September 3rd, 2006

Welcome to Spider-Man's blog.

I am Spider-Man...

...and this is my blog...

Well, isn't this lovely? I must admit, I haven't discovered how much fun blogging can be until just recently...though I hardly find Myspace worth the while. I mean, honestly--who the hell cares if you have 207 friends? That just means either A)you try to hard, B)they're all bands or C)you need a life. And yes, I have tried Myspace. I'm not socially inept--I mean, who the hell hasn't tried Myspace? Though I hear Facebook is catching up.

Well, what interesting things will I mindlessly blog about today? Hrm...lets see...oh, how about a real topic-starter. The Daily Bugle. You just gotta love it, really. It's like my own private tabloid, written by a guy who bitterly loathes me--though I always found it more of a love-hate relationship between me and Jolly Jameson. Has anyone seen the latest edition? I'm on the front page, of course, and the picture makes my butt look huge (which makes me pose the question--good or bad thing?). As usual, it twists words around to potentially blame me for the world's problems and encourage people to hate me. Jameson's blamed me for everything, from car accidents to global warming (oh yes, I am bent on making the world a hotter place).

Today was a slow day, actually, so I must regretful say there isn't any exciting news for me to blog about in my first blog. Right now I'm sipping a Frappuchino and using a laptop, pleasantly watching my fellow New Yorkers do there thing outside my little window.

When I get home I'll probably watch some TV, looking for that Frebreeze commercial where the narrator says, "Spray On, Freshness Lovers, Spray On" or the "We're Suncom, And We Get It" one. Maybe I'll curl up with a good book and a tub of ice cream and watch re-runs of Friends. You never know, the night's still young...