Show: Hannah Montana (DOI!!)

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my creativeness of the story and my video for this (see url on my profile…

Miley and Lilly sit Miley's bed. It was a Saturday night and Lilly was staying over night at Miley's house. Oliver had just left, his mom and brother picked him up, and so it was just the girls.

"So now that Oliver is gone we can talk, girl stuff," Miley said. Lilly smiled and she clapped her hands. "So did you see Ashley this morning?"

"I know, 'Amber you're wearing the outfit as me! Take it off now!' " Lilly said in her snobbiest voice. The two laughed and said, "Classic" at the same time. They talked more about the day at school.

"So do you know when Jake is coming back?" Lilly asked. Miley nodded her head and said, "I talked to him the other night, he said that in one month he would come home."

"That's so great! You'll have a boyfriend too then!" Lilly said before covering up her mouth. Miley sat with her mouth wide open…

"You have a boyfriend!!! Come on tell me, who is it? Do I know him?" Miley screamed.

Lilly jumped under the covers, "Oh, come on Lilly! It can't be that bad….. can it?" Miley asked her best friend. Lilly looked over the covers innocently, "Oh my gosh! You aren't going out with Dandruff Danny are you?"

"Ewww, never in a million years!" Lilly said throwing the covers off herself, Miley and her went into a fit of giggles.

"Well, it's not that bad if you're not going out with Danny, unless it was like Oliver or something….." Miley laughed to herself until she noticed that Lilly wasn't laughing with her, "Lilly? Why aren't you laughing with me?" Miley asked Lilly who was jumping to the ground to get under the covers once again.

"It is Oliver?!? When did this happen?" Miley screamed.

"Right before he left, when you were going to the bathroom," Lilly said poking her head over the covers. Miley was now really mad.

"And you couldn't tell me?" Miley said still very mad.

"Well, I thought you would react like this!" Lilly screamed know cry. "I thought you were my friend…. But I guess I was wrong. You should be happy for me!" still crying.

Miley had no idea what to say, so she said the most reasonable thing she could think of, "I think you should leave…."

Lilly did think anything of it and ran out Miley's bedroom door leaving all her crap behind. She ran through the kitchen and past Robby Ray and Jackson who were working on Jackson's homework.

"Lilly? Where are you going?" Robby Ray asked the running girl. Lilly ignored him and ran out the door slamming it. Miley came downstairs and sat across from Jackson.

"Miles? What happened?" Jackson asked.

"Lilly didn't tell me she was going out with Oliver…" Miley said slamming her fist on the table.

"When did they start?" Robby Ray asked his only daughter.

"Right before Oliver left, why?" Miley asked causally.

"Bud, did you ever think that she was waiting for the right moment?" her father asked.

Miley paused and her eyes grew wide, "Oh my gosh, you're right! I never gave her the chance to tell me. I have to go find her!" Miley ran out the door not even bothering to put on her flip flops.

Miley heard sirens, not thinking of anything, it was Malibu celebs always get in crap. Miley kept on running towards Lilly's house and she turned the corner and saw were the sirens were. At a red car had its airbag deflated and a man's head on the stirring wheel but the crowd was in front of the car. Miley's heart dropped and ran to the crowd, even though the accident just happened a HUGE crowd was there, Oliver was one of them, since his house was near.

"What's going on?" she asked him, Oliver turned his eyes were filled with tears and he gave Miley a huge glare.

"D-d-don't t-talk to m-m-e," he said shuddering. Miley pushed the crowd of people so she could get to the front. And after she saw what was motionlessly laying on the ground tears started falling to the ground.


A/N- I hope you liked it, please comment on this and the video…

I have a video for this, go to youtube and look up kohanababe and look at my Hurt- Hannah Montana video.