I started this fic with just the title, 'Sonnet'. And I thought what can I possibly do with a title like that and be able to link it to Doctor Who. Then I realised what a great connection there is between Doctor Who and Shakespeare's sonnets. He meets Shaky himself in the latest series and Shaky always writes about Roses and, for instance in my favourite sonnet XIX, talks about time.

You of course know the drill by now, I don't own the rights to Doctor Who or to any of Shaky's sonnets, and I hope he will forgive me for calling him Shaky.

One more thing, anything in italics are quotes from Shaky, all are from sonnets except one, and I bet you can guess without me saying!

So written from the tenth doctor point of view…


A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

And she would, my Rose. She would have loved meeting Shakespeare, maybe that's where I should have taken her on our first date, not to the destruction of her wonderful planet but to see a genius.

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?

Did we ever get any lazy summer afternoons to do nothing? I'm not sure we ever did. Our summer days were spent on spaceships, or planets or other times. We never got those sorts of lazy days.

My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun.

Yet they had burnt with the fire of time and glowed with the wisdom of ages that I hadn't even see. Her voice sang like the Eternal's chorus and she held the very power of the universe, life and death, in her hands.

But thy eternal summer shall not fade.

Because I will remember her just as she is.

I grant I never saw a goddess go.

Yet I'm sure that burning furry of the bad wolf would have ignited dieing stars.

Yet, do thy worst, old Time: despite thy wrong,

My love shall in my verse ever life young.

That is the curse of the time lord, I live on, and everything around me falls to dust. Everything dies, but I still live on. And I sometimes wonder why I do. I wonder why my two hearts must turn to stone to stop then from breaking.

When I do count the clock that tells the time.

Yes, I realise I have lived to long already.

Your name from hence immortal life shall have.

The Doctor, just the Doctor. My name followed by the list of the dead. All across time and space. I wonder how many would have lived if I had never come. But Rose always made me perish the thought that I ever did wrong.

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

No. Only her.

Thank you very much for reading. Any comments, most appreciated.