Me: Hey guys it's me Pokegal. I love to write pokemon fan fiction stories.

May: Well she does not own Pokemon or the characters.

Drew: Or anything.

Me: Thanks. That's mainly it. Okay so this is summary again if you already didn't read it. Well Prince Drew and Princess May here finally decide to get married.

Drew/ May: Eww Gross.

Me: Shut up lover birds. Anyways, Drew and May finally decide to get married.

Drew: How 'bout I kill her instead?

Me: No!!! Can you shut up so I can finish the summary?

Drew: Fine.

Me: Well Drew is a prince and May is a princess. They are forced to visit every year until they fell in love. Their hatred for each other turned into true love. Then someone from May's past comes to hunt her with a promise when she was younger.

A War called Love

Once upon a time a princess was born. Her name was May. May's father was King Norman, king of the one of the greatest kingdom in the world. Everyone from around the world came to see this beautiful child. Even Queen Alexandria and her son, Prince Drew, were there too. She was the queen of the other greatest kingdom. They both had a great idea; each year May and Drew would visit and hope they would fall in love. Then they would truly have the greatest kingdom in the world.

5 years later…

May was 5 years old. Drew was 6 years old. May and her father king Norman were traveling in a carriage to Drew's palace. May was standing up looking out the window…

May: Where are we going, daddy?

Norman: To Prince Drew's palace.

May: Why?

Norman: To meet him.

May: Why?

Norman: Sit down, dear child.

(May sits down.)

May: Yes, father. What's he like?

Norman: He has emerald hair, green eyes..

But meanwhile back at Drew's Palace…

Drew: A girl!!!! Eww!!!! Girls are gross.

Alexandria: She isn't a girl. She's a princess, and I expect you to act your very best.

Drew: You mean like a sissy!!!!

Alexandria: No like a prince. That's them now. Drew act on your best behavior.

Outside inside the courtyard, Drew and May met. May hid behind Norman and Drew was in front Alexandria. Norman pushed May in front of him.

Norman: Go on, dear child.

May: (curtsied) Pleased to meet you, Prince Drew.

Drew: (rolled his eyes) Pleased to meet you, Princess May.

Drew kisses May's hand and wipes his mouth.)

Drew: (whispers to himself) Now I've got cuddies.

May is mad so she steps on Drew's foot.

Drew: Ouch.

Alexandria: Stop acting up, Drew.

Drew: Stupid Girl.

May: Stupid boy.

Drew: I'm not a boy. I'm a man. You're a justa girl.

May: I'm sugar and spice and everything nice.

Drew: (screams) you're just a girl!!!

Alexandria: Drew!

May goes back to her dad.

May: Daddy he called me stupid.

Alexandria: (screams at Drew) Drew say sorry now!!!!!!

Drew: Sorry Princess May.

May puts her hand behind her back and moves her knees forward and back.

May: Ya mean it.

Drew: Yeah.

May: Okay.

As May swung herself she kicked Drew but Norman and Alexandria noticed. Drew jumped up and down in pain. Then May turned around and lefts her hands. Then Norman picks her up and they walk inside the palaceAlexandria slaps Drew.

Alexandria: Stop it, Drew.

Drew: She kicked me.

Alexandria: Stop blaming her for stuff she didn't do. You kow better.

Drew pouted and flips his hair. Then Alexandria slaps him again.

Alexandria: Don't roll your eyes at me.

Hope ya liked it. If you don't like it I won't contiue. If you do then I will. See ya.