As I'm here writing the last chapter of Babysitting, I wish more than ever Edward would drop by my house, probably because it's 95 degrees Fahrenheit in the shade. But until that great day… Disclaimer: Stephenie Meyer owns Twilight/New Moon/Cullens/etc. You've read enough disclaimers to get the idea.

Here's Chapter 6! The final chapter to this story! Thank you for all the hits and reviews… I love you all! BPOV.


It was pitch black as we pulled up to the Cullen household, but luckily the motion light turned on- maybe I could get to the front door without tripping. Edward smiled; he was psyched to see Hope, I could tell. He gracefully got out of the car and managed to appear to open my door. Always a gentleman.

"Here's your tip," I said, reaching up and kissing his cheek.

"I'll remember to open your door more often," he said smiling.

We walked up to the house and turned the key in the lock. Inside, the house was quiet and dark except for a light in the kitchen. Arm in arm, we walked up the stairs. Of course, I tripped on the top stair, only to have Edward's icy arms catch me. "I can't take you anywhere, Bella," he murmured,

Straightening myself up, I gave him a playful shove (yielding no results) and continued down the hall. The door to Edward's room was open ajar, with a dim light seeping out. He slowly opened it, and we entered.

Hope was sleeping peacefully in her little bed and Alice was lying on the couch watching her. When Alice saw us, she got up and gave us both hugs. "How was it?" she asked excitedly.

"Pretty good," I answered.

Edward nodded. "Thanks for watching her, Alice. How's Hope?"

Alice smiled. "Read her a story, gave her dinner, changed her diaper, played for a little bit, naps until Rose called and woke her up, and then she fell back asleep."

Edward nodded again and walked over to where Hope was. He gently picked her up and held her in his arms. It was so adorable to watch him rock her gently, beaming down on her with his liquid golden eyes…

It reminded me of when we had decided that her name was to be Hope. After giving birth, I blacked out completely. When I woke up, Edward was sitting next to my bed, holding our new baby girl. I remember exactly what he said as he handed her to me; "Bella, this is hope in its tangible form."

"You know," Alice said to me as she watched her brother, "You two are very lucky to have such a beautiful little girl,"

"We are," I agreed whole-heartedly, "Sometimes I can't believe it myself,"

Alice grinned. "She looks just like you, Edward."

Edward laid Hope back on her bed. "You think so? I think she looks like her mother,"

I blushed. "Not really… she has your human eyes, your hair…"

"But she has the same hands as you," he said softly, wrapping his strong arms around me.

"Well thank so much for babysitting her, Alice…" I said.

Her face lit up. "Anytime! Hope and I had lots of fun, didn't we?"

Edward and I smiled: Alice was such a great aunt.

Then Hope rolled over, still asleep, and gave us one of her tiny smiles.


This is my first-ever completed fan fiction besides oneshots! I'm so happy! But it wouldn't have happened if it weren't for all the wonderful people who always read and review this story and all my stories. To all of you- THANK YOU SO MUCH! You always make my day ; ) I'm so glad a lot of you enjoyed reading- I enjoyed writing!

