This here is take two of a story of mine. I started this one before leaving it a quick one-shot and wrote the sequel which didn't go so well. So this time I'm writing a longer version of this before going onto the sequel.
And I know it is sort of a plot that has been over done before, but I've added my own little twist to it.
Disclaimer: I do not own any little, or big, detail of this story. They all belong to the wonderful JK Rowling.
Forgetting Hogwarts
"Hermione! Hermione! Come down here quick!" a voice called out, disrupting Hermione Granger's first day sleep as an eighteen year old. She pried her eyes open and slowly sat up. "Hurry Hermione!" she identified the voice as Ron's.
"I'm coming Ron!" she called back and climbed out of bed in the room she usually shared with Ginny, but the younger girl was in her last year of Hogwarts and as such was at school. She quickly found a pair of jeans and a long t-shirt. After changing she went down the stairs, being careful not to run. "OK OK what is it?" she asked when she reached the bottom, Harry Ron and Mrs. Weasley were in the kitchen.
"Sit down dear," Mrs. Weasley, "and Happy Birthday."
"Thank you," Hermione said almost questioningly as she sat down.
"Hermione, look at this, just arrived this morning," Ron said pushing a copy of the Daily Prophet over to her. She sighed, she didn't usually read the paper, before the war it was all lies leading up to it, during the war was more lies, and now that the war was over it was not full of lies, but of useless information, most of the time.
Upon looking at the headline her mouth dropped. It read: NEW LAW PASSED! ALL ADULT FEMALE MUGGLEBORNS MUST MARRY A PUREBLOOD WIZARD! She quickly read the article.
Because of the increase of squibs being born into pureblood families a new law has been put into consideration and passed. All female muggleborns aged seventeen and older, who are not yet married, must be wed to a pureblood wizard by their next birthday. Failure to abide by this law will mean being removed from the wizarding community. The pureblood wizard just has to write into the newly created Department of Marriage and request a muggleborn's hand. The first to petition for a hand will be the one to get it.
Hermione looked up, tears stinging her eyes, how could the ministry force this, it was unheard of. Unthinkable. Inhuman! She couldn't bare to read the rest.
For a moment no one said anything or moved, but finally Harry got up and gave her a sideways hug, "I know this must be a lowly birthday gift Hermione, but if it'll make you feel better, the moment Ron read the article he wrote to the ministry for your hand."
Hermione smiled, "Thanks," she meekly. Ron rushed up to give her a hug too. She wasn't too excited by the fact that she could possibly be marring one of her best friends, but it was better then having to marry someone she didn't know, or someone who was forty years older then her.
"Here have some tea," Mrs. Weasley said placing a cup of herbal tea in front of her, "Now boys back away, let her breathe." Both boys did just that, taking the chairs right next to her.
"Here, happy birthday," Ron said giving her a long narrow package wrapped in shinny red paper. Hermione took it and opened it. Inside were three different quills, one red, one gold, and one stripped red and gold, and an ink well.
"Thank you Ron," she said quietly looking at the gift. A smile lit up his face.
"And since you can't just have quills and nothing to use them with, here," Harry said giving her a thinner, but wider and longer package. Again she took it and opened it, this one wrapped in gold paper. Inside was a book with Hermione's Diary stamped across the top.
"Oh thank you both of you," she said crying again, hugging both the boys. Within half an hour she had gotten two owls, one from Hogwarts with a book called Catching the Flight, Fairies and other 'Mythical' Creatures from Ginny, and one with a box of Fred and Georges jokes from Fred and George. And even a letter from a couple Auror's in-training, wishing her a happy birthday; as she was training with them and Ron and Harry.
It would have been a nearly perfect day except for the letter that came after lunch. It was addressed to Hermione, so she opened it. At once a small stream of smoke came from the opening and wrapped around the ring finger on her left hand. When it disappeared a ring sat in its place. It had a green stone in the center and was circled with six silvery diamonds. After the shock of that wore off she reached in and pulled out the letter.
Dear Miss Granger, it read
As off this morning you have had three requests for your hand. Draco Malfoy, Ron Weasley, and Rikkulus Ronford.
Draco Malfoy is eighteen and rich. He has blond hair, and silver eyes.
Ron Weasley is eighteen and poor. He has read hair, and green eyes.
Rikkulus Ronford is forty-eight and rich. He has going grey brown hair and brown eyes.
As Draco Malfoy was the first to actually apply for your hand, you will be marrying him.
Best of luck,
Margaret Smith,
And there it is. Hope you liked it.
Please review.
Rebellion Author.