Alright. A mushy love story with Blink and a girl. Kill me. My boredom has driven me to write mushy romance. Still, I hope you enjoy. Oneshot.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in Newsies. Spinner is a character based off of a real person, therefore is hers. Not yours. Do not steal without permission, cause that's not cool.

I watched her smile as she handed a paper to an old man. She laughed slightly as he made a remark and she thanked him once more. She turned to me and held up her thumb, smiling. Always smiling. She walked over to me and flashed two bits right in front of my nose. "A quarter. Said a pretty goil like me shouldn't be on da streets." I smiled at her as she grinned at her earning. "He's true." I said, without thinking. "About you'se being pretty and all." She smiled back at me. I was pretty sure I looked like an idiot right now, sitting on the curb with my cheek in my hand.

She didn't seem to notice, sitting next to me. I quickly faced her. Finding nothing to say, I sighed and faced forward again. We watched the people of New York bustle about for some time. It seemed like hours until I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was her. She had stood up and had her papers under her arm. "They're not gonna sell themselves." She saw me looking at them. I stood up with her, grabbing my own papes. "Spinner." She turned from walking. "Blink." She answered. Sometimes I couldn't believe how cute she was. How can a being on this world be so…

I don't deny the fact that she's not perfect. If she was, I wouldn't be so transfixed. Cause what's a good story without a wicked witch or an evil step-mom? Just like all the streetrats, she's had her conflicts, her battles, her losses. And that's good with me, cause I've had my fair share, too. She's been there for me, and I've been there for her. We've been acquainted since as long as I remember. Things haven't changed either. She's still as cute as she was twelve years ago and I still have the same feelings for her I did twelve years ago. I just never could tell her.

"What is it?" She was now facing me. All attention on me. I couldn't help but to like it. I opened my mouth to speak, but closed it again. I'll probably sound stupid. I need to tell her though. I battled myself in my thoughts, trying to figure out how to say what I've wanted to say every day. She laughed and turned around. "Blink, you're crazy."

I know. I know I'm crazy. That's why I need to do this. I need to let her know. I don't think I could live a day more without her knowing that, "I love you."