"Captain there's a little sail boat about a mile off."

Captain Samwin continued to stare into the sky, "Which way is it going?"

"The way he should be going."

Samwin smiled and turned around, "Let's go pick up my little brother."

R.L.S Raven Sputter turned its giant mass and easily caught up to the tiny boat. It contained one man, but a very famous man. This man was very confused as to why he was picked up,

"I am very confused, why have you picked me up?"

Captain Samwin pushed her way through her crew to the man, "come on baby brother, don't tell me you've forgotten my sails already…"

The man looked up at the black sails with a white rose as the crest, "Unfortunately yes." He smiled.

Samwin glared an unfriendly glared, the man shivered and spoke again, "But what I did not forget," his smile was lost, "Is the dark, soulless eyes of a Sparrow. How are you doing Sammy Sparrow?"

"Well Jacky, that there is an interesting question. I recently stopped by Ship Wreck Cove to see Daddy-"

"Mums looking good 'aint she?" Jack cut off.

Samwin ignored but put more anger in her tone, "AND he told me of your little run in with Davey Jones. "

"Now, now, big sis. Don't be angry that Dad was too drunk to name you Samantha and now you have a name like," in a mocking tone "Samwin" he chuckled a little but Samwin glared deep into his eyes. "You know Sammy, you did get dads eyes, you should be happy about that!"

"As I was saying 'Captain Jack Sparrow'" she said in a mocking tone to mimic Jack "-actually, I was surprised you didn't have to remind me that there no longer is a Davey Jones. I would have that you would be absolutely ecstatic."

Jack looked down at his boots and mumbled "Yes well I might have reminded you if I had actually become the new captain..."

Samwin gave a loud laugh at that, "Ah yes but you didn't, instead your friend William Turner did. Yes I did recently speak to his wife-"

Jake rose his head in shock "Elizabeth?!"

"Yes Jack, and how 'bout we head into my quarters for a nice cup o' tea and chat about the," she inclined her head closer and her voice more sharper 'The Fountain of Youth"

Jack sighed sadly "I guess everyone's got to know now," he followed her to her quarters, "and I prefer Rum…"