Beautiful Flowers

I love Sakura/Zetsu but I dont find many so here we go.

Disclaimer...nope all i owe is a dollar


Sakura Haruno...Anbu captin...kunoichi...cherry blossom. Sakura was on her way to the hidden mist on a top secret mission from Tsunade.


"Remember what I told you Sakura," Tsunade replied hands folded in front of her and her amber eyes serious, "the akatsuki are out looking for this scroll to so be careful."

Sakura looked at her sensei with a determined look. "Hai Tsunade-sama I won't let you down." With that said the kunoichi took off into the dark warm night. All the villagers of Konoha were asleep, and the ninja were on duty to protect them with their lives. As Sakura walked to the gate a hand reached out and stopped her. She turned around kunai in hand ready to fight off her attacker. "Calm down Sakura-chan its me Naruto believe dattebayo." After hearing that voice and looking through the dark Sakura put her kunai away and stared at her best friend/brother with a warm smile. "What are you doing out here Naruto its late and Hinata will worry if your not home." As she said this a thoughtful look spread across her face as she remembered the day her two friends got together. She was brought back to the present as Naruto started his long explaination.

End Flashback

Sakura chuckled to herself thinking of all the rambling her friend said. The true reason he was out was because Hinata wanted anko dumplings and she demanded them now. With Hinata being 3 months pregnant with the little Uzumaki she was being bolder and didn't stutter anymore. Sakura wondered what it would be like to have a family of her own. After Sasuke left she didn't know what to do, but after 5 years she became the best medic-nin and surpassed Tsunade in strenght. She gave up on love saying their was no love for her.

Sakura was brought out of her mussings by a twig snapping. She quickly tensed her muscles and listened carefully. After 10 minutes of listening and not hearing anything she relaxed and continued on her way. Sakura was planning on getting to the hidden mist before sun rise. She quickly tensed when an arm clasped her shoulder making her stop on the branch she was on. Turning around she came face to face with a familiar black with red clouded cloak. The odd thing about this member though was he looked like a giant plant. She pulled her arm free and jumped oto the next branch to serve some distance between then. "Who are you." She stated with a firm even voice, even though deep down sh felt uneasy about this stranger. He was an akatsuki after all. He was a s-class criminal that did ruthless things. The worst was this guy was part of the group who wanted her best friend.

"My name is Zetsu." The plant answered his voice sounded cold and emtionless. "What are you doing here kunoichi?" a different voice came from the talking plant. The plant akatsuki didn't wait for an answer and through some kunai at her. Sakura doged and did some quick hand seals. "Substitution Jutsu" she whispered and proofed into a log. Zetsu scanned the area searching for the pink haired girl. Suddenly, she was in front of him with her fist raised hr did some hand signs and a wall of earth stopped her attack. When the wall disappeared Zetsu was gone. She turned around just in time to feel something strike her neck. The last thinf she saw was Zetsu come ober and picked her up.
