AN: This is the start of a new fanfic, hope you like it and please review.

Usagi Tsukino walked quickly down the street, she felt as though she was being followed. Quickly she darted into an alley and transformed in Sailor Moon, just to be safe if there was someone in deed following her.

Jumping unto the rooftop of the closest building, she looked down to see if there was anyone around here. Sure enough there was a man, dressed all in black, walking down the street and into the alley; looking as if trying to find her.

Sailor Moon felt herself get scared. Why was a man following her? Did he know who she was? Suddenly all Sailor Moon wanted was to go home and sleep, or go over to her boyfriend's house and be consoled.

Sailor Moon quickly leaped unto the next rooftop then jumped back on the ground, transformed back to her civilian form, and then quickly ran to Darien's apartment. She ran up the stairs to his place and knocked frantically on the door.

The door quickly opened and there stood Mamoru, Usagi's long time boyfriend of almost two years. He looked down at her, concerned at why she was here at such a late time. Then when he saw her frantic face, all knowledge of time fled.

" Usako? What are you doing here? Are you okay? You looked scared," he said as he reached over to hug her and usher her into his apartment. Once sitting down on the couch, he tried again.

" Are you okay?"

Usagi shook her head. " No. Not really," she paused and looked up at him. " I was walking home from Mina's house and then I thought someone was watching me so I darted into an alley and transformed. Then I jumped up unto a rooftop and saw a man dressed all in black looking for me. Mamoru I'm so scared."

Mamoru gently pulled her into his arms and held her. He didn't know what to say. A man had followed her, but why? Did he know about her secret? There could be a thousand and one reasons why he was apparently stocking her. But right now he didn't want to let his angel out of his sight.

" Oh Usagi-chan. Don't worry. Everything will be okay. Just remember that you are Sailor Moon and that you are strong. You can easy defend yourself. But don't worry I'm not letting you out of my sight."

" Thanks Mamo-chan," Usagi sighed feeling slightly better as she snuggled into his embrace. " I feel better now that I saw you."

" That's good," Mamoru said, smiling into her hair. After a few minutes Mamoru pulled slightly away so that he could see her face.

" Would you like some hot chocolate before you go?" he asked as he looked at his watch. " Its only 9:30. I could drive you home after."

" Oh Mamo-chan that would be the best," Usagi squealed as she did whenever someone mentioned food or drink.

Mamoru smiled and then got up and went to the kitchen to prepare it. Usagi curled up on the couch and waited for him. Within a few minutes he came back with two steaming cups of hot chocolate.

" How is Mina?" he asked as he sat down next to Usagi.

" Oh she's great. So are the rest of the girls."

Mamoru nodded. " That's good. And how's our little girl doing?"

Usagi blushed. After almost a year, she still couldn't believe that Chibi-Usa was their future daughter. Thinking about that made her blush all the time. She smiled over at him, cheeks still flushed.

" Chibi-Usa is staying the night at her friend's house. She's well though."

" Good. She's such an angel."

Usagi nodded. Sure she was sweet enough in front of him, but when they were alone she wasn't always the angel that people saw her as. Still, all in all, she was a sweet girl.

Usagi took a sip of her hot chocolate and wondered who it could have been following her. She couldn't think of anyone who secretly liked her or acted strange around her. She hadn't caught a good look at him since he was dressed all in black and seemed to be wearing shaded glasses and a high collared overcoat. Usagi sighed deeply.

Mamoru looked over at Usagi as he heard her loud sigh. She was thinking about that man who she'd seen earlier. He really didn't think talking about it would help her feel better but maybe together they could figure out who he was.

" Did you get a good look at him?" Mamoru asked softly.

Usagi shook her head and her hair swayed. " He was dressed all in black like I said and his eyes were covered by shaded glasses."

" Hmm… do you know how long he was following you for?"

" No. I only noticed him just after Motoki's arcade."

Mamoru nodded and remained silent. There was nothing they could do right now, but hope that he would leave her alone. If he didn't, Mamoru would report him to the police. But he didn't want to frighten Usagi any more than she already was, and telling her that they needed to inform the police would certain scare her more.

Drinking the last sip of her hot chocolate, Usagi slowly got up. Turning, as Mamoru stood, she faced him with a smile. " I just want to forget about it. Maybe it was nothing."

Mamoru nodded as he walked into the hallway to fetch his coat and keys. Turning back to her he smiled a mischievous smile, and a childish look that brightened his face.

" Motorcycle or car?" he asked holding up the keys for her to pick. Usagi smiled, knowing that he already knew which one she'd want. Usagi giggled at him and then picked the key for the motorcycle. Waving it in the air, she rushed outside. Hurrying after her, they walked to the apartment garage to get the motorcycle.

Mamoru got on the motorcycle first and then motioned for Usagi to get on. Picking up her helmet, the one Mamoru had specially bought for her, she quickly got on and held unto Mamoru. Placing her hands around his stomach, and head on his back, they quickly drove off towards her house. Once at her house, Mamoru helped her off and then walked her to her door.

" Goodnight Angel," Mamoru whispered into the semi- cold spring night.

Usagi blushed at those words and was glad that her house owned no porch light, and that the streetlight barely covered them. Standing in the dark with Mamoru was just so romantic.

" Goodnight, Mamo-chan. See you tomorrow?"

" Of course. How about breakfast, my treat, hmm?" he murmured softly into her ear.

Usagi smiled. " Sounds perfect. Pick me up for eight?"

Mamoru nodded and kissed her gently before turning around and walking back to his motorcycle. Usagi watched as he drove off and then sighed deeply. Oh how much she loved that man. He treated her so nice.