Okay, after a very long period I finally wrote the last chapter of this story. I hope everyone likes it.

Chapter 15: A cause worth fighting for

10th squad's headquarters, Hitsugaya's office

Matsumoto slowly worked herself through the huge pile of paperwork, occasionally yawning and frowning. After about 15 min of hard, mind- numbing labour she decided that she had earned a little break. She quickly grabbed a bottle of sake from one of her many hiding places around the office. She often wondered why her captain had never noticed all her hidden liquor. Either he was as blind as a mole or, which seemed more likely, he found it too much of a hassle to keep reprimanding her about poured herself a large cup of sake and drank it for her, her captain just entered the office.

"Matsumoto!" The unfortunate vice-captain nearly fell out of her chair.

"T-taichou! You nearly gave me a heart –attack. That's another ten years of my life…"

"Quit fooling around! This place is a mess! Didn't I ask you to take care of all the paperwork in here?" Hitsugaya seemed unusually anxious and Matsumoto wondered if something had happened.

"I was working on it…" she said apologetic, quickly stuffing the sake bottle behind a pile op paper. Hitsugaya glared annoyed at his vice-captain.

"Well get on with it then. I want this office cleaned up before…"

"Shiro-chan! Are you there?" Hitsugaya froze when he heard Hinamori's voice echoe through the hallway. Matsumoto noticed it and a sly smile crept across her face.

"Isn't that Hinamori-chan calling for you taichou?" She asked innocently. Hitsugaya's face went red and Matsumoto knew that she was onto something good. "Is there something you need to tell me taichou?"

Hitsugaya wanted to reproach his insolent vice-captain but just at that moment Hinamori entered the office. She wasn't wearing the normal shinigami's uniform but a beautiful dress. In her hands she carried a large basket.

"Ah here you are Shiro-chan! I was looking for you. Are you ready to go?"

"N-not yet. I still need to change…" Hitsugaya stammered blushing. Matsumoto, who had a sixth sense for love affairs, smelled blood.

"Going on a hot date with Hinamori-chan ,taichou?" she smirked. Hitsugaya was too shaken to reply but luckily Hinamori came to the rescue.

"Well, it's not exactly a 'hot' date Matsumoto-san. It's more of a… picnic date. Just like we did when we were kids, right Shiro-chan?" Hitsugaya slowly nodded and relaxed. Matsumoto was a little surprised that Hinamori didn't deny the fact that they were going on a date.

"T-taichou! Could it be that you and Hinamori are finally…"

"We need to go Hinamori." Hitsugaya quickly said and he grabbed her by the arm. "Matsumoto, I'll leave the office in your capable hands."

Hitsugaya and Hinamori were just about to leave when Matsumoto called for her captain. When he turned around to ask what she wanted he was blinded by a bright flash of light. Matsumoto was standing there, grinning, with a camera in her hands. "I think I'll call this one 'Little captain on his way to maturity' " she proclaimed proudly.


"Have fun on your date Taichou!" Matsumoto smiled as Hinamori dragged him out of the office, begging him to calm down.

"They grow up so fast…" Matsumoto sighed as she watched the two shinigami leave.

"Damn that Matsumoto! Why does she always have to act like that…" Hitsugaya growled.

"She would've found out eventually Shiro-chan." Hinamori said softly and she took Hitsugaya's hand in hers. Hitsugaya blushed and Hinamori giggled.

"You're cute when you're blushing Shiro-chan." She smiled and she leaned over to him to give him a quick kiss on the lips. Hitsugaya returned the kiss, this time longer and more passionate. When their lips parted again they both sighed.

"Did you bring watermelons for the picnic?" Hitsugaya asked.

"It wouldn't be one without them." Hinamori laughed as they both left the 10th division's headquarters.

2nd division, training grounds.

Tsume was lying lazily in the shade beneath a large tree, watching his master and his boss practicing their combat skills. The little dog did not understand why these shinigami's wasted a perfectly fine, sunny day on tiring exercise that made you sweaty and thirsty. With a loud yawn he closed his eyes and decided to take a nap, providing that the two combatants didn't make too much noise.

Yugo on the other hand, wasn't in a position to take it easy. Even though he could stay in 2nd division, and even be a third seat, life hadn't become any easier on him. His captain had decided that he needed some 'special' training if he wanted to improve his skills, which meant that he had to undergo Soi Fon's continuous assaults every day. Of course he knew that she would never actually kill him but sometimes he wished that she did. He was already fighting for more than an hour now and he felt that he had reached his limits unlike his captain, who still seemed as energetic as when they started.

"Can't we…take a… short break… taichou?" Yugo begged, heavily breathing. Soi seemed reluctant but eventually nodded. " Ten minutes."

Yugo smiled gratefully and joined Tsume underneath the tree. Tired he stretched himself out on the grass and gazed at the blue sky between the leaves of the tree. Soi Fon also sat down next to him and gave him a mocking smile.

"You can't be that tired. It's only been an hour."

Yugo didn't reply but sat up, as if he was trying to prove that he still had some energy left. Soi Fon examined him for a short moment and then laughed. Yugo stared at her in confusion. "Why are you laughing Taichou?"

"Oh nothing really." She chuckled. The truth was that he reminded her of her own training sessions with Yoruichi in the past. Not wanting to show he beloved mentor that she couldn't go on with the training, she had stubbornly kept fighting, just like Yugo did now. As a result she had been unable to walk properly for three days afterwards and she figured that Yugo would notice the consequences too if he went on like this. Still, she was surprised at his perseverance. He seemed to improve every day and she realized, slightly annoyed, that one of these days he might be the better of her. Not that she was going to let that happen. She just had too become stronger too and having an opponent like Yugo was just the right exercise she needed. There was another reason why she liked to have Yugo around. He was a kind, although sometimes naive, and honest young man ,which Soi found refreshing to talk to. Talking to him, even if he didn't say much himself, relieved a great deal of stress, especially when discussing Yoruichi-sama. He quietly listened to her ranting about her daily annoyances, like Matsumoto or Yachiru. Even though she would never admit it out loud, she was glad to have him as a subordinate and a friend.

Yugo watched his captain from the corner of his eyes. She was staring into the distance and he noticed a faint smile on her face. He wondered what she was thinking about but thought it would be best not to ask. She seemed rather happy at the moment and he didn't want to spoil her happiness. She smiled a lot more too these days, which Yugo found pleasant. When he joined the 2nd squad, he rarely saw his captain smile. She had become also more lively and talkative and he had caught her, much to his surprise, petting and feeding Tsume once in her office. He didn't quite understand what caused this sudden change but he was determined to do everything in hid power to keep his captain as happy as she was now, even if it would mean risking his life.

The End.

Ok this was the final chapter. It's rather short , I know, but I hope it was still good. I hope you've enjoyed this story and if you have any comments (good or bad) just review!