Immediately there was a loud explosion as the two hit each other. They were inside the crater and due to the immense energy and impact of the two jutsu's they made the crater wider and much deeper. Both Sasuke and Naruto yelled pushing their jutsu's to the limit.

Hinata was on the edge of the crater when she saw the two with their jutsu's against each other.

"NARUTO" she yelled starting to run towards him when all of a sudden she was being restrained from getting any closer to Naruto. Kakashi had his arms under Hinata's and held her from moving.

"LET ME GO LET ME GO" she screamed, "NARUTO, NARUTO" she said trying to stop him.

"AHHHH" both of the rivals yelled sending their energy into their jutsu's creating an imbalance in power in both of them. There was a huge explosion taking both of the ninjas with it.

"EVERYONE MOVE" Kakashi yelled picking up Hinata and taking her away from the area of the explosion.

"NARUTO" Hinata screamed as a blinding light took the area.


The group of ninja were each on the ground dirt and debris covering them. Kakashi the closest to the two fighters was already up and at the edge of the new crater. The others got up and walked over to Kakashi.

"Wow" Kurenai said standing by Kakashi. Kakashi nodded and looked at the destruction the two caused. The crater was bigger then the fighting arena in the village and at least 50 feet deep at the bottom, the two ninjas were each laying down in a imprint of themselves in the ground about 20 feet from each other. Hinata got up and ran towards Naruto, "Naruto...Naruto" she said running to his side.

"Hi..Hinata" Naruto whispered his eyes staring up into the sky. The sky was full of dark clouds now and a sprinkle of water started to come down. Naruto looked up at the falling rain and sighed. He felt Hinata on his chest holding him tightly.

"Naruto" Hinata said crying on his chest, "don't scare me like that" she sobbed, "I was afraid I was going to lose you".

"Hinata" Naruto said bringing his arm around her and pulling her closely, "I'm sorry"

Naruto held her until she stopped crying, then he felt something. It was anticipation and eagerness, he looked over Hinata's shoulder and saw Sasuke standing up and looking at him, determination and eagerness in his normal eyes, his sharingan no longer activated.

"Hinata, I'm sorry but...I have to finish this" Naruto said getting up slowly pushing Hinata away. Hinata surprised helped Naruto up.

"Naruto please you need to rest" Hinata tried to stop him but his focus was already on Sasuke, at this moment nothing else mattered. Hinata backed away from him and held her hands to her chest in a worried manner.

Naruto started to walk over to Sasuke and he did the same, soon the walk became a jog then to a sprint. Naruto made the first attack hitting Sasuke in the stomach, Sasuke grabbed his stomach and backed up a few feet. He regained his posture and stuck Naruto in the jaw, Naruto was knocked back blood coming out of his mouth, he retaliated with a punch to Sasuke's jaw. Sasuke grabbed the punch and brought his knee to Naruto's chest. Naruto let out a groan of pain and stepped back. Sasuke ran forward and went for another punch to the jaw, Naruto dropped below it and hit Sasuke with an uppercut. Sasuke was sent for a loop with that punch and lost his balance and fell to the ground.

Naruto jumped on Sasuke and started to punch his face. Naruto hit Sasuke over and over until Sasuke brought his legs up and pushed Naruto off of him. Naruto rolled on the ground and fell on his back, his body exhausted. Sasuke got up and walked over to Naruto, who rolled onto his hands and feet. Sasuke came over and kicked Naruto in the side, making him roll a few feet. Naruto coughed up a little blood and got up to his knees, Sasuke walked over and tried to kick him in the face. Naruto caught his foot and twisted it causing Sasuke to turn in the air to the ground to avoid the pain. Naruto got up and went to kick Sasuke but he brought up his leg and kicked Naruto in the stomach. Naruto backed off while Sasuke got up.

Naruto looked at him and smiled, Sasuke also smiled and they both ran towards to each other. Naruto hit Sasuke in the jaw while Sasuke hit him in the same way. They both stood still from their blows and looked at each other neither willing to give up. Sasuke punched Naruto and Naruto punched Sasuke and the cycle continued for many many minutes since neither wanted to give up.

Sakura was watching on her knees crying, "stop please stop, Kakashi-sensei please make them stop"

Kakashi looked at Sakura understanding how she feels but he couldn't do anything, not this time they had to settle now or never. "I'm sorry Sakura but they have to settle this themselves, I really am sorry"

"But why, why do they have to do this" Sakura asked, desperate to find the reasoning behind their actions.

"It's because, those two will be eternal rivals" Jiraiya said, "and for as long as they live, they will always want to be stronger then the other"

"Thats it thats the only reason they almost kill each other" Sakura cried out, "that is the only reason they kill themselves to prove themselves"

"Yes" Jiraiya said plainly, "it is the way people like them think, its the reason they push and go over their limits, its one of the only reasons they can advance so fast"

"but its so..."

"Childish" Jiraiya said with a smile. He looked up in the air and sighed, "it is just something that will always be there Sakura all we can do is watch"

Sakura continued to watch and cry unable to do a thing.

Naruto stumbled backwards after receiving a hit to his chest. He breathed heavily, his body soar and exhausted. Sasuke also backed off a bit his breathing no better then Naruto's.

"Lets end this Naruto" Sasuke said forming some hand signs.

"AHHHH" Sasuke yelled gathering what energy he had left, he poured all his remaining energy into his jutsu. "CHIDORI" Sasuke yelled creating his jutsu one last time.

Naruto held his palm out and started putting chakra into a ball. His hand shook and he could the feel the strain of trying to put that much energy take its toll on his body. The ball of energy fluctuated growing bigger and smaller not yet able to maintain its form. Just a little more just a little more body, just a little more he kept saying to himself, JUST A LITTLE MORE.

The ball of chakra stabilized and his rasengan was formed. Naruto and Sasuke stared at each other before they ran each other.



The two connected sending out a blinding light and a an intense wave of wind. The wind knocked everyone down to the ground. Naruto and Sasuke stood there neither willing to give up. Sasuke and Naruto battled for control both of their jutsus equal in power. Naruto could feel his jutsu about to fail so he poured everything he had left, including some of his life energy. Sasuke could sense his jutsu about to be overpowered so he did the same as Naruto.

Hinata watched as Naruto and Sasuke continued with their power struggle. She stood up watching her hands folded in with each other as if praying. I believe in you Naruto she thought, you can do it.

"SASUKE" Naruto yelled, bringing his left arm back.

"NARUTO" Sasuke yelled, bringing his right arm back.

The two stuck at each other, Sasuke hit Naruto in the jaw while Naruto came in lower and landed a punch to his gut. The two jutsus then became unstable and exploded creating a huge explosion of wind and chakra. Hinata watched as a cloud of dust formed and two objects flew out of it going the opposite directions.

"NARUTO" Hinata said running to him.


Naruto opened his eyes to a white light. At first his reaction was shock but as his eyes focused and he felt his body soar and aching all over. His eyes focused on the light above him revealing a white ceiling next to it. Naruto slowly tried to get up moving his body up into a sitting position but was put back down by a gentle hand. Naruto looked over to see Hinata gently smiling at him. "Easy Naruto" she said gently pushing gently on his chest getting him to lay back down.

"Hinata" Naruto said gently taking comfort in her presence. He moved his hand up to her cheek and gently caressed it, Hinata closed her eyes and put her hand against his. Now this is the Naruto I know she thought glad that he was back to his normal self. Naruto then shot out of his bed surprising Hinata, "Sasuke" Naruto said looking around for his rival.

"Relax Naruto he's in the other bed" a voice said coming though the door. Naruto looked up to see Tsunade walking towards him holding a chart.

"A broken rib, two bruised ribs, severe chakra depletion, some eternal bleeding, and a slightly punctured lung" Tsunade said reading the list, she then eyed Naruto with an annoyed look.

"You sure did a number on him" Tsunade said putting down the chart.

Naruto chuckled a little, "guess I finally showed him he's not so superior"

Tsunade smiled, "he'll be in here for at least a couple of weeks, but he'll be fine"

"Good" Naruto said smiling, "want him to get better, so I can kick his ass later". Hinata giggled softly while Tsunade grinned, that kid she thought.

"Getting ahead of yourself just like usual" a voice said by the door. Naruto looked over to see Yuzuki and Sakura standing in the doorway.

"Don't you think you should try to back up your claims every now and then Naruto" Yuzuki stated, "people tend not to believe you when you can't keep your word" she finished smiling and causing a small laugh from Sakura.

Naruto glared at her as looking as if he was going to yell at her. Instead he sighed and smiled.

"You know Yuzuki, if I can go even with Sasuke and he can beat you that mean, you don't have a chance against me"

Yuzuki sharpened her eyes at Naruto and replied, "you want to take this outside, I've been looking forward to a rematch"

Tsunade brought her hand to her forehead and smacked it gently, out of one fight and into another, he'll never change.

"Alright lets go" Naruto said slowly getting out of bed.

"Naruto please, you need to rest" Hinata said desperately trying to stop him from fighting. Naruto looked at Hinata and saw the worry in her eyes.

"Alright" he said laying back down, "got off easy this time" he said to Yuzuki.

Yuzuki was about to reply when Sakura put a hand on her shoulder, "isn't one fight between friends enough for today", she said her eyes forming tears.

"Ok, I'm sorry" Yuzuki said putting her hand on Sakura's hand. "Thank you" Sakura said before she walked over to Sasuke.

"Well well, looks like the whole village is here" a voice Naruto immediately recognized.

"Master Jiraiya" Hinata said

"Hmm thats nice coming from someone like you" Jiraiya said before he gave a sour look to Naruto, "now if someone would take a few lessons from you"

"When you learn a lesson about respect from here, I'll learn mine"

"Ahem" Tsunade said getting everyones attention, "it is getting a little to crowded in here, everyone its time to leave"

Yuzuki and Sakura left followed by Tsunade, "Naruto" Tsunade said getting his attention. "I'm proud of you" she said before walking out of the door. Naruto smiled and looked at Jiraiya.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, we should get going" Naruto said getting out of bed.

"Well you managed to delay us two days so we are already behind schedule"

"I've been in bed for two days" Naruto asked trying to get out of bed. Hinata worried tried to get Naruto to get back down and rest, was stopped by Jiraiya's hand on her shoulder.

"He's fine, as you know he has a...friend helping his recovery, just give him a few minutes to regain his composure" he said to Hinata. Hinata nodded but still worried.

Naruto got up and walked over to his clothes, he took off his hospital gown and grabbed his clothes. Hinata immediately blushed and turned her head away. Jiraiya watched as Hinata's face turned red. He then chuckled as he saw her take a quick glance back towards Naruto before turning back around her face even redder then before. It seems that I can teach her a few things about...research Jiraiya mused a smile on his face.

"Ok I'm ready lets go" Naruto said putting on his last sandal.

"Going to leave without even admitting defeat" a weak voice said over by the bed. Everyone looked to see Sasuke sitting up slightly his eyes looking over to Naruto. Naruto smiled and walked over to Sasuke but stopping at Jiraiya and Hinata first.

"Could you guys give me a minute" Jiraiya nodded and walked out the door, "your stuff is at the gate meet me there, but hurry up" he said walking down the hall. Hinata walked to Naruto and gave him a quick peck on the cheek, "I'll be right outside" she said smiling. Naruto smiled back and watched her leave and shut the door. He then walked over to Sasuke and stood by him.

"Naruto" Sasuke said looking down at the ground, "you've changed"

"Hmm" Naruto said.

"I mean from the first time I met you, you've grown into a strong and worthy...rival" Sasuke said smirking a little. He raised his head to see Naruto also smiling.

"Never thought I hear that from the great Uchiha" Naruto joked

"Well don't get use to it" the two stared at each other before they started laughing. They continued to laugh until Sasuke started to cough a little. He smiled and looked at Naruto.

"Naruto, you make sure you get a whole lot stronger because when you come back, I want to settle this and find out which one of us is stronger" Sasuke said holding out his hand, "but for now I can live with that fact that you are just as strong as me, I accept the fact that at the moment you are my, equal"

Naruto smiled and grabbed Sasuke's hand, "I think I can live with that for now as well"

Sasuke withdrew his hand and pushed Naruto's away, "alright get going, I'll be fine" Sasuke said moving his head to look out the window. Naruto smiled one last time and walked towards the door, he opened it and stopped in the doorway, "take" he said and started walking down the hall. Hinata was about to follow him when she heard something.

"Hinata come here I need to say something to you" Sasuke said still looking out the window. Hinata walked over to Sasuke and waited.

"Naruto is strong maybe stronger then me...but he's still an idiot" Sasuke said looking at Hinata seriously. "I want you to take of him, he'll need you more then ever in the future I know it, so make sure you are always by his side he's a complete idiot if your not around and can't do anything right"

"I.I will" Hinata said smiling

"Hinata, I'm counting on you take care of yourself and I hope your training goes well" Sasuke said looking back out to the window.

"Thank you" Hinata said smiling before she walked back out and ran to catch up to Naruto, happy to be so accepted by Sasuke.


Naruto and Hinata were walking out of the gate hand in hand smiling happily when Naruto turned around and let go of Hinata's hand, he made a fist and raised it to the Hokage's faces.

"I swear I'll become stronger, stronger then ever before...strong enough to protect the whole village and its people, I swear that I will be the Hokage" Naruto swore this oath and he would never break it even if it killed him. Hinata smiled and pulled Naruto's mouth into her, forming a deep and passionate kiss and made promise to herself. She promised she would be at his side until the end of time.


Two men in a black cloak and straw hats looked down the mountain towards the village gate, they were laying down and observed the three ninja leaving the village.

"It seems he is finally leaving" one said.

"Yes, we observe him until the time is right" the other said

"Yes" the first man said getting up.

The man on the ground smiled and looked at Naruto. "I look forward to this, Naruto"

Authors note: OMG I can't believe it but For the One I Love is official complete, and I have to say it feels kinda weird. I'm sad and happy at the same time, but enough of my thoughts I'm really interested in what you guys have to say. I know some of you read and enjoy my story but I never hear from you so can I ask a request of my faithful readers. Could I get a comment from as many of you as possible I really want to know what you all think of the story and if I did a good job, please thats all I want, is a good job or love your story so please comment I look forward to them. I want to thank each of my regular reviewers I can't thank you enough, and hope I get a wonderful review from each of you, you guys are the one of the main reason I love writing thank you once again.

THANK YOU ALL FOR READING (bows humbly) I hope you liked my story as much as I loved writing it. See you soon, hopefully.