Disclimaer: I don't own the Rangers...

Sorry guys, i uploaded the wrong copy and best freind noticed when she was reading... it didnt save before i put it on here... So it has soo much grammer and spelling errors that makes me mad and it has so werid parts that i got out a while ago so im replacing it... Sorry again! Please comment!

Ten Years Later

"Tommy, come check this out!" Hayley shouted from the computer

"What is it?" Tommy asked coming to lo at the computer "Is that Kim?"

"Yeah it is" Hayley said

"What does it say?" Tommy asked

"It says "Kimberly Ann Hart in addition to being a famous gymnast is getting married""

"What? Getting married?"

"Yeah you know with a wedding"

"With the dress and the groom?"

"Tommy, yes."

"I'm going to the café" Tommy muttered got up and left

"Hey Dr. O" the teens said as he walked in

"Nothing" he muttered

"What's wrong?"

"An old girlfriend is getting married" he said


"Kimberly Hart"

"That hot gymnast?" Conner asked

"Yeah" Tommy

"Who broke up with who?" Kira asked

"I broke up with her"

"Why?" Conner asked

"I lost my way when she was in Florida, it was stupid and I did it"

"Well why don't you try and get her back?" Trent asked

"Yeah, she's in town" Ethan commented

"She is?"

"yeah for a competition, I read it on the internet this mourning"

"I still don't get why you would break up with a hot gymnast" Conner said

"I'm going to see her" Tommy said

"Door bell" Kim called out

"I'll get it" Sarah said

"No, I'll get it"

"What if it's Jason?" Sarah asked

"What if it is?"

"You are in focus now, and you're going to win this competition and you wont if you stay up all night… with him" Sarah winked

"Shut up" Kim said laughed and hit her

"I'm going upstairs and listening to music… I don't want to hear nothing"

"Thanks..." Kim said with a smile walking to the door

"Hey-" Kim said cheerfully then glared "What are you doing here?"

"Kim we need to talk" Tommy said

"Fine, come in and we'll talk"

Tommy and Kim walked into the living room

"How have you been?"

"Cut the crap… you want to talk let's talk."

Never again will I hear you
Never again will I miss you
Never again will I fall to you
Never again will I kiss you
Never again will I want to
Never again will I love you

"Kim, I'm so sorry, I should've never broken up with you"

"Well you did"

"But all I did was loose my way, but I found it again… I need you"

"So while you were sleeping with Kat thinking I wouldn't find out. That was that you simply loosing you're way?"


"I don't know how many people you've told that story. They might believe you. But I don't and never will. You did what you did in the cruelest manner. I was the last to know. Everyone on the team knew"

"You were gone I didn't know what to do"

"I bet you didn't… so you found comfort in Kat. I'm I bet it totally sucks for you now doesn't it. I would be the perfect trophy wife of all to show off to your friends. But I'm not. It must suck because you're constantly reminded of me because I'm all over TV and newspapers. But you deserve all you got."

"Kim, I really need you"

"Where's Kat?"

"She left me a while ago"

"Because you moved on and she saw it" Kim said

"Kim I love you"

"Tommy shut up! You don't know how everything affected me. I'm done with this, I'm done with you! I don't miss you anymore I'm not in love with you anymore"

"Kim I know you still love me, our love doesn't die that easily" Tommy said trying to kiss her, Kim pushed him away

"Yes it does. I don't want to kiss you away more."

"If you tried, you'd know that you love me, or would love me"

"Tommy, I'm getting married… never again will I love you. Now please leave" Kim said running up stairs

Tommy sighed and walked out of the house

The next day

Kim flipped off the balance beam and stuck it. She smiled as she put her arms up in the air. She looked to the side and saw her fiancée smiling at her. She smiled back at him.

Kim smiled and ran to hug her coach.

Her fiancée came up to her and gave her a kiss.

"That was perfect" He said in her ear

"That you, Jason" She said giving him a kiss

Does it hurt to know I'll never be there?
Bet it sucks to see my face everywhere
It was you who chose to end it like you did
I was the last to know
You knew exactly what you would do
Don't say you simply lost your way
They may believe you
But I never will
I never will
I never will

"You ruined it for yourself Tommy" Hayley said as they watched Kimberly on screen

"Yeah I know. But I wish I had a second chance"

"Do you really?"

"I don't know…"

Tommy walked into Hayley's and saw the teens.

"Did you watch Kimberly yesterday?" Ethan asked "She was amazing!"

"Yeah, she was"

"Did you walk to her?" Kira asked

"Yeah, I was too late"

"Sorry Dr. O" They all said

"So Kimberly, how do you explain all you're success" came the loud noise of the TV

"Simple…" Kim said smiling at the camera

The rangers walked towards the TV. And saw Kim talking to a reporter

"I used two words that helped me through it all…"

"What were they?"

"Never Again"

"Do they mean something that you can explain?"

"Yeah, I even wrote a song" Kim smiled

"Will you play it for us?"

"Of course"

They handed Kim a guitar and she started singing Never Again. They all saw the passion on Kim's face. Especially when she sang the last two words.

Never again

"Never again"

A/N: Well that's the end of my Fanfic

I have many thoguths running through my head about this... i really liked how this turned out... I'm a total die hard Tommy/Kim fan but this song got to me... i guess ;p still Kelly Clarkson Rocks! lol

If you havent yet, check out my music video but please comment!

And check out my music video I'm With You... i'm finished with the fanfic and going to be posting it today! It's also a three part Fan Fic... just need check for spelling errors... but with this my music video is soo much better than the fanfic but that's just me looking down on my writting i need you people to tell me otherwise!

Youtube: Singerstars

Thanks for reading... Try P.S. I'm Still Not Over You if you haven't yet... smiles