Bombalurina kept her paws in time with Munkustrap's treading the worn dirt track around the junkyard fence
Bombalurina kept her paws in time with Munkustrap's treading the worn dirt track around the junkyard fence. She cleared her throat once or twice but her vocal chords just wouldn't work. It was strange, maybe, Demeter had gained too much of her confidence and Bombalurina was left with none.
In almost perfect silence they arrived back at the centre of the junkyard, dusk was falling and more cats had returned to the clearing from their dens or homes. Demeter was deep in determined conversation with Tugger; as they shared an arm chair that happened to be rather small. Bombalurina noticed the wistful look Munkustrap gave Demeter, she found herself wishing he would look at her like that.
"Shall we sit down?" She finally unstuck her mouth and nodded towards an old park bench, Munkustrap glanced at her in surprise.
"Don't make me keep you," he shrugged, "you can… go and talk to Tugger if you like."
Bombalurina shook her head slowly, was he trying to get rid of her? She couldn't let that happen. "No, let's sit." She said simply and the silver tabby followed her noticing how her hips had lost their trademark sway.
Bombalurina jumped gracefully on to the bench; stretching as she did so, trying to show off her figure, but unsure how. He barely spared her a glance, curling around himself almost protectively and glaring at the couple on the chair.
It was strange for Munkustrap to think of how she'd changed. Demeter used to hate Tugger, they hated each other and now she was all over him. It made him feel sick and slightly used; she'd dented his pride by throwing away their friendship as soon as the maned tom turned on the charm, for Munkustrap was sure that was what had happened. 'Friendship' who was he kidding? He'd hoped it was a lot more than that, he'd thought it was a lot more than that. Either way if anyone knew what had happened to inspire the transformation it was the queen next to him, he realised what she was doing of course it was all in the name of sympathy.
'I'm sorry the love of your life is ignoring you; here have me for a bit.' Well Munkustrap, strange as it was, didn't want the scarlet bombshell. He wanted the golden beauty, that was usually so shy and insecure and now, well, he wasn't even sure if he wanted her anymore either.
Next to him Bombalurina sighed and he remembered she was there, now was the time for answers, "listen, Bombalurina I-" Suddenly there was a load crash and a squeak of fear, a few of the tyres had toppled from the top of the pile in to the path of playing kittens, luckily they'd all got out of the way but it wasn't them Munkustrap was worried about. Instinctually he leapt up ready to race to Demeter's side, but it appeared she didn't need him. She glanced casually at the tyres rolling steadily in to other piles of junk (creating more noise and havoc as well as knocking Alonzo out.) And laughed at the kittens with Tugger.
Wondering why he felt disappointment Munkustrap sat back down with a weary sigh, then he saw Bombalurina, stood up, red fur on end her eyes had rolled in to their whites and she hissed in a fit of panic. What the hell was she doing?
"Bomba…" he trailed off, unsure what to do, even Demeter - she had never been like this. He stood back up slowly and rubbed against her shoulder; she flinched and spat at him.
He didn't want to, but he could see no other option, "Demeter!" He called to the queen, she looked up at him, eyes widening when she saw Bombalurina's state, who had jumped to the ground a quivering mess. Demeter gasped and jumped off the chair swiftly followed by a concerned Tugger.
"Rina." Demeter tutted and wound herself around her friend, a protective circle, but being so much smaller it was hard for her.
"I want to go to my den." Bombalurina shrugged, "I'm scared," she looked appealingly at them with wide eyes, "but I don't know why." The three cats exchanged glances.
"I'll take her," Tugger nodded at Demeter.
"I'll come with you!" The queen protested as Tugger wrapped his arms around Bombalurina helping her up.
"No, Demeter," Munkustrap assumed authority, "I need to talk to you." The queen pouted but recognised the urgency in his voice.
"Come on Bomba, lean on me." Tugger said softly, supporting the queen's head on his soft mane and nuzzling her forehead affectionately. Demeter watched with hard to conceal jealousy. Bombalurina wasn't interested in him anymore, why couldn't he see that?
"What's going on Dem?" Munkustrap glared at the queen as he watched the other two leave, "what's wrong with Bombalurina?" He held back from asking: 'with you?'
She jumped on to the back rest of the bench, pacing it gently, not fazed by falling.
"Side affects?"
He followed her sleek figure with his eyes suddenly realising where the sway in Bombalurina's hips had gone, "from what?"
She jumped beside him and he tried to ignore how good it felt to feel her soft fur brush against his cheek. "Misto's potion." She was teasing, being deliberately vague.
"What potion?" He raised his voice aware of how close his tether was to snapping.
Demeter pulled a face full of mock-sorrow, "temper, temper."
"Demeter!" He was shouting now.
"Okay fine," she snapped, "spoil my fun. Mistoffelees made a potion to transfer some confidence from Bombalurina to me. It worked, everyone's happy, the end."
For a full minute the tabby sat in silence until Demeter closed his mouth with her paw, "why so surprised? I was a wreck." She shuddered.
Munkustrap hissed, how could she be so selfish? This wasn't like Demeter, but it wasn't even like Bombalurina either, "And now she is! what the hell do you mean everyone's happy? She's not," he lowered his voice, "I'm not."
Demeter shrugged, "we can't all win." She jumped off the bench, "ta-raa Stripes." She blew him a kiss and sauntered in to the gathering dark.
Seething the silver tabby snarled, "Tribe meeting," he took a deep breath, "I'm going to kill that bloody wand waving lunatic."
Haha look two chapters in one! You may by now be able to tell that I'm just tryna get this one wrapped up. Well... I was going to just let it die a natural but I changed my mind so aren't I nice?