I was about to eat a chocolate, wondering what flavor it would be, when I was trying to get inspiration for this chapter. I bit into it and thought, "Mmm, lemon." Ironic, huh? Anywho, on with the fic... wow, it's long...

"Kira has stopped killing." Light grinned. "So you can remove these stupid handcuffs." He shifted his wrist slightly, making the chain jingle for emphasis.

"Just because he has paused in his killing for now, Light-kun," L's slender fingers tapped on the keyboard of his laptop as he spoke, "does not mean that he won't start again."

Light jutted out his lower lip in an attempt to look cute. "Pwease?" He gave the raven haired man his biggest, saddest puppy doy eyes. Gosh, I'm acting like such a little boy, he thought. Light frowned when he noticed the other man's eyes were still glued to the laptop screen. Irritated that his efforts were being ignored, he harshly jerked on the chain, causing both L and his chair to turn and roll towards Light. Leaning all his weight on the chair's arms, he hovered over the detective and tried again. "Pwitty pwease?"

So much for him being my intellectual equal, thought L with a sigh. "Well... I do have something I need to do..." L started to give in, though his face showed that he was unfazed by Light's arsenal of adorable. He sighed again. "Okay, but for no more than an hour."

"Yippee!!" Light cheered as L unlocked then. Why am I still acting like -- Light's thoughts were interupted by a soft peck on his cheek.

"I'll be back soon," L whispered, his warm breath dancing on Light's ear. He began walking out the door.

"L... I'll be waiting."

He turned around to fave a sheepishly smiling Light; the hints of a smile tugging at the corners of his own mouth. After a few seconds, he closed the door and walked away.

"Kira has stopped killing." Light repeated for the second time that day. He slowly walked over to the kitchen and openned the refridgerator. He scanned the various items inside the door. "And I know just how to celebrate!" he exclaimed, grabbing a few bottles and closing the door.


L returned in exactly fifty-seven minutes, greeted by a note taped near the door. Went to the bedroom to take a nap, he read. He quietly went to go retrive his laptop from the bedroom. He walked into the room only to find Light on the bed -- not asleep -- but instead completely awake... and covered in sundae toppings.

Strawberry syrup lined his lips like sugary lipstick. Chocolate syrup was drawn in an intricate, lacy design on his chest and stomach. L looked downward.

He felt himself harden painfully fast. Light's entire length was drenched in caramel syrup -- the detective's favorite flavor of the three.

"Come and get me," Light dared, shooting a look in the man's direction that was down right sexy.

L, posessed by desire, absentmindedly began stripping. He looks delicious -- more so than usual, that is.

I'll let him get the top this time, Light thought, smirking as he did so.

L, now completely naked, pounced on his human sundae. He attacked the man's lips, licking off every last bit of the strawberry syrup before affectionately shoving his tongue into Light's mouth. L tried to explore every part of his mouth while their tongues wrestled.

The dark eyed man pulled away and they both gasped for air. He attacked the man's neck with butterfly kisses; tracing his collarbone.

L turned his attention now to the man's toned, chocolatey torso, tracing the syrup unicursally with his soft velvetly tongue. He ran his tongue over soft pink nubs and around the man's bellybutton. He like this; not only did Light taste sweet, be was mewing in pleasure. Never had such a sound passed his lips.

After licking off every last trace of chocolate, L ran his tongue along the man's caramel covered length. Light arched up to the touch. L licked the tip; sucked on the head gently. Fisting the sheets and moaning, Light tried to thrust, but L was holding down his hips. To the brunette's relief, L took his throbbing erection into his mouth.

The man beneath L was panting hard, still trying to thrust. Despite teh other's eagerness, the dark eyed man took his time, slowly wrapping his tongue around the man's member.

Aaaahh... Light groped around for L's erection. Almost... Just one more lick... He pumped fiercely. Just one...!!

Light came into the man's mouth followed closesly by L, not having the strength to scream his name as he climaxed. Instead, he let out a long, loud, deep moan and collapsed onto the bed, instantly asleep.

"He forgot to mention that I still haven't told him my name." L stared at the sleeping man beneath him. "... Maybe I should leave off the handcuffs more often..."


Later that day, the rest of the investigation team joined L and Light on (who were handcuffed together again) on their floor.

"No more killing! Let's celebrate with icecream sundaes!!" exclaimed an excited Matsuda as he bounced to the refridgerator.

"Sundaes?" repeated Light's father.

"Yeah, Yagami-san! I put the toppings in the fridge and... That's funny, where'd they go?"

I hope you like it!! Haha, this chapter is longer than the first two put together!! I wonder how I started writing like this. Maybe it's because I have to sit next to a total pervert every morning in school? Not for long, though!! Well, if I'm gonna write this kinda stuff, I hope I write it well. Please tell me what you think!!