Jenny: Hi everyone! Here's the first chapter!

Gaara: Hope you enjoy it and Jenny-chan…

Jenny: Yeah?

Gaara: Tsunade thinks you should drink this 'Holds up a purple potion'

Jenny: Yes! I love grape juice, but I'm addictive to cheese, but not the one in fosters home for imaginary friends. 'Grabs it and starting to drink it'

Gaara: Uhh… That's not grape juice.

Jenny: 'Turns into a Phoenix' OMG! I'm a phoenix!

Gaara: Uh oh… Jenny-chan I'm sorry if you did turn into a bird now.


Gaara: How come?

Jenny: Because now I can fly and is my favorite animal. 'Fly's around the room'

Naruto, Sasuke, & Sakura: 'Comes in see a bird flying' Why is there a bird in her room and why isn't she here?

Jenny: 'Lands on a chair' Hi guys! It's me Jenny or should I say Phoenix.

Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, & Gaara: O.O 'Speechless' She does not own Naruto.


Boys: 12 Kankuro: 13

Girls: 12 Temari: 13

Sensei & Akatsuki: 20-23

3 sanins & Leader: 50

Chapter 1: Switch worlds

"Mom, I'm home," said Sakura. She was wearing her school uniform which is blue skirt and white collar shirt with a blue ribbon. She just came back from school.

"Hi sweetie how was school?" her mom asks.

"Same as always and I'm going to watch some online videos, so call me when dinners ready," She went to her room. When she enters, she saw a cat sleeping on her bed. Sakura then jump on her bed which startle her cat.

"Hi Neko-chan," Sakura gave her a kiss on the head, the cat just stood up and snuggle her cheek against hers, "Aww, Neko-chan I love you too."

Then she went on her computer and went to the website where she can watch Naruto. It's at the beginning, she watches all of it already, but she wanted to watch it again. When she started to watch the first episode, something made Naruto look at Sakura's direction.

"Who are you?" Naruto ask from the screen. Sakura was confused, she never seen this part before.

"Hey, I'm talking to you," Naruto walked where Sakura was, stopped in front of the screen, reach out his hand, and the hand went to her world. Sakura was shocked when his hand grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her to his world. When her body was completely in his world her computer shut down. Now Sakura was standing in front of Naruto still shocked.

"Hi what's your name?" he asks.

"N-No this has got to be a dream, you're not real," said Sakura.

"What are you talking about? Of coarse I'm real! I'm Uzamaki Naruto," Sakura backs up.

"This has to be a dream, okay if I close my eyes and count 5 I'll be in my room," Sakura closes her eyes.

"1… 2… 3… 4… 5…" She opens her eyes and sees Naruto with a confuse look.

"Where's my room?"

"I don't know what you're talking about, but what's your name?" he ask cheerfully.

"Wait, if I'm stuck here forever, that means I can change everything that's going to happen in the next episode," she thought. She smiles at him.

"My name is Haruno Sakura and it's a pleasure to meet you Naruto-kun," Naruto blushes, "Naruto-kun do you want to play with me?" Naruto smiles.

"Sure Sakura-chan," Both of them went to the playground and swings the swings.



"I'm not from this world"

"What do you mean?"

"Look at my cloths," Naruto looked at her cloths, it was her school uniform.

"Then how you get here?"

"You pulled me in your world"


"Yes…" Then Sakura knows what happen if he doesn't train for the final exam, "Naruto you're going to train on something in final exam so you can graduate." She stood up and smiled at him.

"How you know," He looked at her suspiciously.

"I just do, come on I'll help you train," Then Sakura took his hands and drag him to the forest.

"Naruto-kun, you are about train on making two clones of yourself"

"But it's my worst technique," he whined.

"Naruto please train hard or else you'll never graduate the academy," With that Naruto started to make hand signs and made a clone which it looked like the dead one in the first episode.

"No Naruto-kun, first gather more chakra then do it," Naruto did as he told and when he did, there was a perfect clone of himself right next to him.

"Yay! I did it!" Then he can hear a clapping sound. Sakura was clapping for him which made him happier.

"Okay Naruto-kun make one more then you're good," Naruto nodded. When Naruto was in the middle of training with Sakura, a group of anbu came out of nowhere, grab Sakura. Naruto stopped training.

"Wait, what are you guys doing to Sakura-chan? Let her go," Naruto tackle the person who grabbed Sakura.

"Naruto-kun stop!" Naruto got off of him, "It's alright and can you take me to the Hokage office?" The anbus were shocked; she knew where she was going? Naruto nodded, he gave her a piggyback ride to the office. Sakura got off of his back, as they were in front of the office, Naruto knock on the door.

"Come in girls only," said the Third Hokage. (You know what I meant by) Sakura came in while Naruto was eavesdropping.

"You wanted me Hokage-sama?" she ask.

"So you knew me and what's your name?"

"Haruno Sakura"

"Sakura I need to tell you something privately and that means no eavesdropping Naruto!" Naruto ran out of the tower.

"Sakura, I know you're not from this world and you have numerous chakra in your body more than any kages." Sakura was shocked.

"Does it mean I'm a powerful?"

"Yes and a god in this world," this is very shocked to Sakura.

"B-But how can I have that much chakra, I mean I'm not a ninja, in my world I'm not a god. I'm just a normal school girl."

"Sakura, I know it's very strange, but I know how hard to believe. Now listen carefully."


"You'll have a Jonin to teach you to become a ninja and you'll be an anbu level. When you do, you'll have to blend in with the students in a team squad," Sakura nodded.

"One more thing, all the animals won't hurt, they'll help you and love you because they'll since the chakra in you," Sakura nodded again.

"Now your teacher would be right here in 3 seconds," there was a knock on the door, "Come in." The person who came in was a silver-hair man who always reads perverted books.

"Omg, I'm training with Kakashi?" she ask. Then he looks up and put his book away.

"Hmm… It looks like the god new me," he looked at her.

"My name is Haruno Sakura, Kakashi-sensei," she said.

"Very respective, I like that," he thought. (There will be no KakaSaku, there just going to be brothers and sisters)

"Kakashi, this is your mission, it is to train her to become an anbu level," said Hokage.

"Hai," he replied.

"And protect her from any cost or else…"


"Wait Hokage-sama, where do I live and I don't have any ninja cloths." Said Sakura.

"Don't worry, I already send a note to the Hyuga estate, so you'll have to live in the Hyuga household and there would be a girl who lives in the household will buy you cloths."

"But I don't know where they live."

"There would be an escort and he'll meet you at the ramen shop." Sakura nodded.

"I'll see you in three days then." said Kakashi.

"Now you and Sakura are dismiss," Kakashi left the room and Sakura was about to leave too, but she remember something.

"Hokage-sama, there's something I need to tell you," she faced him.

"What is it?"


At the Akatsuki meeting

Every akatsuki members gather around.

"As all of you can see, we sense a powerful chakra in Konoha," said the Leader, everyone stayed quiet.

"Now this is going to be a tough mission because Orochimaru will go after it, so all of us will get the chakra before he does."

"The people will go after it will got after it will be Itachi, Kisame, Sasori, Deidara, & Hidan. Kakuzu and her willgo on another mission. So everyone dismiss," with that everyone disappear in a split seconds.


She and Naruto were at the ramen stand and were eating ramen.

"Sakura-chan what did the Hokage talk to you about?" he ask.

"He said I would be training with a private teacher and if I know how to become a ninja I can join you in the academy," she replied.


"Yeah and here," she took out a giant scroll, "I told the Hokage to let you train with this and it'll help you make lots of clones in no time." She gave it to Naruto.

"Thanks Sakura-chan," he smiles at her and she smiles back.

"And Naruto-kun, your teacher Mizuki, watch out from him."

"Huh? What do you mean; he's been real nice to me."

"It may seem, but he will be aftering the scroll your holding," Naruto looked at the scroll and nodded.

"Sakura-chan can I walk you home?"

"That won't be necessary," said a familiar (to Sakura) voice behind them. They looked at the person behind them and it was Hiashi (sp?).

"Who are you?" Naruto ask.

"Hiashi-sama, you're my escort?" Sakura ask.

"So you must be Sakura-sama," said Hiashi.

"No, just call me Sakura"

"Sakura-chan you know him?" said Naruto.

"Yeah I do, he's Hyuga Hiashi, one of the leaders of the household," she replied.

"Now Sakura, let's go to the household," he started walking away while Sakura quickly followed him and say her goodbye to Naruto. They enter the household, Sakura knew about them so she stayed quiet and respective. Every time she passes by a Hyuga, they would stare at her with amazement because of her chakra. They enter a room, it was a big room; there was a queen size bed with a table on the right side and a two door closet on the other side of it. A table against the wall and in front of the bed, there was a window at the other side where Sakura was.

"You'll be staying here and tomorrow my daughter will help you shop for cloths," said Hiashi.

"Hai Hiashi-sama," Sakura bowed until he left. When he did, Sakura gently close her door and then jumped on her bed, it was really soft, and then she shifts to her dreamland.

The next morning Sakura woke up and took a morning shower. When she finish, there was a knock on the door. She open it and saw Hinata, "Oh, hi Hinata," said Sakura with a smile. She blushes.

"A-Ano… H-How do y-you know my n-name?" she ask.

"Don't worry about that, come in though I need to ask you something," Hinata went in and Sakura close her door. Hinata sat on the bed.

"Hinata-chan, you need to stop stuttering or else Naruto-kun will never talk to you. Don't be shy and let out some of your thoughts. Train hard so your dad will respect and love you again," Hinata was shocked.

"I-I'll try and how did y-you know about that I-I like N-Naruto-kun and my d-dad doesn't like m-me?" she ask.

"Hinata-chan I just do," Sakura smiled. Hinata smiles back.

"Now then, let's do some shopping," said Sakura. Both of them got out of her room and walked around the corner. Then Sakura was about to bump into a certain male Hyuga, so she twirls around the side and passes the Hyuga. She faces him and bow to him.

"Gomenasai Neji-san," then both girls walked away. Neji just stood there shocked, and then he just smirks and walked his direction.

"A new girl with a powerful chakra in the household? Interesting…" he thought.


Jenny: I can fly! 'Flew out the window'

Sasuke, Naruto, Sakura, & Gaara: O.O

Sasuke: Now what?

Sakura & Naruto: 'Shrugs"

Jenny: Ahhhh!!!!! I turn back to a human again, but I need help to get off of this roof!

Sasuke, Naruto, Sakura, & Gaara: O.o 'Sighs'