Okay I want to thank everyone for their reviews. They really helped and now I think I have a way to meet everyone reviewers' current hopes. I wanted to thank you personally.

r2d2cool: I like Sasuke bashing. I was thinking of having Sasuke go insane towards Naruto's new power and try to kill him. Sound good?

Naruto 21: Hinata will be part of the pairings. I think I would use her in a love triangle or harem involving Naruto.

Virus (): Harem sounds awesome! Remember there is Sasuke fangirls so not everyone will be swarming Naruto. That would hinder his development. As for Sakura bashing I will continue to do so. She will gain power but it is all for the greater good of the story. No I won't tell you. It would ruin the story for you.

LostDreamButNewHope: Well all you did was say the story was okay, so…

adngo714: Naruto will be more perceptive but not on an insane level. He will notice her but remember he doesn't have a family. You can't expect him to know what love is let alone kindness. I mean, this would be a one-shot if he loved her instantly.

IEatChicken: The pairing is Naruto and Hinata mainly in the future. Not to mention some fangirls. The other pairings are undecided so tell me what you guys want.

LbcLostKid: Thanks! It is a nice story isn't it?

Okay that's it for reviews. Now onto the story

Chapter 2: Weapons training

Naruto held Sakura's twenty dollar bill in his hand as he walked into the weapon's shop.

'The weak bitch is actually useful for once' Naruto thought about Sakura's twenty as he walked up to the counter (Right Virus ()!)

The man looked at the boy with a hardened glare. His arms bulged from working countless hours of smithing underneath his skin tight shirt. He had faded blue jeans on with slight rips in them. He wore a long light brown smithing apron tied at the back. His dark brown eyes were almost onyx like an Uchiha's which compliment his hair that was just barley past his ears. A smudge of soot that sat on his cheek indicated that he had been working.

"Come with me" The man stated

Naruto obliged and followed the man towards the back room.

The man continued "I will be your sensei. My name is Miashi. You will refer to me as Miashi-sensei unless I say otherwise. Do you understand?"

"Yes Miashi-sensei"

"Good. Now as for my payment. I require 10 dollars an hour, as you know. I need five dollars for the supplies we need today. I will be teaching you about the basics so you can grasp what you are learning. Next week you will learn to melt the metals. Followed by shaping them, sharpening them, and doing this at a decent rate of 60 kunai an hour or a kunai a minute" The man continued

Naruto simply nodded again while trying to ignore the pain in his stomach. He had been skipping lunch lately in order to save money. The few restaurants and grocery stores that let him in all made him pay triple for something like a glass of water. The ramen shop was fine but wasn't helping his health. Hopefully, he would be able to eat normally again soon.

Sorry this is so short. I'm not a blacksmith so I don't really know how to make weapons. I will update soon. We are going onto the third year of the academy.