'Did you find out where we were sent Kyuubi?' asked Naruto.
"It is an alternate dimension brat, accept that fact," growled Kyuubi because he was tired of the boy bothering him.
'Well at least I was able to finish off the Akatsuki before I got sucked into that black hole and transported here,' though Naruto happily.
"Yes, that surprised me as well that you were able to finally beat the Leader," said Kyuubi.
'Meh, admit it you enjoyed the fight and were proud I was able to hold my own against him,' said Naruto with a smile.
"Brat, I am immune to human emotions," growled Kyuubi refusing to admit anything.
'Whatever you say fox, I don't have time to argue with you because there are more important matter to deal with at the moment. This world maybe be different from my original home world, but I can feel so much more power in the air here,' said Naruto as he used his advanced sense to look for people with above average chakra.
"All humans are weak," replied Kyuubi nonchalant.
'Well, if I'm lucky I'll find something worthwhile to do in this new world until I find a way back home,' said Naruto before he disappeared in a swirl leaves.
"Professor is everything ok?" asked Jean walking up to her Professor.
"I sense a powerful presence a few seconds ago, but when I used Cerebro to try to find it, I wasn't even able to pinpoint it. So much power and it just disappears so suddenly, I am worried about this Jean," said Professor X.
"What do you want to do?" asked Jean.
"Nothing, they are in the city I was able to deduce that much, besides you and the others have school tomorrow so you best get some sleep," said the Professor before wheeling out of the room. Jean just watched the Professor leave with a pensive look on her face before she headed off to sleep.
"Did you feel that power burst earlier?" asked Magneto.
"Yes, but we were unable to locate where it came from," said Mystique.
"Hmm, if I can acquire the person who is wielding that power to my side then I will easily able to complete my plans," said Magneto with a smile.
"I will have the brotherhood keep a look out for any new mutants in the area," said Mystique.
"Do not fail me Mystique," said Magneto as he left the warning hanging before leaving.
"I can't believe I agreed to be in that stupid Dracula play," said Rogue.
"I don't know, it sounds like fun to me," said Kitty. Rogue was about to say more, but was stopped when she collided with some boy that wasn't watching where he was going.
"Oh, I'm so sorry," said the boy helping Rogue pick up her books.
"Watch where you're going buddy," said Rogue angrily as she took her books back.
"Rogue, he did say he was sorry," said Kitty trying to calm the girl down. Rogue just glared at Kitty before she turned to face the boy to give her another piece of her mind, but when she took a good look at him she fell silent. Kitty saw the look on Rogue's face and gave her a weird look before turning to face the boy, but like Rogue once she got a good look at him she just gazed at him dreamily.
"I really am sorry, it is my first day," said the boy as he scratched his head sheepishly. He had blond sun kissed hair, about 6 feet tall, and was built like an athlete with a well defined chest and arms that were clearly showing with his skin tight shirt. The most distinguishing characteristics he had was his angelic face and his sky blue eyes that seemed to bore into your souls. The boy looked to be a year of two older then them, but neither minded because older guys were always better and more mature to date.
"Um, are you two ok?" asked the boy giving both girls a smirk.
"No, nothing sorry about that," said Kitty snapping out of her daze and then proceeding to snap Rogue out of her daze.
"Well in that case, I hope to be seeing you both around," said the boy giving the girls a heart-melting smile before walking past them. The girls just watched him disappeared into the school building before looking at each other and squealing in delight.
"Oh my gosh, he was so fine," said Kitty with stars in her eyes.
"You got that right girl," said Rogue nodding in agreement.
"I might have to do some information to find out his name and where he is from," said Kitty with a gleam in her eyes.
"No way girl, I got dibs on that boy since you already have a crush on Lance," said Rogue with a smirk.
"You're one to talk, miss I think Scott is so cute," said Kitty sticking her tongue out at Rogue.
"Scott's got nothing on that boy or any other boy in the school," said Rogue remembering the boy's eyes.
"I wonder if he is a mutant," said Kitty with a little bit of hope.
"Sure would make things easier," said Rogue softly, but she even if he was a mutant she still wouldn't be able to get close to him because of her mutation.
In the Principal's office
"Naruto Uzumaki is it, strange name," said Principal Darkholme.
"Well, I'm not from around here," replied Naruto with a smile.
"Yes, I can see that from your transfers," said Principal Darkholme dryly.
'For someone pretending to be a principal she isn't too friendly. You think you would want kids to like you so that you didn't have to worry about blowing your cover,' thought Naruto as he kept the smile plastered on his face.
'Their abilities far surpass any ninja ability, but they don't train their bodies extensively as the humans in your world did,' said Kyuubi. He may have despised all humans, but they had spent over a few months exploring this new world and were surprised by all the technology and by some of the special talents some of the humans possessed. He almost wished he had been summoned to this world instead of Naruto's world because conquering this world would have been much more challenging with all their technology and strange powers. He didn't seem to take in the account that he failed to conquer Naruto's world to begin with and yet he believed this world to more powerful.
"Well it seems you have everything order so welcome to Bayville High," said Principal Darkholme before handing Naruto his class schedule.
"Thank you," said Naruto as he took the schedule and bowed to the woman before exiting the office.
'There is something strange about that boy,' thought Principal Darkholme as she watched Naruto leave.
'School blows,' thought Naruto as he sat through his first class, American History. The only upside of school this time around was that he seemed to be very popular among the female crowd, where before he was hated by all.
'Your whole life blows in my opinion,' said Kyuubi adding his two cent.
'Ha-ha, I never thought I hear the day you would use such human terminology,' said Naruto as he mentally laughed at the growling fox demon.
"Mr. Uzumaki, are you paying attention?" asked Mrs. Doubtfire, the teacher, giving him a stern glare that Naruto easily shrugged off. Naruto looked up at the teacher and got a good look at her for the first time. She was a very large woman and not in height, she wore thick glasses, and her cheeks puffed out at him while she was giving him a glare. The woman was not in the least bit intimidating to him when he had met pedophiles like Orochimaru.
"Um, you were talking about something that happened a long time ago?" replied Naruto sheepishly, causing the whole class to snick.
"Mr. Uzumaki, since it is your first day here I will excuse your behavior, but if you keep up this attitude I will send you straight to the Principal's office," said Mrs. Doubtfire sternly.
"Got you teach," replied Naruto with a smirk, which made all the females sigh dreamily at him. Mrs. Doubtfire just huffed at the disrespect, before continuing with her class.
'Teachers, they are all the same,' thought Naruto before casting a genjutsu that made it look like he was paying attention, while in actuality he was really sleeping.
'I love being a ninja,' thought Naruto as he drifted off to sleep.
For the rest of the day, Naruto went to all of his classes and tried to make new friends while not pissing off his teachers too much by causing too much trouble during classes. Naruto was extremely surprised when he found out that he was easily able to make friends or talk to people in this world. It felt so weird be so accepted into society when he had spent all of his life as an outcast, even among his precious people. His last class was a film study class and it seemed he would be receiving his first class assignment.
"Ok everyone listen up, for your next project you are to work with a partner and make a movie about your daily lives. I will give you until the bell rings to find a partner then you are free to go since this is your last class of the day," said Professor Doyle.
'Damn, I don't know that many in school yet so it looks like I'm going to have ask a complete stranger. Hmm, I'll ask that boy over there,' thought Naruto before heading over to where a boy was sleeping. He made his way across the class and stood in front of the boy's desk before tapping on his shoulder.
"Huh? What's going on?" asked the boy as he rubbed his eyes.
"Yo, name is Naruto and was wondering if you wanted to partner up for the project we are being assigned," asked Naruto with a friendly smile.
"We have a project? Aww man, I was planning on hitting the pipes today too," groaned the boy.
"You can still hit the pipes, the project is about filming a day in your life," said Naruto causing the boy to perk up at hearing that.
"Sweet, the name is Evan by the way," said the boy holding out his hand.
"Awesome, I'll go get us a video recorder," said Naruto as he shook Evan's hand before leaving to get a video recorder from up front.
"So where are these pipes at that you want to hit?" asked Naruto as he walked out of school with Evan.
"You sound like you have never skateboarded," said Evan laughing at what Naruto said.
"Can't say I have, but I'm always willing to learn something new. That is, if it doesn't have to deal with history," said Naruto with a smirk.
"I feel you on that dude, come on follow me and I'll show you where the pipes are at," said Evan returning the smirk. Evan then started to lead the way to the park where they would start to film what Evan did for the day.
It didn't take them long for them to reach the skate park, where a bunch of other kids were hanging out as well.
"Hey Evan, dude you made it," said a boy with spiky hair.
"Yeah man, I told you I would be here didn't I?" said Evan as he walked up to the boy and started to do some weird handshake that Naruto instantly memorized.
'Never know what you'll need to know in the future,' thought Naruto as he followed Evan around where he was talking to the other skaters.
"Hey dude, who's the newbie?" asked a boy with a Mohawk looking at Naruto.
"Oh, he's with me because we got this lame project for film class. He is going to be recording me and what I usually do for the day while we are here," replied Evan.
"If the rest of you put on a good show, I can put you all on the film as well," said Naruto with a smirk.
"Alright, let's do it," said the boy with spiky hair before getting on his board and going down the half-pipe. A couple of his friends went down to other parts of the half-pipes and started to get on their skateboards as well.
"You sure, you got it on and everything man?" asked Evan as he put on his helmet.
"Don't worry, I got everything set up," said Naruto as he started to film some of Evan's friends.
"Let's do this then," said Evan before joining his friends in pulling off some tricks on the half-pipe. Naruto just watched them all skate around and pull off some cool tricks.
'Doesn't look all that hard to me,' thought Naruto as he continued to watch them perform tricks that he knew he wouldn't have a problem pulling off with or without a skateboard.
'Pathetic, as if some silly tricks with a wooden board will help you survive in real life,' thought Kyuubi with disdain.
'You're just jealous because you wouldn't be able to do it, even if you tried,' thought Naruto with a smirk.
'One day I will devour you brat and you will regret ever not treating me with respect,' growled Kyuubi.
'When that day comes, know I will do what I must to stop you just like my father before me did,' replied Naruto seriously. Kyuubi just growled one last time before going silent. Naruto then went back to watching Evan and his friends skateboarding before he decided he would like to give it a try himself.
"Hey man, mind if I borrow your board and give it a go?" asked Naruto talking to the boy with a Mohawk.
"You sure you can handle it dude?" asked the boy giving Naruto a skeptical look.
"Just keep the camera focused on me and I'll hit some tricks that you never seen before," said Naruto as he handed the boy the camera in exchange for his board. He didn't worry about putting on any safety gear because he was planning on falling down at all.
"Here goes nothing dudes," said Naruto trying out the new word and decided to never say it again because he sounded incredibly stupid. He then used a small burst of chakra from his feet to speed him down the half-pipe and up the other side.
'Just like I thought, not hard at all,' thought Naruto as he easily kept his balance and when got into the air, he performed a perfect kick-flip then came back down.
'The fact that you are a trained assassin, I'm sure has nothing to do with you being able to do this stupid task so easily,' said Kyuubi sarcastically.
'Jealous is just becoming you of lately isn't it fox?' thought Naruto with a smirk as he decided to grind the edge of the half-pipe like he saw some of the kids do. He didn't get it at first, but now that he was actually riding and doing all these tricks, he could see why people did this for fun. It was pretty exhilarating and planned to get his own board in the future so that he could come back here every now and then.
"Yo Evan, dude why didn't you tell us your friend could skate like that?" asked the boy with spiky hair as he watched Naruto easily land some tricks that would have been hard for even pros to pull off.
"I seriously didn't know he could skate," said Evan in awe of Naruto's abilities. For the next 15 minutes, the boys and people that were just arriving all just watched Naruto perform some ridiculous tricks. Naruto soon decided that was enough and hopped off the board when he reach the side of the half-pipe that Evan was on.
"Wow, that was fun, I need to come back and do it again," said Naruto with a smile. He was soon surprised when everyone started to cheer and holler at him. He just looked around sheepishly and scratched the back of his head.
"I didn't realize I was that good," said Naruto sheepishly.
"Dude, that was some sick riding," said the boy with the Mohawk before Naruto handed him his board back.
"Yeah man, why didn't you tell me you could ride," said Evan.
"Tell the truth, this was my first time, but they have something similar back where I come from so it was too hard to catch on," lied Naruto with a smile.
"Dude, next time we are taking you over to the bowl to see what you can really do," smirked the boy with spiky hair.
"Maybe later, I think we better move on so we can finish our project," said Naruto as he checked to make sure the camera was ok.
"Yeah, I'll catch up with you guys later," said Evan as he followed Naruto out of the park.
"So where do you live, we can film that next," said Naruto causing Evan to sweat a little.
"I live over at the Xavier Institute, but I don't know if it is a good idea for you to come over there," said Evan.
"Why, is there something going on that I am not allowed to know about?" asked Naruto jokingly.
"Naw man, we just don't get visitors much," said Evan.
"Cool, then I'll be the first person at school that doesn't live there to see what it is like," said Naruto as he took a right at the crosswalk, which would lead him to the Xavier Institute.
"Wait, never mind let's go," said Evan running to catch up to Naruto.
"Wow, nice place," said Naruto as they entered the gates to the Xavier Institute.
"Yeah, it is pretty sweet," said Evan with a smirk.
"I bet man, I can't wait to see the inside of this place," said Naruto returning the smirk.
"Yeah about that man, I think it might be best if we stay outside. I'll bring us some drinks and stuff so that we don't get too bored," said Evan.
"I see how it is, don't want to share the wealth heh? That's cool, but you better bring me back something good to drink otherwise I'm breaking in," said Naruto with a smirk.
"No problem dude, we got plenty of drinks to pick from just wait out here," said Evan before heading inside. Naruto just watched him go with a pensive look before he made some quick hand seals.
"Kage Bunshin," said Naruto as he made one clone of himself.
"I want you to find out as much information on this place as you can, but don't get caught. I sensed a weird chakra from Evan all day, but now I feel it coming from all over this place. Do whatever it takes to find out the secrets to this place," said Naruto to his clone. The clones just nodded, before using a genjutsu to cloak itself then going off to complete its mission.
'Now, to wait until Evan gets back,' thought Naruto before sitting on the steps and lying back. He didn't get to rest too long before he felt two presences coming up the driveway and towards him.
He opened his eyes and saw it was the two girls that he met earlier walking up the driveway.
'Interesting, it seems most people with the weird chakra stay here at this institute,' thought Naruto before introducing himself to the girls.
"Yo, fancy meeting you two again so soon," said Naruto cheerfully surprising both girls.
"What are you doing here?" blurted Rogue before blushing a small bit at her outburst.
"Honestly, I saw this nice house and couldn't resist trying to break in and see what was in the refrigerator," said Naruto with a wink causing both girls to blush.
"I'm just kidding, I am here with my partner as we finish up our project. Thought if I knew he had such cute roommates I would have come for a completely different reason," said Naruto with a heartbreaking smile.
"Thanks, by the way I'm Kitty," said Kitty as she tried to hide her blush.
"I'm Rogue," said Rogue.
"Name is Naruto, but I'm sure you both know that. It is a pleasure meeting you both and I hope you're still not mad at me for making you drop your books earlier," said Naruto before grabbing each of their hands and giving each a small kiss on the back of their right hands.
"No, I'm not mad," said Rogue with a blush.
"That's a relief, so tell me, do you two stay here as well," asked Naruto before sitting back down and signaling for each girl to take a seat next to him. The girls didn't need to be told twice and each took a seat next to him.
"Yeah we stay here," replied Kitty staring at Naruto dreamily.
"Awesome, must be sweet to stay at a nice place like this. Wish I could stay in a place like this," said Naruto with a smile.
'I wish you stayed here as well,' thought both girls with a large smile.
"Actually, it isn't as great as it looks. The rules are pretty strict and never get much free time," said Kitty.
"Really, what kind of rules are you needed to follow besides getting home before curfew," asked Naruto curious. Both girls looked at each other uneasily before they came up with an answer.
"Well we have to help with chores and stuff like that," lied Kitty.
"Yeah, plus the Professor is pretty strict on making sure we do all of our work and make good grades at school," said Rogue quickly.
"Wow, I'm sorry to hear that. Well if you two ever get some free time, let me know and maybe we can go out sometime. I'm still fairly new in town so be great if I could get some guides to show me around," said Naruto causing both girls to look at him in shock.
'Did he just ask us out?' thought Kitty with glee not knowing that Rogue was thinking the same thing.
"I would love to," said Kitty and Rogue together before they turned to glare at each other.
"Awesome, well listen I don't know where my partner is at, but tell him he'll have to finish up by himself because I got to go. Here is my number, give me a call when you're available and I'll come pick you up," said Naruto as he handed each girl a card with his number on it. The girls just nodded dumbly at him as they took the cards and watched him go.
"Later Kitty, Rogue hope to see you again soon," said Naruto as he waved goodbye to them. Once Naruto was gone, both girls sighed dreamily with looks of pure happiness on their face.
"Hey, where did Naruto go?" asked Evan coming out of the house with two drinks. The girls didn't even bother to answer him and kept looking straight ahead dreamily.
"Um, you two ok?" asked Evan worried.
"Yeah," said Kitty with a sigh.
"Just fine," said Rogue sighing as well.
'Ok from Kitty I expect that kind of thing, but from Rogue it is just creepy,' thought Evan before he noticed the camera and a note on it. He picked it up and read the note before he cursed mentally.
'I knew I shouldn't have taken all that time to make a sandwich for myself,' thought Evan with a sigh.
'Nice house brat, who did you steal it from?' asked Kyuubi.
'I'm a ninja, I must never reveal my secrets,' replied Naruto cheekily.
'I ever tell you how annoying you are?' asked the Kyuubi sarcastically.
'Keep talking like that fox and I'll start to think you don't love me anymore,' said Naruto before closing his mental link. It had been a few hours since he left the Xavier Institute and he couldn't help but feeling that something was happening. As usual, his instincts proved correct and he soon felt the knowledge from his dispelled clone came to him.
'So they are all mutants at that Institute, I knew something was up,' thought Naruto before disappearing in a swirl of leaves.
"You planned this didn't you porcupine?" said Wolverine looking at Evan.
"Yeah, I thought it was the least I could do for allowing him to find you," said Evan.
"You foolish boy, you could have got hurt or worse killed. That goes for you two as well," said Wolverine turning to look at Rogue and Kitty before picking up Sabertooth.
'Interesting, it seems life here won't be as boring as I thought it would be,' thought Naruto as he watched the group from a nearby tree.
"Hey Evan, did you finish the project?" asked Naruto walking up to the boy.
"Yeah man, I think you'll like what I added," said Evan with a smirk.
"Really now, well now you got me curious let me see what you added on," said Naruto taking the camera from him. He then opened it up, started to watch what Evan added, and was surprised by all the extra stuff he put on.
"I see you got those two cute girls to dance for you," said Naruto with a smirk.
"Oh yeah man, let me tell you it wasn't easy," said Evan.
"I bet, you must owe them a pretty big favor to get them to dance like that," said Naruto as he continued to watch Kitty and Rogue dance. He didn't get to watch long before they made it to class and had to turn in their project.
"Hey Naruto," asked a cheerleader coming up to him with some other girls that were all fluttering their eyes at him.
"Yo," replied Naruto as he piled up some food on his lunch tray.
"We were wondering if you wanted to come a party that the seniors will be having later on," asked the blonde cheerleader.
"Hmm, that sounds good to me. When does the party start?" asked Naruto as he got some chili.
"Here is the address and the party starts at 8. Feel free to stop by at anytime," said the blond before taking off with her friends and giggling the whole way.
'Fan girls, now I know how Sasuke felt,' thought Naruto before he started to look for a seat. He didn't have to look long before he saw Rogue sitting by herself, and decided to go visit her.
"Hey Rogue, how are you?" asked Naruto as he took a seat across from the surprised girl.
"Err, I'm fine but what are you doing here at my table?" asked Rogue confused.
"I saw you sitting by yourself and thought you might want to talk with a friend. I hope I'm not bothering you because if I am I could leave," said Naruto with a kind smile.
"Um no, you're not bothering me, but wouldn't you rather be hanging with those cheerleaders," asked Rogue giving Naruto a skeptical look. She knew yesterday that she acted all girly and everything, but that was because she doubted she would ever talk to the boy again and decided to give in to her emotions at the time. The last thing she expected was for the cute boy to actually take an interest in her when there were so many other girls after him.
"Tell the truth, they are annoying as can be. All that giggling, screaming, and make up just gives me one big headache to be honest. I much prefer you anytime of the day over them," said Naruto before eating some of his food.
"I know what you mean, I can't stand girls like that either," said Rogue with disgust before she looked surprised as she registered what Naruto had said.
'He really prefers me over those girls?' thought Rogue as a small smile came upon her face.
"So where is your friend at?" asked Naruto trying to keep the conversation going.
"Who?" asked Rogue confused.
"You know, Kitty I think her name was. I thought you two were always together," said Naruto.
"Oh no, we may be friends, but we aren't that close," replied Rogue.
"Oh ok, I just thought because you both always seemed to be together when I see you either of you, that you two were close," said Naruto.
"No, Kitty is so annoying and I can't understand her half the time she talks," said Rogue.
"I'm sorry to hear that, she seemed nice when I met her," said Naruto finishing his lunch.
"So how come you two gave Evan a private dance show and not me?" asked Naruto with a smirk causing a small blush to form on Rogue's face.
"It's not what you think, we were just trying to help him out and prepare for the Dracula play at school that is today after school," said Rogue.
"Oh I see, well I'll have to come to the play then because after seeing you two dance on the digital recorder, I must say I really enjoyed it," said Naruto with a wink causing Rogue to blush harder.
"Well Rogue I better get going to my next class, it was fun talking to you again and I'll see you at the play after school I hope," said Naruto with a smile before he left.
'Why do I feel so comfortable around him and I am always acting not myself?' thought Rogue as she watched Naruto disappear.
"Hey Naruto," yelled a girl as he walked down the hall. Naruto just stopped and turned to see whom it was and saw it was Kitty.
"Hey Kitty, what's up?" asked Naruto smiling at the girl.
"Uh hi, nothing much, yeah," said Kitty flustered as she tried to speak coherently.
"I'm glad to hear that, I was looking for you at lunch, but I didn't see you around. I did see your friend Rogue though and we ate together," said Naruto causing Kitty to narrow her eyes a bit.
'So Rogue is making her move huh, well we will see about that,' thought Kitty.
"Kitty, you ok?" asked Naruto giving her a worried look. Kitty snapped out of her daze and gave Naruto a small smile.
"Oh yeah, I'm fine. I was wondering, if um maybe you wanted to hang out after school," said Kitty with a blush.
"I'd love to, but I thought you were doing the school play with Rogue," replied Naruto.
"Oh yeah, duh, well after the play if you want to you know," said Kitty hopefully.
"Sounds good to me, I guess I'll see you after the play then. I have to get going now or I will be late for my last class. Later Kitty," said Naruto before taking off down the hallway. Kitty just watched him go and when he disappeared from view she screamed in joy before doing a little twirl.
'Score one for the Shadowcat,' thought Kitty with a large grin.
"Who was that guy you were talking to?" asked a tall boy coming up from behind Kitty. Kitty turned around and sighed when she saw it was Lance.
"His name is Naruto and it is none of your business whom I talk to," said Kitty before walking away with her head held high.
'Naruto is it, I guess I'll have to teach him a lesson to not talk to my girl,' thought Lance with a smirk.
'Hmm, what type of car should I buy fox?' asked Naruto as he walked through one of the more expensive car dealerships. Naruto wouldn't let anybody know, but he was filthy rich from all the money he stole off drug dealers and other criminals when he first arrived and could practically buy anything he wanted. Right now he was at a car dealership because it would help keep up his image of a regular high school boy.
'What in hell makes you think I care what kind of car you get?' replied Kyuubi.
'I'm thinking maybe I should get a motorcycle and a car that way I got some variety,' said Naruto ignoring Kyuubi's sarcastic comments. He continued to look around the lot and finally saw a car that he liked. It was a nice looking blue Ford Mustang, with two doors and brand-new, but an older version model.
'I like this one, I think I'll get this one as my casual ride and then later on buy some more just so I have some extra when I feel like something different,' thought Naruto as he examined the car.
"Find something you like sir?" asked a pompous looking man.
"Yeah, I would like to buy this car and maybe you can show me some other cars that you have for sale because I don't feel like just buying one," said Naruto to the surprised man.
'I am going to make a fortune off this boy,' thought the man before he led Naruto inside the building to show him what others car they had on the lot and at their warehouse.
"What are you so happy about girl?" asked Rogue as she finished putting on the rest of her costume for the play.
"It just so happens that after the play I have a date with Naruto," said Kitty with a grin.
"You lie," said Rogue glaring at Kitty.
"Nope, I saw him in the hallway before he got to his last class and asked him if he would like to hang out after the play. He agreed so after the play I will be heading off with Naruto to get to know him better," replied Kitty as she put on the final additions of makeup and walked by Rogue with large smile on her face.
'Why that little sneak, well two people can play that game,' thought Rogue as she continued to glare at Kitty's back.
"Hey Evan, I didn't know you were coming to the play. I didn't think you were into this kind of thing," said Naruto sitting down next to the boy.
"Oh yeah, everyone is here from the Institute to see Kitty and Rogue," said Evan.
"Really, I take it that man in the wheelchair is Professor Xavier then?" asked Naruto already knowing the answer.
"Yeah and that lady next to him is my Aunty O," replied Evan.
"Awesome, you'll have to introduce me later," said Naruto as the lights dimmed and the play started. The play lasted for about an hour and Naruto could honestly say it kept him amused during that whole hour. It wasn't one of the best shows he had seen, but it was very funny and relaxing, but the part he could say he liked most is when he saw Kitty and Rogue dressed in those skimpy outfits. He couldn't help it, his sensei was the legendary super pervert Jiraiya, he was bound to pick up at least some of his habits. Too bad they didn't have any Icha Icha Paradise books in this world because he has been bored a lot lately without his favorite novels.
"Thank you for coming everyone and we hoped you enjoyed the play," said the boy before everyone who was in the play took on last bow then headed backstage.
"Not bad," said Naruto clapping.
"Dude, I can't believe I wasted my whole day just to see this lame play," grumbled Evan.
"Oh it wasn't that bad now," said Ororo with a smile.
"Yes, I rather enjoyed the performance," said Charles coming up besides Ororo in his wheelchair.
"This Professor Xavier and your Aunt?" asked Naruto looking at Evan.
"Yeah man, this is my Aunty O and Professor X. This is Naruto, you know I never got your last name dude," said Evan.
"Naruto Uzumaki, a pleasure to meet you both," said Naruto shaking hands with both adults.
"A pleasure to meet you too Mr. Uzumaki," said Charles shaking hands with Naruto and was about to peek into his mind because for some reason he felt something off with the boy.
"Don't," said Naruto suddenly looking at the Professor with a very serious look. Professor X just looked at him in surprise and with a questioning look.
"You ok man?" asked Evan giving Naruto a skeptical look.
"Yeah, listen I'm going to head backstage to talk to Kitty. I'll see you all later," said Naruto before walking off suddenly.
"Charles, what was all that about?" asked Ororo.
"I need to go back to the mansion and get on Cerebro at once," said Charles as he rolled off quickly.
"Is he going to be ok Aunty O?" asked Evan slightly worried.
"I don't know, I have never seen him like this before, but I want you to be careful around your new friend," said Ororo seriously before hurrying to catch up to the Professor.
"Hey Kitty you and Rogue were awesome out there and I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime," asked the boy who played Dracula.
"I'm sorry, but I got other plans, but maybe some other time," said Kitty with an apologizing look before she took off to finish getting off the rest of her costume.
"I can't believe you just turned down a date with the boy you were crushing heavily on yesterday," said Rogue walking up besides Kitty.
"I already told you earlier that I am going to be going out with Naruto right after I finish getting the rest of this make up off my face," said Kitty.
"You know if you wanted to go out with that boy I wouldn't have minded we could have always hung out some other time," said Naruto coming up from behind both girls and surprising them.
"Boy don't do that," said Rogue angrily.
"Sorry didn't mean to scare you," said Naruto sheepishly as he scratched the back of his head.
"Naruto, how did you get back here?" asked Kitty curious.
"I used my mad ninja skills to sneak right on by everyone so that I could congratulate you both on a great job in the play," said Naruto with a smirk.
"Ninja skills right, but thanks," said Rogue with a small smile.
"You really thought we did well?" asked Kitty with a blush.
"Oh yeah, and I'm offended that you think I am lying about being a master ninja," said Naruto with mock hurt look on his face. Kitty just giggled while Rogue rolled her eyes at him, but had a small smile on her face.
"So Kitty do you want to postpone our hanging out session so you can go out on a date with that guy you like?" asked Naruto getting back to the main issue.
"No," yelled Kitty loudly and quickly.
"I mean, no that is ok besides I don't even like him that much," said Kitty trying to cover up for her outburst.
"Oh ok, well would you like to come with us Rogue? The more the merrier they say," asked Naruto looking at Rogue.
"No, I think Rogue has other plans, right Rogue?" replied Kitty giving Rogue a death glare.
"Actually, I don't have other plans and I would just love to come along. I'll meet you both out there in a minute," said Rogue before walking away with a smirk as Kitty glare a hole through her back.
"Ok great, I'm parked right out front," said Naruto as he and Kitty headed out.
"You have car?" asked Kitty as she stopped glaring.
"Yeah, I just bought one today since I needed a way to get around. I'm not really a car guy so I don't know if I chose a cool car or not, but I like it," answered Naruto.
"I wish I had a car," said Kitty gloomily.
"You have your permit right?" asked Naruto curiously.
"Yeah, but I have to wait another year until I can get my license and no one is willing to teach me to drive at the Institute because I'm such a klutz," said Kitty.
"Hmm, how about I teach you how to drive after we get done roaming the town, and I'll even let you use my car," said Naruto shocking Kitty. He didn't tell her that he just learned how to drive the other day by using a forbidden jutsu to steal the knowledge from someone because he knew that probably wouldn't sit well with the girl.
"Are you serious?!" yelled Kitty with stars in her eyes as she hung onto Naruto's arm.
"Sure, look that's my car right there," said Naruto pointing to the blue Ford Mustang. Kitty just looked shocked that Naruto was driving a brand new Ford Mustang.
"Oh my god, this is your car," said Kitty as she stared at it. It wasn't as nice as Scott's convertible, but still she couldn't believe he would be willing to let her drive it.
"Yeap, hop on in and I'll turn on the AC while we wait for Rogue," said Naruto as he automatically unlocked all the doors. Kitty didn't need to be told twice and instantly got in and was surprised to see that the inside was just as nice as the outside with leather seats, CD player, and nice speaker system. This car must have cost him a fortune to get all of this stuff added in. Naruto just calmly turned on the AC and then told Kitty to feel free to turn on any radio station she wanted.
"There comes Rogue now," said Naruto before rolling down his window and shouting out to the girl.
"Hey Rogue over here," shouted Naruto waving to the girl. Rogue, like Kitty, was surprised to see the type of car Naruto was driving and slowly made her way over to the duo.
"This is your car?" asked Rogue as she got into the backseat.
"Yeah, brand new, do you like it?" asked Naruto curious as he started the car up.
"I like the inside, but I can't say blue is a favorite color of mine," said Rogue.
"Just ignore her, she is like that to everyone," said Kitty as she flipped through radio stations.
"I'm sorry, next time I get a car it'll be in green and black. I'll even name it after you, call it my Rogue Ride," said Naruto with a wink causing the girl to glare at him while hiding her blush.
"Smartass," mumbled Rogue with a smirk.
"So Kitty, where do you want to go first?" asked Naruto.
"Well, since Rogue is here now, why don't we just go to the mall and hang out," replied Kitty whom really wanted to go with a movie with Naruto alone so that she could lean up against him.
"Figures," said Rogue causing Kitty to turn around and start an argument with her.
"You two always this happy around each other or did I just catch you both in a good mood?" asked Naruto with a smirk causing both girls to blush before mumbling an apology to him.
"Professor I think it is time for you to put Cerebro away for the day. It is now 10, and you have been on it since we got back from Rogue and Kitty's play," said Ororo walking into the room with Logan at her side.
"Yeah what gives," asked Logan gruffly.
"Something about that boy, Naruto Uzumaki worries me. I was feeling a strange power coming off of him, but when I went to investigate it by peeking into his mind, he told me to stop as if he knew what I was about to do. I don't mean to brag, but no one has ever able to detect my presence in their mind unless they are a psychic themselves," said Charles as he took off Cerebro.
"Is the boy a mutant?" asked Logan.
"No, he is something else and that is what scares me," said Charles as he rolled out of the room with Ororo and Logan following behind him.
"Where are Kitty and Rogue I do not feel their presence inside the mansion," said Charles.
"They are out with some boy from what I hear," said Logan, but didn't get to say much more before a car pulled up in front of the mansion. The three adults watched as the boy they were discussing earlier came out the passenger side and Kitty came out on the driver's side.
"What is that girl doing driving?" asked Ororo glaring at Naruto because she knew it was somehow his fault.
"I will talk to her later, but for now let us just watch," said Charles.
With Naruto
"See, I told you that you would be able to do it Kitty," said Naruto with a smile.
"I still can't believe you were able to teach her," said Rogue coming out of the back seat.
"You're just jealous because I was able to drive and you weren't," said Kitty sticking her tongue out at Rogue. Naruto was about to say something, but he felt three presences watching them and turned to see the Professor, Ororo, and Logan looking down at them.
"I think you two better go, your guardians don't seem too happy," said Naruto pointing behind them. Rogue and Kitty looked up and groaned when they saw the adults waiting for them.
"I'll see you two later and I hope we can do this again sometime because I had a great time," said Naruto as he walked up to each girl and gave her a peck on the cheek before getting in his car and driving off. Both girls just watched him drive off before sighing dreamily. They may not have liked sharing him, but the day went so great that they completely forgot about their animosity towards each other and ended up having a great time.
"So how mad you think the Professors are going to be?" asked Kitty as they walked inside the mansion.
"We are so busted," replied Rogue.